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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / ATF raid in AR
« on: May 28, 2024, 04:00:29 AM »
Bryan Malinowski Was the executive director of the Little Rock airport aka Bill and Hillary Clinton airport aka Adam’s Field aka KLIT (really?)

Anyway, he was a firearms collector and hobbyist. He sold them totally legally up until recently when the ATF made up a new (unconstitutional) rule about needing a dealer license to sell just about any gun which has since been injuncted by a court.

In the meantime the ATF got a warrant to search this guy’s house. Instead of maybe approaching this guy at work at the airport, they decide to raid his home in the dark at 6am.  Ten cars worth of dark clad agents.  They put tape over his door cam, bust down the door without knocking or announcing themselves or wearing body cams. Mr. Malinowski hears this, and thinking it’s a home invasion gets a firearm, attempts to defend himself and his wife and is shot in the head next to his wife, who is then dragged outside in her flimsy nightie, barefoot, and they make her sit in the car for 4 hours denying her a bathroom break or letting her know the condition of her husband. Her husband was brain dead and eventually did not survive.

I believe this new rule originated with the Biden administration. They’re coming after ALL us legal, peaceful gun owners. 

Here is Jim Jordan grilling this piece of shit ATF director:

Here’s another of the House investigation:

Spin Zone / Re: On Memorial Day
« on: May 27, 2024, 06:59:31 AM »
I rarely drink but on Memorial Day I have 2 beers.  One for my buddies who came home horizontally and the other for me.  My flag is at half staff today for them and others.

I am very lucky in that I had no close friends or family killed in war despite several having served. But we have a cousin who died in WW2 and there are two versions of the story.  He has a memorial in our family plot but his remains are somewhere in India or offshore underwater.

He was in the Army Air Corps and was shot down over the Himalayas and presumed dead. A year later the family discovered that he had survived and was a prisoner of war in Burma.  One version says he was released and was on a transport plane home when the plane went down over India. The other version is he died in the POW camp and it was his body being brought home on the transport which crashed into the ocean.

Either way, another of our cousins recently contacted Indian officials in an attempt to locate/recover his body (80 years later) but was told it was impossible due to religious reasons. Maybe Hindus believe you shouldn't disturb the dead or something?  Or maybe just that's what they told him, but no way were they gonna expend any money or effort to do this.  Anyway, it ain't never gonna happen.  He left a widow who never remarried, and no children.  He was 24 years old.

This prompted me to look up recovery efforts and I found that we did indeed try very hard to recover the WW2 dead:

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: May 27, 2024, 06:38:51 AM »
I love it here.

Me too.  I'm an introvert and like the small intimate atmosphere here.  Even so I was okay with AOPA and POA until they got draconian with the censoring.  That was the deal killer.

Spin Zone / Re: On Memorial Day
« on: May 27, 2024, 04:24:16 AM »
I have no plans except to double down on my intention to not vote for warmongering Democrats and RINOs.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:59:11 AM »
This is exactly what I'm seeing.  Blacks and Latinos who have been unfairly treated by the justice system are watching the same kind of perverted justice system that affects them.  And they are sympathetic to President Trump's fight against it.

Also the drug dealers in the hood respect masculine success and for that matter, womanizing.  They’ve been persecuted by the legal system for simply providing a product that’s in demand, and see Trump being persecuted by the legal system for a payment to a ho.  Of course they sympathize with that!  They aren’t the least offended by Trump’s “grab them by the pussy” hyperbole. The Democrats must be beside themselves with panic that they’re losing a large portion of the black male hood vote, and on top of that, the black male working class vote, who just want a good economy again, and who are quite offended at the far left trans bullshit.  You’re talking about religious conservatives even if they are erstwhile Democrats.

Spin Zone / Re: Bronx Rally
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:07:05 AM »
I got too busy to be on X the past couple of weeks, flying east and dealing with siblings/mom's house, and since I got home I have no desire to return.  Not saying I won't eventually.  The thing is, I had gotten used to getting my news from X.  But if anything important happens, I'm sure you guys will alert me.  If you link an X post I do read it.

Spin Zone / Re: Draining the Swamp
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:01:24 AM »
I respect that he had the intention to drain the swamp.  He had no idea how difficult that would be.  It's nearly impossible to fire federal / state employees.  And they know how to fight back.  All else being equal, and with no artificial pandemic panic, he may have been able to carve away at the deep state swamp.  He just never had a good shot at it.  I think that next time he'll be more prepared, be more knowledgeable, and will have a better team of advisors than last time.

If nothing else he exposed them; made them "rip off the mask" as I think Lucifer puts it.

Did you hear James Comey talk about how we absolutely cannot allow Trump to be elected because he will weaponize the DOJ/FBI against his political enemies?  He cannot possibly not be doing that totally consciously and deliberately!

Spin Zone / Re: Bronx Rally
« on: May 25, 2024, 08:06:39 AM »
Trump’s message was a message of unity, of America, of optimism, and he delivered it without a hint of intersectional politics, race baiting, or grievance mongering. He also spoke for two hours straight without a teleprompter, mumbling, trailing off with “but never mind, I probably shouldn’t say that”, claiming he was Vice President during covid, or invoking cannibals.

Anybody would be insane to vote for Biden over Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: The Bee-pocalypse
« on: May 25, 2024, 07:15:10 AM »
As Stossel points out, those hurt the most are the world’s poor. The climate change grifters don’t care if people starve. The media happily promotes their psychopathic murderous agenda.

Spin Zone / The Bee-pocalypse
« on: May 25, 2024, 05:02:22 AM »
Thank you, John Stossel, for exposing this lie. Today’s media is nothing but garbage.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 24, 2024, 05:49:57 AM »
They look at Dictator Zelenskyy and marvel at martial law and how the elections are suspended, as well as how he has gotten rid of opposition parties either by jailing them or eviction.   


As they are attempting to do with Trump.  AOC came out and said the truth out loud: that they are using the trials to deliberately prevent Trump from campaigning, thereby interfering in the election.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 24, 2024, 05:23:31 AM »
  Russia has always used mercenaries, as do most militaries.  There's nothing new here.

  Ukraine is running low on troops.  This is why Dictator Zelenskyy wants to become (one of the reasons) a member of NATO so he can get a pipeline of troops to fight his war, as well as more money and equipment.

  No one sees just how ridiculous this clusterfuck has become.   We watch Israel get attacked and the FJB Regime keeps demanding Israel ceasefire and enter into peace talks (with a terrorist group no less) yet that same regime has impeded peace talks and negotiations on the Ukraine war.

  The FJB regime has held back munitions from Israel while demanding more money that has almost unaccountability for a country being run by a dictator.

  Anyone with just a few functioning brain cells can see what the Ukraine war is really about, and why the people behind it want it to continue indefinitely.

  The final irony in all of this:  Conservatives have always been painted as "war mongers" while the leftist have cried "If you elect that republican he'll get us into a war!", yet now look at where we are.    Unreal.

Same with the first amendment. It used to be the liberals that were for free speech, now they are the most pro-censorship bunch we’ve ever had. 

Bill Maher openly admits this now.  He’s a lifelong Democrat and has become sick of the far left takeover.  He was on the View recently speaking out against “woke”.  He regularly bemoans how the educational system has been taken over by Marxists, that the kids haven’t been taught history, that they don’t know we’ve tried communism and it hasn’t worked, ever, not even once.  Capitalism has its problems but there is no better system and it is why this country is so prosperous.

In fact, I agree with Maher on nearly everything with two exceptions:  He has bad TDS, so bad he will vote for Biden, in which case he is voting for all the bad policies he complains about, and he buys into the climate change hoax.

In the first case he seems to have drunk the Kool-Aid that Trump is a fascist dictator and in the second he simply hasn’t researched climate change beyond CNN.  These two things indicate he gets all his news from the leftist mainstream.  When he talked with Roseanne Barr it was revealed he had never even heard of the WEF or Klaus Schwab.  But for existing in this lefty bubble kudos to him for being as anti-woke as he is.

Excuse me for veering off the subject but free speech and all, on this forum.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 24, 2024, 04:49:05 AM »
Mercenary fighting for the Russians has a different view:

Assuming we can believe what’s posted on Chinese social media; in this case I think we can.

Russia is running low on men, if hiring myriad of mercenaries is any indication. He paints a clear picture of the disadvantages (language barriers, no “brothers in arms” cohesion). 

But these are not necessarily indicative of Russia losing the war. China has millions it can send to help and Russia has closed the borders to stop its own young men from fleeing.

Someone not me who has been in actual combat tell me if this is true:  Drones are a game changer.  I’ve seen camera footage from drones as they detect men or tanks, target and kill.  Death from a soulless robot from above.   Small and agile, unlike manned aircraft, harder to target with anti-aircraft weapons before it drops its load or suicides into you?  And cheap as hell compared to other means of aerial attack.  The technology will probably rapidly get better to make them even more deadly.

Russia isn’t going to be defeated. Nor will she just stop. As long as the U.S. pumps resources into Ukraine this will go on indefinitely.  Yes Russia has a manpower problem but so does Ukraine. Both sides will send men to die until none are left, then they’ll keep paying ever more mercenaries or worse, get their allies directly involved: Russia-China vs Ukraine-USA/NATO. Great.

We need Trump in office to tell these two to knock it off.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 23, 2024, 05:51:27 PM »
But still, a complete Russian victory over there will be far worse than us supporting Ukraine.


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