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Messages - Number7

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This is a primer on how to piss off big government/communist/democrats.
Telling the truth is largely illegal these days, and telling the truth on big government communists is grounds for extermination.

I'd look for SWAT and the corrupt pigs of the fbi to immediately start proceedings to 'neutralize' this 'THREAT to democracy,' as soon as possible.

‘The WEF, the WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates all advocated a global humanity injection by a bioweapon, injecting nano lipids into 5.7 billion people... We can no longer tolerate any entity that promotes poison to be injected into humanity.'

Pascal Najadi, the son of World Economic Forum co-founder Hussain Najadi, called for the arrests of those responsible for the forced COVID-19 “vaccinations” of 5.7 billion people around the world, saying the injections are a bioweapon leading to “democide.”

“Democide” is a term coined a few decades ago that refers to government mass murder and extermination of civilian populations via either direct action or indifference.

“Everything evil in the world related to democide, unfortunately, comes from Geneva,” Najadi said as he listed the global organizations headquartered in Geneva that played major roles in mandating the COVID jab, which has proved deadly to an estimated 50 million souls around the globe and medically debilitating to tens of millions more.

Among those organizations based in Geneva are the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization (GAVI).

Spin Zone / This Too Shall Pass
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:28:33 AM »
Town Hall published the most interesting article today, by Alan Joseph Bauer.

Unlike the left wing, communist-democrats, when an actual journalist writes an opinion piece, it is not assumed that the lunatic fringe leftist horde of assholes will adopt it as the gospel. The article clearly states it is an opinion piece.
The writer makes so many important points that I can't begin to list them all, but a couple are included below.

Please read the entire piece and see how carefully he makes his point.

When he related that the Saudi's sent burial dress with the aid package, meaning "DROP DEAD," it tells you how the arab world feels about the parasites of hamas.

There is a famous story about King Solomon, the wisest of all men. He asked a jeweler to fashion him a ring that would help him to keep his head straight at all times. The jeweler was overwhelmed by the task given him and did not know what to offer the king. With the deadline approaching, the jeweler made a gold ring engraved in Hebrew, “This too shall pass.” King Solomon was thrilled with the ring. When one finds himself in bad times, he must hold onto himself and remember that the storm will pass and a better day will arrive. When, on the other hand, a person finds himself on the top of the world, a word of caution—this too will pass, so prepare yourself for the day after.

If one watches or reads the news, it would seem that the world has gone mad. Israeli citizens were murdered, raped, and tortured in the most hideous ways possible. More videos and stories keep coming out, as do first-hand accounts of the human-looking animals who took part in the attack as well as those who were first on the scene. Just when one thinks that he has heard the worst, a new story comes out with gruesome pictures of something that one would have thought a human being could never do to another person. The depravity of the Hamas barbarians and their fellow jihadis in the Palestinian Authority, ISIS, Hizbollah, and Iran has been shown to the world, and the world wants to throw up.

Even their brethren Arabs are embarrassed by their behavior. It has been said that Egypt and Saudi Arabia sent traditional funeral gowns in their aid packages allowed into the Gaza Strip. Hamas got the message: drop dead.

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: October 28, 2023, 05:55:41 AM »
The EV insanity is a lot like the virus/vaccine scam.

It's all ginned up using faked data, with covering fire from the state run media and the communist democrat party.

Somewhere in this is a bunch of big bribes for biden and obama.

Count on it.

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: October 27, 2023, 02:34:32 PM »
Ford to Delay Spending $12 BILLION on EV Expansion Due to Slowing Customer Demand

Ford announced Thursday that it will delay about $12 billion in planned spending to increase EV manufacturing capacity.

Ford CFO John Lawler made the statements in a media briefing. The major U.S. automaker had expected electric vehicle sales to increase at a much higher pace, according to CNBC.

Persistently high interest rates are slowing the pace of demand for EVs, Reuters reported this week.

On Thursday, Ford reported an operating loss of $1.3 billion in its EV division during the third quarter. In the statement, the auto maker said that customers are unwilling to pay the premiums for EVs over that of gas or hybrid vehicles, which combine characteristics of battery and gas power.

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 24, 2023, 07:59:44 PM »
I believe most of that was due to COVID.  Was he supposed to veto all of that?

I guess you would have been quite happy allowing McCarthy to continue going along with whatever the Democrats wanted.

Not to worry, we'll probably end up with McCarthy again.

It wouldn’t matter if President atrump cured cancer, solved world hunger and ended all wars, he would find something idiotic to blame him for and spout off like a wounded magpie with a crack habit.

He is like mikey junior on the subject of President Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: October 23, 2023, 07:46:45 AM »
When you are the scion of powerful political machine family, and you are the incumbent, AND you lose a statewide congressional election in a state that has so few people that senators outnumber congress members two to one, obviously the only thing left to do is declare yourself a candidate for president.

lizzy the piggy can join mikey pence and others polling below the decimal point.

What a wonderful way for the cunt to be remembered.

Spin Zone / Re: mRNA Shots Linked To 17 Million Sudden Deaths
« on: October 14, 2023, 12:14:17 PM »
Peer review has become as suspect as one of al gore's climate predictions.

The radical, one-narrative all the time, politics of academia have destroyed any credibility that the academic squad had when it comes to almost all topics.

Spin Zone / Re: Glass top stoves are the work of Satan
« on: October 10, 2023, 12:28:32 PM »
It’s gonna be worse tomorrow. No food all day.

Now I'm even sorrier...

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Columbus Day
« on: October 09, 2023, 08:28:44 AM »
Really pisses me off when addicts illegally use every new drug that comes along and gives it bad name and then they're restricted for legitimate medical use. They gave me fentanyl when I had my hip replacement. Thank God for opiates!  Fuck addicts and their lazy enabled lifestyle. And fuck the government for restricting domestic production while China makes the stuff and Mexican cartels illegally smuggle it into our country.  Close the fucking border!  Stop feeding drug addicts!  They'll get clean when they're hungry enough, or they'll die. Either way, problem solved.  Leave doctors and patients the hell alone.

Several years ago a school district outlawed students wearing crucifixes because (they said) local gangs used them as gang culture apparel.

Now if that logic wasn't flawed enough from a first amendment standpoint, the idiot sin charge at the school district thought that taking away a student's identification with their chosen religion was a good way to 'standardize' the learning environment. Stupid people often populate school boards. What can I say?

Punishing everyone because of the bad behavior of stupid people is a long standing liberal policy. They never get it right whenever they try to intervene and never will because they look at life as zero sum game and can't seem to fathom how many changes happen whenever you alter one rule.

liberals can't seem to allow themselves to imagine living in a where world of multiple outcomes are possible and always chooses the path of most invasion of personal rights.

...but... how would anyone tell the difference???

In an emergency, overnight referendum, the American people voted on Thursday to replace the United States Senate with a room full of monkeys throwing feces. The measure passed with 57% of the vote. 22% of voters thought the Senate should be replaced by barking seals, while 17% voted that the replacement should be the pit of venomous snakes from Indiana Jones. 3.97% voted that Senate members be replaced by screaming goats. "About 100 people" voted for the current Senators to keep their jobs, with this tiny voting bloc centered in Washington, D.C.

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 05, 2023, 05:43:56 AM »
I guess the consensus of the establishment republicans was: “How DARE anyone oppose our spend and steal policies!!!” and some posters here are fully on board with that strategy.

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 04, 2023, 05:50:14 AM »
The two Republican debates were lame.

The worst thing going on with the lame ass debates is that the clowns seem to think they are NOT running against the communist controlled biden, instead are like a couple of posters here that think everything is about Trump.


Really stupid.

Spin Zone / Re: Removing McCarthy as speaker?
« on: October 03, 2023, 06:02:30 PM »
You mean they'll actually debate this, like actually democracy?

He made concessions and promises to get this position, then reneged.  I'm still waiting for the release of the Jan 6th tapes.
I'm glad he's gone and I thank God for people like Matt Gaetz.

I cannot understand why so called republicans are so offended that principled conservatives are refusing to emulate the fucking communist democrat party and vote in lockstep like demented democrat nazis.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: October 01, 2023, 03:16:05 PM »
The government has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it has become the ENEMY.

Spin Zone / Re: Troll or For Real?
« on: October 01, 2023, 01:35:19 PM »

"ejection handle pulled"

no real great military leader would bail so quickly.

I wonder if his real name is brian williams from cbs….
and if he single handedly defeated the aliens in 2013?

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