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Messages - bflynn

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I'm a Meterological Nilihst.

Spin Zone / Re: When All The Media Narratives Collapse
« on: November 14, 2021, 04:34:22 PM »

The post explained how, if you act within the next 3 hours after its posting, you can make fifty thousand dollars.

Spin Zone / Re: Still Think the Vaccines Work?
« on: November 13, 2021, 06:41:06 AM »
It seems from the article NONE of them were sick. They had to be tested because of contact tracing, which apparently is still being done in places, they were all supposedly exposed to one case somewhere.

The article doesn’t tell you unless I missed it, of the 44 positive tests how many were vaccinated. It just said “the team” is 99.5% vaccinated. Forgive my ignorance, I’ve no idea how many players are on a football team. Suppose it is 200. That means 190 of them are vaccinated. Now supposed the 44 positive results include all ten of the unvaccinated.

What is the rate of positives in each group now?



If that were true then the vaccine is very effective. All the unvaccinated tested positive but less than 1/5 of the vaccinated did.

Next, what is the false positive rate of the test?

Next, is it a very high cycle test? One of the notorious scams in this “pandemic” is deliberately setting the bar far too low to trigger a positive result, thereby ballooning your “case” numbers, after redefining “case” as any positive test result regardless of being asymptomatic.

We talk about the money transfer to the already rich with the covid vaccine but forget that the test itself is a huge money maker. In fact, money, not safety, is the main driver of employment pee tests. I understand in the case of pilots and truck drivers but why in the hell should a cube dwelling paper pusher be forced to submit to a violation of his privacy if he is otherwise doing his job well and shows no symptoms of dysfunction from drug abuse? Answer: to make money for the pee test companies.

Edit:   What the hell… I made As in advanced differential equations. What is 99.5% of 200?

200 x 0.995 = 199

Good Lord. That’s what I get for trying to do math in my head.

Now suppose the ONE unvaccinated is one of the 44 positives:

1/1  positive in the unvaccinated is still 100%

43/199 positives in the vaccinated is 21.6%

My point still stands.  You could use this data to “prove” the vaccine is very effective.

But what if the unvaccinated one tests negative?  In that case, 100% of the unvaccinated are covid free and

0/1 = 0%

44/199 = 22%

22% of the vaccinated have covid. Now I can use these numbers to “prove” that not getting the vaccine is protective against getting covid!

My whole entire point is that you cannot believe news stories that say things like “all the unvaccinated got covid but only a quarter of the vaccinated did” or “none of the vaccinated got covid but a quarter of the vaccinated did” without knowing the whole story. And nearly ALL the stories out there on all sides have these glaring holes in the data.

Spin Zone / Re: Still Think the Vaccines Work?
« on: November 13, 2021, 05:01:14 AM »
I'm wondering how many of those 44 died?  Or went to the hospital?  Or even displayed symptoms.

If the vaccine didn't work, I suspect out of 44 exposures, at least a few of them must have gotten sick.

I must have missed that in the article.

  Our supply chain is at the mercy of a communist country.   A communist country who charges tariffs on our goods going to them but cries foul if we charge tariffs on their goods.

  If you even the playing field on trade, our dependence on China drops considerably.  Our former President realized that.  The CCP hated it.
Funny, when Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, there were no empty shelves and 6% inflation.

Spin Zone / Re: Letter CONFIRMS US taxpayers Funded Wuhan Lab Release
« on: November 09, 2021, 11:06:52 AM »

I do believe it's plausible the CCP doesn't care a fig about human life.

"plausible"?  Is there anything more certain than the fact the CCP doesn't care a fig about human life?

Still doesn't prove they deliberately released this thing.


Spin Zone / Re: Let’s Go Brandon
« on: November 03, 2021, 10:13:06 AM »
It’s my belief that Number 7 is FloridaCracker.
I don't think so.  Florida Cracker was actually quite intelligent and oftentimes original.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: October 25, 2021, 11:00:15 AM »
I just got back from seeing my doctor.  This was the guy who initially in early 2020 was against hydroxychloroquine. I had a long talk with him about all of this.

He is now FOR hydroxychloroquine as well as ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies, and he says, he will put you on them immediately, he will not wait til you are seriously ill in the hospital. He is a believer especially in the monoclonal antibodies and in EARLY treatment.

He also believes in the vaccine. He says even with the Delta variant that breaks through the vaccine, you still are less likely to end up seriously ill or dying and he is basing this upon his first hand experience with patients and cases.

I asked about vaccine side effects. He said the pericarditis in young males is real, but is usually very easily treated and also extremely rare. He said the whole entire thing has become so wrapped up in politics that it is difficult to separate out the truth. He said, "If you don't like Biden, you don't like the vaccine. But last year, when Trump was in office if you didn't like Trump, you didn't like the vaccine."

He said you can find information on both sides all over the map and he has tried to carefully objectively get at the truth. That he is promoting the early treatments tells me he is doing that, and that he is supporting vaccines tells me he isn't being partisan one way or the other so it seems he is honestly trying to be objective.

I've never talked to him directly about his politics but if I had to guess I'd bet he's not a liberal. He is very religious and travels as a Christian missionary. He also made a reference to the government "printing money to pay for everything" so that right there tells me he has a grounding in basic economics, which is further evidence he's not a leftist.

It's moot anyway since I'm already vaccinated but it makes me feel better about my decisions. Mind you I am not saying I'm now agreeing vaccines are safe for everyone. I still think children and young people should not get them, and I still think they are being overly promoted for the wealth of mega corporations.  But I think I made the right decision for me to get it.  And now I feel secure knowing if I get covid he will get me early treatments.

Spin Zone / Re: Texas heartbeat law - my non-professional analysis
« on: October 25, 2021, 08:15:26 AM »
I understand the strict definition of vigilante means outside the law and this statute empowers anyone through the civil law process to enforce, so technically not vigilantism.  ...

technically not vigilantism.

morally not vigilantism.

It's a gross misrepresentation to call it vigilantism.

oh heck, why sugarcoat it...actually, it's a bald-faced lie to call it vigilantism.

Pilot Zone / Re: Different airplane design back in 1903
« on: October 24, 2021, 08:22:26 AM »
dinero.   it only takes lots and lots of dinero

What are y’all talking about? How do you interpret Michael saying, “Since when do PAs prescribe anything?”  as him trying to look smart or being condescending?  I might have said the exact same sentence myself if I hadn’t known PAs can now prescribe, which I pretty much didn’t.

Have been for awhile.  But the virus can jump the vaccine.  They call them breakout infections.  Good news is I'd probably stay out of the hospital.  Better news is I'd almost certainly stay out of the morgue.  Still, I'd be stuck with a bad illness in a field in Wisconsin.  Probably couldn't fly back for a few days or a week.  That'd suck pretty hard.

If breakout infections are true why did you fear the unvaccinated but not the vaccinated?

Pilot Zone / Re: A favorite gliding / soaring video
« on: October 11, 2021, 11:58:15 AM »
but not as bad as putting crap "muzak" in the audio track.  Good grief.  Let's hear the sound of the glider.

Muzak?  That was Pink Floyd.

I see your percentages, but in practical terms, I've never know anyone in my entire life to contract these diseases, yet I know of plenty who have had the two vaccine Covid series yet contracted the virus. A vaccine this ineffective isn't a vaccine at all. And now you'll need boosters, boosters, and more boosters?

I did get the vaccine, but I now know I've been duped. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. More and more indicators point to this whole evolution as being a big pharma money grab of historic proportions.

in practical terms, please don't overlook the exposure.  Today far more people have covid-19 than have measles, mumps, etc.  (note that I'm not saying everyone has it -just  consider the number of active cases of covid vs the number of active cases of the measles).

Consider the influenza vaccine - in a typical year, there are 40 to 60 million cases of the flu in the USA.  How many vaccinated people still contracted the flu?  And you "need" the flu shot every year. 

Having said all that, I absolutely support your right to not be vaccinated.  I'm just reacting to your stated reasoning, which I believe to be flawed.

Pilot Zone / Armed protests against the TSA
« on: October 05, 2021, 08:33:36 AM »
Since a number of posters seem to be interested in my 2014 protest against the TSA at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, I will post a few responses and links here. (I tend to think of it as old news).

Firstly, let's clear up some facts. This was a deliberate political protest against the TSA constantly harassing innocent travelers in which I carried an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle directly in front of the TSA security line which is indicated on the floor. The rifle was carefully and appropriately handled at all times and was never pointed at anyone. Indeed, the case for that allegation was so weak that no charges were ever even brought. Furthermore, my arrest record was subsequently cleared by court in what is known as "declaration of innocence", which is rather rare in Arizona.

My reasons for doing so are more fully explained in my op-ed piece on the subject at

Several interesting aspects of what happened at the airport. It took the police about 20-30 mins to find a person walking around with an openly carried AR-15. Most people didn't even notice. Prior to arresting me, the police were looking for some cause for arrest and literally said "go ask those women over there if they would be willing to be a victim".

It was certainly a controversial thing to do, as protests often are, and frankly generated more publicity than I anticipated.

Since this forum tends to focus a bit more on politics I will make a few comments though tend to confine my interests here to aviation related politics. (I suppose the TSA qualifies.)

I am an ultra-libertarian and regard basically everything being done by the TSA as an intrusion on citizens rights. I am also a strong advocate for our second amendment rights. Sadly of course I think our civil liberties have been even further eroded since 2014.

As to a few of the posts here. To post a link to the arrest without noting the subsequent clearing of the arrest record is arguably libelous. To ignore the substantial coverage of the political aspects, such as our nearly immediate press conference and my op-ed, appears to be misleading at best and mostly an attempt at a personal attack.

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