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Messages - acrogimp

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Pilot Zone / Flying Club adding Cessna 180....holy cow
« on: October 16, 2018, 09:12:33 AM »
So, the Plus One Flyers club I belong to is adding a gorgeous Cessna 180 to the line, at my home field where I keep the Yak.

$175/hr, 160 mph cruise, 950 useful.....

I am REALLY looking forward to this.


Spin Zone / Re: Hillary still spinnin' it
« on: October 16, 2018, 09:02:24 AM »
The general employment relationship between Bill and Monica alone would be textbook sexual harassment under the law, consent is irrelevant, add in the age difference and the fact that he held the most powerful office ON THE PLANET at the time you simply cannot call it anything but abuse of power.

And everyone knows if the shoe was on the other foot for say W, or HW, or especially Trump the Radical Alt Left Government-Media complex would be fucking apoplectic, just look at how seriously and respectfully they treated Stormy Daniels, a PORN ACTRESS and likely CALL GIRL (although the recent decision in Trump's favor there will soon see her 15 minutes over too).

The hypocrisy is ASTRONOMICAL in scale.


Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 16, 2018, 08:05:13 AM »
Tucker Carlson has been on fire recently, he said with her stunt yesterday that Fauxcohantas has effectively crowned herself the leader of the #MeSioux movement.


Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 16, 2018, 08:03:16 AM »
She is, literally, half as Native American as the average white American.

This is just so awesome - with Hillary's 'Bill's accusers are not #MeToo' and 'she was an adult, not an abuse of power' comments you just can't make it up - shaping up to be a berry berry bad week to be a Dem.

Red Wave will push them over the edge and that will be ugly, the Antifa cowards will go full on street violence until a few of them get popped by normal citizens who have had enough of their nonsense and then Trump gets the public outcry to put those dogs down and we get a return to law and order.

Next 6 months will be chaotic but we'll see a lot of progress.


Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 15, 2018, 06:46:50 PM »
The Dem's have just totally lost the Meme Wars - FB is just filled with great Warren memes, and it isn't even 12 hours later yet.

This was an incredibly stoopid move on her part - I am more Native American than she is and my family on my Dad's side has only been here for 150 years.


Spin Zone / Re: Sears BK
« on: October 15, 2018, 03:05:21 PM »
Sears, JC Penney and Montgomery Ward.

My Dad used to work for Monkey Wards as we called it back in the day - he was a merchandiser with responsibility for toys in 1976 - we ended up with EVERY Star Wars toy ever produced, I would absolutely kill to have known they would become so collectible, we destroyed those toys and it's likely a few were proofs/limited productions.



Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 15, 2018, 03:02:27 PM »
Damn, that statement from the Cherokee Nation is gonna leave a mark.

And, everyone on this board is probably more Native American than 1/1024 Fauxcohantas.


Spin Zone / Re: First Man - Short Review
« on: October 14, 2018, 10:18:16 PM »
They did not omit the flag in general, there are wide shots of the LEM with the flag already planted, you see 'United States' on several rocket shots and the B-52 for an epic X-15 drop at the beginning - there were also several of what I believe were actual news footage of people around the world celebrating the landing - so I don't think they whitewashed the flag with respect to uniforms or space suits.

It's almost worth it just for the flying/space scenes - and a friend who worked at NASA has replied to me that apparently anecdotes he heard from people there at the time AND the book which the movie is based on WAS an approved biography and which I have not personally read yet, did also portray Armstrong as rather cold - guess it just goes to show you that you should never meet your heroes.

There is a bit of an emotional content but it was, with the exception of Jan and Neil's characters handled reasonably well.  The movie did a good job cataloging the losses both in Edwards and the Space Program in general and a little of the impact that would clearly have had with the Astronaut corps and their families.

The movie and book apparently focused a lot on the loss of the Armstrong's daughter to cancer but I did not feel that it made sense, I suppose that is a result of my filters and belief system though, hipster millenials probably dug it.


Spin Zone / First Man - Short Review
« on: October 14, 2018, 02:48:12 PM »
The pro’s – the flight and space sequences were very well done, good attention to detail and period correct as best as I could tell. Sound design was very good for these sequences as well. They were good but, IMO, no better than Apollo 13 or The Right Stuff.

The con’s – Ryan Gosling’s portrayal did not, for me, create a relatable or sympathetic character, to the contrary I thought it paints Neil Armstrong as nearly inhuman which is not what I think the intention was. Claire Foy, the actress who portrayed Jan Armstrong (I am not familiar with her) was also not someone I could connect to emotionally, I actually found her portrayal off-putting, especially the fem-splaining she did at times.

The supporting cast however was excellent, especially Jason Clarke as Ed White who was lost in the Apollo 1 fire (an event I thought the film handled superbly).

There is a sequence which made zero sense in the context of the film where we find a hippy encampment and a hipster black man both protesting the investment into NASA and the Vietnam War – of course I understand this was historically accurate, however literally every other minute of film time is either focused on Armstrong, his family, or the other Astronauts – in the context of the film this seemed unnecessary and forced.

I had heard of course about the deliberate omission of the planting of the American Flag preferring to focus instead on the ‘human triumph’ and I was admittedly rather upset/put off by that since there are two kinds of countries of Earth, those that have NOT put men on the Moon, and the United States – but in actuality this was the least of the weaknesses in the film and would not have added much to story, especially within the messaging of the film as edited.

Overall, I felt that this movie provides some great period-correct eye candy for space program fans like myself, but the peek into the lives behind the legends, as told in the film, was a downer as executed. I also felt that the film was particularly negative towards Buzz Aldrin, unnecessarily so.

I hoped that First Man would be an uplifting and inspirational movie, as I found The Right Stuff and Apollo 13 to have been – but that was a bridge too far for this film.

I do think that if you are going to see it, it should be experienced in a theater for the scale and the audio power in order to truly enjoy the flight and space sequences.


Pilot Zone / Re: “Bitch”
« on: October 11, 2018, 05:52:37 PM »

Pilot Zone / Re: LSA gross weight increas to 3,600 lbs!
« on: October 11, 2018, 11:54:17 AM »
I don't have time right now to expound on this Jim but you are actually proving My point not yours with the elements you are quoting and this is where my background in Aviation Safety matters.

There are easily definable reasons why the accident rates are what they are and it can be legitimately argued that the causality is not wing loading (design) but inadequate training and the diminished piloting ability of guys stepping 'down' to LSA's after flying heavier planes presumably due to actual or impending loss of their medical (human factors) - similarly it could be argued that the fact many LSA's stem from previously experimental designs which simply don't fly/behave the same as their heavier certified brethren - they are more maneuverable/sportier, but that again can be shown to ultimately circle back to training and pilotage (human factors) vs design.

I'll try to get back to this later but understand that the human being is ALWAYS the least reliable element in any system, making that less stringent logically CANNOT result in better performance/more safety.


Pilot Zone / Re: LSA gross weight increas to 3,600 lbs!
« on: October 11, 2018, 10:13:23 AM »
The only flight operations that sports pilots aren't trained on are basic instrument maneuvers and night operations. Otherwise they are trained in the same areas of operation - only the minimum amount of time differs (e.g. 3 hrs vs 2 hrs cross-country, etc.) None of those training differences seem in any way connected to the number of seats or speed of the aircraft.

Private pilots have been training in small 2 seat planes for decades and routinely get checked out in bigger planes, so I'm unclear why sports pilots are somehow considered incapable of or would be more dangerous doing the same.

As to the "whole concept" - well, it is an open secret that EAA and others have been trying to get the third class medical for private pilots replaced with something less onerous for decades (onerous for those sent to FAA Aeromedical hell.) This LSA weight increase appears to be another attack along those lines because sport aircraft was a compromise, not the original goal.
1 - Basic instrument and night training is HUGE in terms of actually preparing a pilot for those types of operations whether intentional or inadvertant.  Allowing less prepared pilots to fly heavier planes with more seats is increasing risk within the system and to the uninvolved public on the ground.

2 - Sport Pilots are currently not allowed to fly heavier planes with more than 2 seats, by regulation they are incapable of/prevented from moving up the chain, this was deliberate, see reason 1 - if a person wants to fly bigger/faster/more utility planes they should get the PPL

3 - Sport Pilot and the LSA reg's were coordinated and made/make sense, together, as currently embodied

BasicMed already does most of what EAA and AOPA have wanted for Private Pilots, I just see this as a further watering down/reduction of standards - as an Aviation Safety professional I think this is a bad idea.


Pilot Zone / Re: LSA gross weight increas to 3,600 lbs!
« on: October 11, 2018, 08:57:21 AM »
EAA is pushing it, and AOPA is taking credit for it.

The Sport Pilot concept was to give medically questionable pilots an ability to fly simple, light, day VFR sportplanes with 2 seats - it was also intended to overcome the issue with fat ultralights which were at best marginally safe.

Now they want to let them fly much heavier planes with potentially more seats, etc., I just think it's a bad idea.  Not that there is a substantial difference anymore on the medical front specifically with new Class III, but there are also some training and operational limitation differences between Sport Pilot and PPL and on.

I might just be the aviation equivalent of Clint Eastwood telling the kids to get off my lawn but I do feel pretty strongly this may be a mistake.


Pilot Zone / Re: Navion
« on: October 11, 2018, 08:12:48 AM »
An airport buddy just bought a ridiculous Navion and won an award at OSH this year with it, a formation buddy is building/restoring a super Navion and his cousin is THE Navion guy at Chino, if you get serious I'll put you in touch with them and they can get you the straight gouge.


Pilot Zone / Re: LSA gross weight increas to 3,600 lbs!
« on: October 11, 2018, 08:09:19 AM »
It's a bad idea.

Opens up Sport Pilots to fly much heavier planes, with more seats and more speed - which is counter to the whole concept.


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