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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Is Trump in deep doo doo this time?
« on: October 09, 2019, 06:44:52 PM »

I always preferred Squats with Unions.  Don’t want to picture the former.


Spin Zone / Re: Greta
« on: October 09, 2019, 09:32:52 AM »
And stole a few towels.

I understand he wore white after Labor Day.

Spin Zone / Re: Greta
« on: October 09, 2019, 06:26:20 AM »
When the CNN and MSNBC pussies were distracted wailing about having w many diet cokes the President did, or didn’t drink at some dinner, I found myself laughing so hard that I ended up choking and my poor wife thought I was having a seizure.

The snowflake, self unaware, leftists ate up all the lies, spun lies, and damned lies with such an appetite that the guy on MSNBC who looks just like the kid from the Wonder Years, named Madcow, or Maddow, or something like it, thought he was a star, wrote a book and almost 800 people bought it.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary is gonna go for number three
« on: October 08, 2019, 07:36:38 PM »
When she went off on another listening tour, where she does all the talking, you had to know that the hildabeast intends to try to find someone, anyone, to “demand” she run to justify her never ending lust for attention.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump's promises
« on: October 08, 2019, 07:33:41 PM »
So what are the (verifiable) examples of how our President is causing America to lose respect from "most of the rest of the world", and please cite how our alliances (again, verifiable) are being weakened?

 That's certainly the MSM narrative.

That’s easy...

He forced the fucking Chinese to play fair(er) in regard to tariffs, upsetting assholes, crooks and liberals.

He stood up to the lying fuckwads at cnn and company that lie 24/7 about him and us.

He refuses to cow tow to dictators, communists and mmgw whores.

He treats running the country like it is a business instead of a takeout window for crooks and cowards.

These things all infuriate liberals because they lack the balls to do any of them, or take responsibility for themselves.

Flynn hates President Trump because it’s popular to do so and bit cause he is a liberal all over, with not a moderate drop of blood in his body.

Spin Zone / Re: LIAR!!!!
« on: October 08, 2019, 03:26:05 PM »
Sometimes I have to remind myself that the actual definition of democrat should be changed to ‘fucking liar’.

Spin Zone / Re: Greta
« on: October 08, 2019, 08:00:43 AM »
I’m not convinced azure is a leftist. Steingar is, but not azure. The problem with both of them is they listen to MSM.

It is no accident hat both mikey and azure are products of the communist educational cabal, and can't find the truth because the lies 'feel' so good to them.

I recall a conversation with our daughter about the 'crisis' requiring that the USA replace our republic with socialism. When I showed her documented proof of the failuers of socialism in every nation where it was installed, she go that brain dead look on her face, that reminded me of her brainwashing, and said, 'That's just because the RIGHT people haven't tried it yet."

When mikey trolls, he is doing so NOT on his own intellectual discoveries, because he has none. He is repeating the lies of the faculty lounge left and their devotion to communism, along with the destruction of America.

When azure makes arguments using her 'sources' she's responding to the subtle brainwashing of her profession and colleagues, along with the desire to 'go along to get along,' at the expense of facts and truth.


The speed with which the NBA seems to bending over to apologize to China because an executive had the audacity to tweet support for the Hong Kong pro democracy movement tells Americans all they need to know about the pathetic state of affairs.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump signs TRADE AGREEMENTS with Japan
« on: October 08, 2019, 06:41:49 AM »
An elaboration would have been a better response.

It’s bad when you have me defending Steingar.

If the clown has no idea how Japan has benefitted from unequal trade practices and intellectual theft over the last forty years, it’s because his closed mind refuses to allow facts in.

He is a troll. Plain and simple.

Spin Zone / Re: Just no pleasing people...
« on: October 08, 2019, 06:25:43 AM »
Liberalism is a religion feelings and impressions based on ego, greed, and self hatred, balanced by seething hatred, violence and  desire for the death of those who dare disagree. These people whine about the President being a dictator while demanding that the state dictate every facet of our lives to soothe their insidious hypocrisy.

Spin Zone / Re: Is it TRUMP's trade war?
« on: October 08, 2019, 06:23:10 AM »
China is a bad actor internationally, but there are lots of ways to react to that.  A Trade War is but one of them.  History will judge if it's the correct course of action.  My guess is Trump will capitulate with some sort of "deal" that leaves the status quo largely in place the minute Americans really feel the pain from the tariffs.  He'll declare victory, tell us how great he is, and move on.

That would be the obama doctrine you’ve just typed.

Spin Zone / Re: Greta
« on: October 08, 2019, 06:21:27 AM »
azure WANTS to believe the propaganda, because it feels comfortable to her inside the cocoon she inhabits. Leftists HATE having their opinions (often simply fantasies) disturbed the in facts, which is why facts are often described as racist by them.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump signs TRADE AGREEMENTS with Japan
« on: October 08, 2019, 06:18:57 AM »
Care to elaborate?

You are too myopic, too blind, and far too attached to the lies you’ve been spoon fed to have the slightest idea.

Sad but true.

Spin Zone / Re: Greta
« on: October 07, 2019, 07:49:28 PM »
And this is exactly what I mean... other than (perhaps) which I've never heard of, they're all highly partisan sites that push propaganda rather than facts. Hardly what I would call reliable.

Again... not that it matters. I have no doubt that some leftist groups are paying for some of her activities, most 16 year old girls wouldn't have access to all that money. Her parents could possibly be sponsoring some of it, but likely not all. So maybe Soros is involved, maybe he isn't.

Once again... so what? No proof she is delivering any message but her own.

I hate to keep pointing these things out to you, especially since you claim to be a university professor, but your arguments are simple bullshit, intended to play let’s pretend with the facts and damn all reality.

Inventing reality works in the cocoon of academia because you insulate yourself into a place where everyone is expected (made) to agree, or keep your damn mouth shut. In the real world facts take presidency over emotional bullshit, and utter nonsense, like your pathetically shallow conclusions above.

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