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Messages - Rush

Pages: 1 ... 240 241 [242] 243 244 ... 819
Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: September 18, 2022, 03:48:04 AM »
All too true.   :(

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: September 18, 2022, 03:46:57 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Trump vs Desantis
« on: September 17, 2022, 01:48:57 PM »
otoh - perhaps with someone other than President Trump... when the democrats inevitability spew more lies and hatred, perhaps perhaps perhaps the independents and some democrats will see what is happening.

Hope springs eternal...

It’s very difficult when the media lies and spins everything. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump vs Desantis
« on: September 17, 2022, 11:48:33 AM »
DeSantis has my vote.  Trump will not win the general election. Too many people have been conditioned for 7 years that Trump is evil incarnate, including those independents we need to win.

My retirement cant bear another 4 years of democrat control.

Our retirement can't either.  But like Lucifer just said, they're going to do the same to any Republican challenger.  Trump has proven that he has what it takes to withstand it.  Don't know yet about Desantis.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: September 17, 2022, 11:43:46 AM »

Spin Zone / Trump vs Desantis
« on: September 17, 2022, 07:13:42 AM »
Still not completely decided which I’d vote for if Desantis runs in the 2024 primary but this analysis is very compelling.

Spin Zone / Re: Facebook
« on: September 16, 2022, 08:35:40 AM »
The government has been contracting out it's intelligent work for years.   This is done because government agencies are forbidden by law to spy on Americans without cause.   However, if a gov contractor snoops into private citizens lives via email, web pages, phone records, etc, then the laws don't apply to them.   And they simply pass on what they find as collateral information that the government can claim they didn't harvest it.

  It's on steroids now with Big Tech.  All of this social media is garbage and is a pacifier for the masses who stare at their devices 24/7 while posting pictures that no one gives a shit about.

That’s correct.  It’s more than a fishing expedition, it is casting the net over virtually all of us, all the time.

And yes they have always gotten around the law, also by using foreign spy agencies.  There are agreements among several countries’ intelligence agencies to spy on each other’s citizens then sharing data so each country can claim it’s not spying on its own.

Spin Zone / Re: Facebook
« on: September 16, 2022, 06:32:55 AM »

Notice that ALL the messages were from right wing conservatives and NONE were from lefties or Antifa types.  You know lefties also talk radical shit.  Pure political bias.

Also note that Facebook denies this, but that the source could be an FBI “informant” among Facebook ranks, allowing Zuckerberg plausible deniability.

Also note that upon subpoena and receipt of all the data and subsequent investigation of individuals, no crime was uncovered.  A big waste of FBI’s time, paid for by us of course.  And they spend no time on Hunter Biden.

This is extreme abuse of power leveled against one side by the other, using private corporations to illegally tap into American citizens’ private conversations.

Spin Zone / Re: 2022 Mid Terms
« on: September 16, 2022, 03:19:53 AM »
It’s disgusting that the General Assembly knew it was unconstitutional (pretending they weren’t sure) but passed it anyway, saying let the courts sort it out, and in the meantime hoping the courts wouldn’t get around to it before the midterms.  The ruling doesn’t affect the primary but I wonder if it will by November.

Spin Zone / Re: Facebook
« on: September 16, 2022, 03:16:08 AM »
ALL the internet is scraped and sent to the government accessible by the FBI through the NSA data sweep. This is the doing of Democrats and Republicans- both parties are traitors to the People and the Constitution.

That Facebook is reporting supposed “dangerous insurrectionist speech” (anything pro Trump or anti “Dear Leader Biden”) to the feds is just adding to the pile.  Don’t feel like you’re safe if you use other platforms than Fakebook. 

Tik Tok is the very worst.  It is owned by the Chinese, and they are compiling profiles of you, no doubt selling to the U.S. feds in addition to whatever other nefarious purpose (looking for targets to manipulate as spies, etc.)

Oh and the violation isn’t limited to government.  Company HR departments are now examining your social media posts when you apply for a job, and discriminating against anyone posting the “wrong” political opinions.

We live in a dystopian nightmare with mass surveillance, no privacy, and no respect for our constitutional rights whatsoever.

Because I’m old and don’t give a fuck I’m not going to let them shut me up, but young people today need to stay the hell off social media, but the culture is making it impossible.  What are they supposed to do when there is no real life interaction anymore?  They live with their nose in their phone, getting fat and lazy in mom’s basement jerking off to porn and contemplating suicide.  And these are the people we need to run the nation’s trains.

Spin Zone / This hits too close to home
« on: September 16, 2022, 02:47:41 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: 2022 Mid Terms
« on: September 16, 2022, 01:08:57 AM »


I’ve never heard it put better:

“…if I were to not enjoin the Vote-by-Mail Statute, then the courts would be faced with the impossible task of ‘unscrambling the eggs’ of an election undermined by unconstitutional votes,”

This is exactly the problem with 2020.  We can never “unscramble the eggs” of that election. No excuse mail in voting undermines trust in elections period end of story.

Pilot Zone / Re: Fly in the car
« on: September 15, 2022, 10:15:23 AM »
What is the basis of the objection? This isn’t a Freudian car. Maybe Bernoullian, in which the fly is “blown” out of the car, again making it a Freudian car.

Flies and legs: yes they’re retracts. ;D

So “suck” and “blow” which are opposites, mean the same thing, at least in the Freudian context.  Kind of like “flammable” and “inflammable” mean the exact same thing.  Interesting.  In fact, maybe in all contexts as any time something moves toward a vacuum it has pressure on the other side, the Bernoullian to which you refer.

The basis of my objection is that it’s not applicable when a vehicle is not pressurized.  Sudden explosive decompression at the flight levels can indeed “blow” someone out of an airplane, (call it “suck” if you want), but even at speeds faster than 60 mph in an unpressurized aircraft, standing right next to an open door will never “suck” you out.  I have personally confirmed this in real life.  There isn’t enough Bernoullian difference to move a human sized mass which is in contact with the machine. 

I suppose you could argue maybe there is in the case of the fly. It’s not standing on the floor. Nevertheless I object to the trope “sucked out” of airplanes as it is overused by uneducated media to refer to any accidental departure of a person or people from a plane at altitude involving breech of the cabin, when often it isn’t being “sucked out” that ejected the hapless souls, but detachment of structural components.

Edit:  Retracts, lol!

Spin Zone / Re: Other Than to Criminalize Free Elections…
« on: September 15, 2022, 09:40:10 AM »
I saw the my pillow guy interviewed.  He hasn’t been arrested but he had made a comment about having evidence on the Dominion voting machines and that’s what triggered the FBI to seize his phone. Supposedly.  There is a case where somebody is suing Dominion and speculation is the FBI wants any evidence related to the machines for the case.  Do they want it to expose the fraud?  Or to cover up the evidence of election fraud?  Gee I wonder which?

Spin Zone / Re: Supply chain problems
« on: September 15, 2022, 09:35:44 AM »
Maybe a coincidence. Or maybe I just slept really hard the past few nights.

If you’re going by just hearing trains that might not be a good indicator.  Not all trains have been stopped, and I kind of doubt the railroads immediately lifted the curtailments.  I’m busy with something urgent and unrelated so can’t look into it right now.

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