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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: January 31, 2024, 06:24:08 AM »
Since when has a democrat had any credibility?

Spin Zone / Re: Big win - civil asset forfeiture
« on: January 24, 2024, 01:07:09 PM »
john the coward roberts seems definitely compromised.

His appointment is the worst of the worst things gwb did to America.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 21, 2024, 03:41:15 PM »
I get those communications from the campaigns.

Hailey’s bother me, but I have consistently responded to the DeSantis emails telling whoever reads them that he should make it his unchangeable policy to tell the media that he is running against joe biden not President Trump.

Their strategy was a big loser.

Hopefully he will do much better in 2028.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 16, 2024, 08:08:43 AM »
The Bob Dole who lost to Clinton?

Trump has already been president so Republicans know exactly what they would be getting by nominating him. Yet half of them voted for people of unknown quality.  If you consider that this is effectively a second term election primary for Trump then he isn’t doing as well as he would be if this was considered his first rodeo.

I don't know if you're dumb, too locked into your dogma to see the difference, or just plain obstinate, but your comparison is as stupid as your point.

President Trump won by a margin un-imagined in previous elections. It wasn't a close election by any description except in the minds of never Trump, ideologues.

That reminded me of my wife and I out to an early dinner on New Year's Eve.

There was an older black couple coming in, and the husband was struggling to make it from the car to the restaurant, so I went out and helped him up out of the car and thru the doors. He was wearing a Marine Corps hat.

The greeter saw us coming but lacked the brains to arrange a table near the door so he wouldn't have to struggle to the back of the dining room. I caught the eye of the owner and pitched my head at the closest table and helped into the booth.

The hostess wasn't having it and started to whine. Me being so shy, I looked over her shoulder and said to the owner, "You need to teach your host staff that their agenda is not always what is best for your customers and your restaurant."

He lit her up in front of everyone and she quit on the spot.

The precious old man thanked me for helping his wife get him out of the car and into the booth. The owner apologized and announced to the rest of his staff that they needed to learn to care more about the needs of the guest and less about their own sense of importance.

Once things quieted down I asked our waitress to add their dinners to our check an discovered the owner had comped us and the two of them.

There is hope. The younger generation just needs guidance and a good example.

If that doesn't do it, then they need fired.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 16, 2024, 06:34:50 AM »
In the meantime:

And this from CNN no less:

cnn is just another mouthpiece for the communist chinese and george soros-klaus schwaub.

They do not report anything they aren't ordered to report, no matter how delusional.

In another bizarre criminal action, Georgia DA fani willis paid her boyfriend $654,000 to prosecute President Donald Trump.

In court filings it is alleged that the boyfriend thus had a significant financial motivation to prosecute, and even fabricate charges against the President.

fani willis and her boy toy took several opulent vacations on the money her office paid him on her direction. The entire charade is coming apart and is just as ugly as the scam prosecution in NYC.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 08, 2024, 07:52:00 AM »
The government FEARS armed citizens because armed and trained citizens make it so much harder to steal us blind and claim it's for our own good.

I'll answer your question with a question.

Who is a greater threat to your personal safety and freedom:  Vladimir Putin or Merrick Garland?

mary garland, the commie scum bag, traitor.

America did not hold an election in 2020.

It was a hostile takeover by the biggest crooks on earth, the democrat communist regime, headed by the senile pedophile and his freak show, but planned by psycho soros, shit bag xi, klaus and company.

...and points out his repeated misuse of firearms.

The murder of Ashli Babbit was an excellent example of government abuse of citizens, misuse of force, violence against political dissent and any demand for redress.

The killer, officer michael byrd was protected and promoted by his incompetent and corrupt superiors for murdering an unarmed, non-violent, and non threatening women because it fit their sick, demented, agenda.

The new lawsuit seeks to undermine the stone wall of lies, liars, and criminals in charge of the capitol police and seeks $30 million in damages.

 “After demonstrators filled the hallway outside the lobby, two individuals in the crowded, tightly packed hallway struck and dislodged the glass panels in the lobby doors and the right door sidelight. Lt. Byrd, who is a USCP commander and was the incident commander for the House on January 6, 2021, shot Ashli on sight as she raised herself up into the opening of the right door sidelight. Lt. Byrd later confessed that he shot Ashli before seeing her hands or assessing her intentions or even identifying her as female. Ashli was unarmed. Her hands were up in the air, empty, and in plain view of Lt. Byrd and other officers in the lobby.”

The scum bag, murderer, michael byrd should be sitting in jail awaiting his execution, not living off the taxpayers.

Lt. Byrd’s police powers also were revoked for a prior off-duty shooting into a stolen, moving vehicle in which the occupants were teenagers or juveniles. The stolen vehicle was Lt. Byrd’s car. Lt. Byrd fired multiple shots at the fleeing vehicle in a suburban area. Stray bullets from Lt. Byrd’s firearm struck the sides of homes nearby. An official investigation found that Lt. Byrd’s use of force was not justified.

Less than two years before January 6, 2021, on or about February 25, 2019, Lt. Byrd left his loaded Glock 22 – the same firearm he used to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt – in a bathroom in the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) complex. Lt. Byrd’s loaded Glock was discovered during a routine security sweep later the same day. Approximately 15,00 to 20,000 people pass through the CVC, which serves as the main entrance for visitors to the U.S. Capitol, daily during peak season (March-July).

By and large, most lefties are inherently, painfully selfish, jealous, and self-centered. Once they accept and absorb the brainwashing, their mindset becomes one in which what they think they want is THE ONLY right solution, and using lawfare to end any push back against their private, selfish, agenda is not only necessary, but required.

I am always amused when supposedly compassionate lefties join in the chorus, 'from the river to the sea,' without a shred of awareness that their bigotry is exactly what they believe themselves to be fighting against. The hypocrisy of lefties is sometime so shocking that it is better described as mental illness.

liberalism always seems to devolve into violence.  Why is that? Because liberals at their core are supporting violent and extreme submission to an agenda that appeals to their vanity, greed, and selfishness.

Typically liberals are driven by their need for attention, coupled with their hatred of those who succeed and the results of their labor is obvious by the size of their homes, and price of their toys. The jealousy driving liberals is all about justifying taking from those who earned it and keeping t for themselves, not sharing it with the less fortunate.

Have you ever heard of black lived matters giving anything away except lies, blackmail, and violence?

Nope, and it helps you understand what drives liberalism.

When did antifa ever set up feeding stations for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, or give care for abandoned, neglected, or abused children?

When I volunteer after hurricanes and tornadoes, floods and stuff, I have never once seen a table provided and staffed by any far left organization even though they constantly claim moral superiority. Their concept of superiority is all about taking and keeping, not giving and sharing.

The dichotomy that liberals comfortably live with has to be a legitimate form of mental illness. Just like liberals that demand all kinds of bullshit in the name of, 'it's for the children,' then riot because they can't have expanded abortion rights, the hypocrisy is far beyond behavior and into pathology.

Spin Zone / Re: If Trump Dropped Out
« on: January 03, 2024, 08:36:54 PM »
All the sentiment that they could assassinate Trump and not start a civil ware in doing so.  Back when Kennedy was assassinated the country was not divided like it is today.

And even though the fbi was run by a cross dressing, fuckbag, the agency wasn’t nearly so proud of their corruption and lies that they played them out on the evening news like their fucking scumwads are doing these days.

Spin Zone / Re: New Years Eve: What is Everyone Doing?
« on: January 02, 2024, 08:40:48 PM »
How’s your cold N7?

The cough never lets up and the post nasal drip is mentally challenging, but it’s beginning to let up a little.

Thanks for asking.

Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Haley
« on: December 27, 2023, 09:19:13 AM »
The cunt Hayley is a working agent of the deep state.

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