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Topics - Number7

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Love to see the criminal democrats take their medicine.

Using the President Trump communist show trial verdict and a Friday evening as a mask, the fucking morons admit everything fuckwad fauci ordered was a fraud.

Spin Zone / Where Does America Go From Here
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:37:14 PM »
America as we know it is done.

The communist show trial in NYC is just another in a long series of events that prove the lunatic scum bag left has not only lost their fucking minds, but is desperate to end all freedoms, all constitutional protections and all civil rights and replace them with whatever mentally disturbed bullshit they can dream up.

mikey and jim have been outliers to this phenomenon as they gleefully cheer for anything fascinating and everything that limits, or destroys personal freedom. Jim will run along any second and demand a list of reasons that his posts prove my point, but that is just his only response to avoid meaningful discussion. Like mikey simply makes up the truth as he goes along, jim pretends he is being thoughtful and fair minded while he cheers for dictators and depots.

In that regard jim is like another jim, jimmy carter never met a dictator he didn’t love, just like our jim never met a dictatorial regime he couldn’t rationalize and defend.

It is my conviction that America has to break apart, letting shit hole liberal states continue down their road to total destruction and letting the rest of us kiss their dumb ass bullshit goodbye.

Spin Zone / Apparently Cop In Scottie Scheffler Arrest Was Lying
« on: May 29, 2024, 05:56:59 PM »
The prosecutor in the Scottie Sheffler case apparently decided that the video evidence so horribly conflicted with the bullshit the asshole cop wrote in his report that he announced the charges are being dropped for lack of evidence.

The militarization of law enforcement has gone far too far and this is just a slight glimpse into the problem.

As the communists say, “Show me the man and I will show you the crime….”

Spin Zone / On Memorial Day
« on: May 26, 2024, 06:11:23 PM »
What will you do tomorrow to remember the fallen ones?

How will you honor those who gave all?

At our house we will raise the flag in the front yard and invite the neighbors to join us in prayer.

Some fucking government asshole told contractors to remove the American flag from a park because the cunt said it detracted from the guest experience.

We decided to raise an additional flag tomorrow to answer the cunt.

She belongs on the same cell block with the traitor joe biden.

I refuse to offer respect to anyone so insanely ignorant and entitled.

Fuck that bitch to bell where she belongs.

Spin Zone / Hell Gained A Deserving Resident This Weekend
« on: May 20, 2024, 11:31:25 AM »
The terrorist president of Iran and several key members of his regime apparently changed their residence to Hell when the chopper carrying them crashed.

Oh, well. I hope they like sulfur and brimstone.

Couldn’t happen to more deserving scumbag.

The modern police behavior has dramatically shifted toward pathetic pussies with hurt feelings criminalizing everything from praying in public to refusing to answer moronic questions.

I don’t see a good outcome from all this militarization of every encounter and every opportunity to push the legal envelop and punish minding your own business.

At some point a semi, or not very bad thing will happen and the over the top pussifeid police response will trigger george floyd style riots. The morons in the federal shit hole will order the full might of the pussified government to respond far beyond what is called for and the civil war will touch off.

Between the asshole educational regime, and the government sponsored communist takeover underway, once the government starts shooting I wouldn’t be surprised to see marshall law imposed, elections canceled, and all civil rights are suspended permanently.

The fuckwad democrats are salivating over a civil war and how they can remake the country to insure their eternal power, and their senile pedophile signs any shit put in front of him, so they feel they have nothing to lose.

Loser still can’t live with the fact that he lost to his commie brothers obama, but Donald Trump beat the communist cunt hilary.

Auto correct is not your friend.

Spin Zone / Weather In Florida
« on: May 13, 2024, 07:51:17 PM »
I don’t know about everyone else but there is some righteous weather going on in America tonight.

Spin Zone / Happy Mothers Day
« on: May 12, 2024, 08:11:06 AM »
To all of the moms, may your day be filled with joy.

Auto correct is not my friend

Not that anyone with a brain would think otherwise but the ‘mostly peaceful’ protests around the country are carefully planned and funded by the communist Cuban regime and, of course, the scum bag george soros.

Democrats can’t exist without their communist masters telling them what to do, think and say, and getting paid to follow orders.

Spin Zone / Senior House Dem to be Indicted
« on: May 03, 2024, 10:40:39 AM »
The doj has announced that communist democrat Henry Cuellar is being indicted because of dealings with the Azerbaijani government.

Who knows???

He must have refused to toe the line on some vote, or something.

Fucking criminal cia is trying to destroy him in advance.

The fucking scumbags at the cia, fbi, and doj are a criminal enterprise. It is time to defund all three and start again.

Spin Zone / Where Was Sam Binton Yesterday
« on: April 26, 2024, 07:20:55 AM »
Sleazebag adam schiff flew to SF yesterday to give a speech.

His luggage was all stolen from his rental car.

Former biden cabinet member and disgusting tranny, sam binton is a renowned, and convicted luggage thief…

Just saying.

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