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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: The Comey Show
« on: June 09, 2017, 08:40:09 AM »

AS George Will Said, 'liberals are shocked to discover that there is another side to every story.'

Because people tend to be liberal when young and grow more conservative with age, it can be argued that liberalism appeals to the less mature. Being unable to see that there is another side to the story is a sign of immaturity (or narcissistic personality disorder).  Conservatives have their faults (becoming overly rigid with age might be one of them) but liberals display emotional immaturity far more.  I think it's a characteristic of liberalism.  The immature child believes money comes from some vague unlimited source (their parent's teller machine) and if you don't mature out of that mindset, you become a middle aged liberal who believes money spent on government programs has some vague unlimited source. They never make the concrete connection between finite human work hours and wealth creation. That you cannot manufacture wealth out of nothing, out of redistributing money taken from one and given to another. It takes maturity to understand that concept. Liberals never seem to get there.

Sounds like a Muslim to me.   ;D

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Krishna is Hindu. Altogether a far less offensive religion than Islam.  Between Islam and Hinduism I'll take Hindu any day. But I don't like being told by ANYONE that their religion/God is "the only one" and here is how I should live. That applies to Christianity too.  I'll find God on my own thank you very much, already have in fact.

Spin Zone / Re: Comey,,, lie???
« on: June 09, 2017, 06:29:25 AM »
To me, it seems more like Comey is the one most likely to lie.  I don't see Trump as someone who has any motivation to lie.

The most I have ever found with Trump is he might exaggerate, or get the exact numbers wrong, but the core of his point is true.  Like any of us he may misspeak or have an imperfect memory. And there can be various interpretations of fact, so your interpretation can be a bit different from someone else's.  But when you count these sorts of things, every single one of us lies, but not with intent.  Something I've noticed about the media and the liberals is that they'll take something like that and portray it as a deliberate malicious lie.  I suppose conservatives have been known to do that too but I've noticed it more from the left lately in this election cycle. It's probably human nature to use any small inaccuracy in what your enemy says to call them a liar. And all of us say things with small inaccuracies probably every day.  I like to reserve the accusation of liar to statements that are entirely patently false and made with deliberation to deceive.  I have not heard anything like that out of Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: Comey,,, lie???
« on: June 09, 2017, 06:07:55 AM »
I wonder why he would assume that?

Exactly.  What that told me was that Comey believes the standard leftist/media portrait of Trump as Satan.  I don't know anything about Comey or his political ideology, but that's what that seemed to indicate to me.

Spin Zone / Re: Comey,,, lie???
« on: June 08, 2017, 06:06:22 PM »
Yep, it was VERY clear that Comey had a preconceived expectation that Trump would lie.

Spin Zone / Re: U.K. to turn Left tonight?
« on: June 08, 2017, 06:04:59 PM »
It looks like it from the news.

Spin Zone / Re: One of the secrets of being old
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:39:05 PM »
It's both, actually.

Yeah I guess there are some things I just don't relate to, like husbands doing their own laundry.  I grew up where that was the wife's territory, Dad never messed with the washing, and I've done all the washing in my marriage even when I worked full time so when my daughter says she and her husband do their laundry completely separately, I have a real hard time understanding why on earth they do it that way.  But that's when I respond, "I don't understand why on earth you do it that way."  When I give them the stupid blank look it's usually because I have been around that block so much it's old news, so old I don't even want to comment on it and cannot even fake surprise or wonder that you've figured that out or had that adventure as if your generation is the first who ever thought of it. Or else I simply didn't hear what you said and don't feel like saying "Huh?" yet again.

Spin Zone / Re: One of the secrets of being old
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:29:14 PM »
It may have been on here, or maybe on another website, but a recently retired tech executive from Silicon Valley pretty much said the same thing.  What scares me is the military's fascination with AI, and unmanned everything.  We will have UAV's fighting each other in the air, robots on the ground, and crewless ships on the oceans with pilotless aircraft.  We are becoming obsolete!   

We are going to end up like that Star Trek episode where the computers fight the war and declare how many people were killed then you march yourself into the vaporizing machine.

if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit s.ex, No g.ambling, No d.rugs ( No tea & coffee ), No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )

Here's where he lost me.

Spin Zone / Re: One of the secrets of being old
« on: June 08, 2017, 06:55:47 AM »
I'm not saying technology is bad, or has hurt society, but I see a coarsening of society, vulgarity, and less focus on how we treat each other.  I don't know if that is due to technology or not, but it may be playing a part.  I fear we are getting less "personal" with less ramifications for how we treat each other.

I absolutely agree with this.  Is it Miss Manners that said manners is the cornerstone of civilization?  Without them society decays into a lot of bad things and I think we are witnessing this very thing happening.

Spin Zone / Re: First Arrest in Govt Leaks
« on: June 08, 2017, 06:54:18 AM »
She seems like a typical, unfocused Millennial "American" kid who has been brainwashed by our school system, and media to be a Social Justice Warrior (subversive communist) above all else.   

That's what's so disturbing.  But also a kid who wanted to join the military, I think she must have some of the female macho thing going on there, and/or liked the benefits. Also a deep interest in other cultures. My own daughter studied Farsi. Nothing wrong with enjoying the middle eastern cultures (aside from the nutty jihadism).  Btw one of the most offensive things about her is the snarky "Have you even met an Iranian" to Trump.  Obviously she has, and she is assuming none of us on the Trump side ever has met anyone from the middle east, I guess because we are all deplorable, racist, zenophobic, homophobic hillbillies who never left the farm. What that comment told me loud and clear is that it is SHE not Trump who has never met an Iranian who was tortured under the current regime. Apparently the Iranians she knows are the counterpart to herself: young idiots watching too much social media.

Spin Zone / Re: One of the secrets of being old
« on: June 08, 2017, 06:39:09 AM »
I have more of a disconnect with the focus of young people now than with their life experiences.  I see them is face down in their I Phones totally enamored with whatever social media they are on.  I fear that their social skills are not developed, but I am occasionally surprised by some.  I think technology, and the influence of media has drastically changed younger people, and society, and not for the better.  What I see on network TV, the few times I flip through channels is disturbing, and I always wonder what my parent's would think, as they are gone now.  They would be utterly SHOCKED.

I'm reserving judgment whether it will be a net good or bad thing.  I see a lot of bad but also a lot of good, like me being able to ask the whole world any question on any subject on a little device I carry around in my pocket. The human race has definitely taken a big step that will change us deeply and who knows where it will lead.  I think there were only two things in our entire evolutionary history that had as great an impact:  learning to control fire, and learning agriculture and herding.  Coming in at fourth would be the printing press which brought information to the masses. But technology and the Internet beats that out and is in third place.  It's so new we have yet to see what the consequences, good and bad, will be. I agree it is changing how we interact socially, but I'm not sure exactly about the end result.

Spin Zone / Re: First Arrest in Govt Leaks
« on: June 08, 2017, 06:33:10 AM »
I have met some youth that have changed my mine in some ways.  However, many of them are Indian, or Asian, and a lot of their families have moved into my area to work in the IT, financial, pharmaceutical, and other technical industries in the region.  Many are hyper focused on engineering, math, and technology.  They really don't care much for history, and English, but the get all A's, in their core subjects.   

The thing about her is she had posted comments about supporting Edward Snowden as well as a lot of hatred toward Trump on social media.  These should be red flags that she may be tempted to compromise security, but then most of that was after she had already been vetted and hired. She has a patriotic record with the military and no record of any wrongdoing prior to this.

Several things here convince me that she is very naive.  I would say "stupid" but likely she has a very high IQ, but she did a lot of stupid things. First, thinking she could get away with printing out the reports. Even I know how to put spyware on machines to record every single thing you do. If the NSA is NOT 100% monitoring it's employees and contractors I would be very surprised and disappointed, and I would be very disappointed in an employee or contractor of theirs not assuming they were being monitored in this way. (Maybe it's one of those things a young person hasn't BTDT yet.)

Secondly, she spilled her guts without legal representation. WTF?? She confessed everything right off the bat. Either deep naivete, stupidity, unfamiliarity with the system, or it's a deliberate mission for some unimaginable reason. OR, just believing the rules don't apply to her, being another spoiled, misinformed millennial who consumed so much CNN that she truly thinks the whole world agrees with her that Trump is illegitimate and she would be a hero for trying to bring him down.  She's half right about that - no doubt the left WILL completely lionize her for this. But trust me there are still enough FBI and NSA folks around on the other side to do her in.  I hope they give her the max and send a clear message to the rest of the 4 million people with top secret clearances.

Spin Zone / One of the secrets of being old
« on: June 08, 2017, 05:23:56 AM »
Do you remember when you were young and told an old person something and they had this stupid blank look on their face?  And you knew it was because they couldn't relate to what you just said and they were so stuck in the mud they would never be able to grasp the wild incredible thing you just told them about? So you just dropped the subject because they were so old fashioned they had no clue what you were about?

That happened to me a lot when I was young. Now I'm an old person and now I know what was really going on behind the face.  The stupid blank look is boredom because you have already been there done that and know more about it than the young person can possibly imagine and you are so over it.

Spin Zone / Re: First Arrest in Govt Leaks
« on: June 07, 2017, 03:24:31 PM »
It is good to see such a secure intelligence gathering agency like the NSA vets contractors that they employ.   ::)  I was a contractor to a large Defense Contractor to the NSA, and had to go through a thorough background check, then had to get a Clearance.

Reality needs to get some reality.

Apparently those they contract with aren't the quality they used to be, as the up and coming generations are more and more brainwashed by our public schools, and less and less inclined to personal responsibility because they didn't work during their teen years like we used to, and they aren't grounded in a moral system, and just plain common manners seems to be disappearing. This is the pool from which the NSA must draw. I don't have a very high opinion of our youth these days, I'm sorry to say.

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