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Messages - Rush

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It's unbelievable that you can get food stamps if you're illegal. This country is way too nice.

Spin Zone / Re: Mike Schmidt's comments racist? Off base?
« on: June 07, 2017, 10:15:14 AM »
How is saying a team should all speak the same language racist?  Because the assumed language would be English?  Is there an expectation that the rest of the team is supposed to learn Spanish instead of him learning English?  Isn't that a double standard?

See what contortions you have to go through to get this to be racist? The assumptions?  It basically means since this country is virtually completely an English speaking  nation, that means we're racist period.  Because English white people are evil compared to brown or Spanish or any other people on the planet.

That's the underlying sentiment.

I do begrudge people for using it.  It should be shameful to have to use it.  The shame should be an incentive to sustain yourself.

Over the years I've had dozens and dozens of tenants whose only means of income, survival really, was the government.  No incentive, no desire, to work.  And don't mistake my comments to any race because as many of them have been white as any other color.

We had a tenant who made minimizing rent an art form. She used the eviction laws to stay in a place 6 months, then stay there for free for another 6 months while we went through the legal process to evict her, then used fake references and a fake SS # to move into somebody else's property and repeat.  Basically living for half price. She was a real psycho. Did a lot of damage to the properties she rented.  She would harass landlords by signing us up for magazine subscriptions, and otherwise stealing identities.  I ended up a witness in court when she was finally sued for causing $20,000 damage to the place she moved to after she left our place. I was up on the witness stand and the attorney was questioning me, and because of the pronunciations of her name and the other landlord's, you mix up the first letter of his with the phonetic end of hers, he made a slip of the tongue and asked me a question about "Ms Cunt..."  You could have heard a pin drop during the many moments of silence that followed, while everyone in the courtroom except her was silently trying to stifle our laughter. It was SOOOOO appropriate.

A few years later she conned the local TV station into doing a sob story about her, and the need for whatever entitlement program she was using.  One of her past victims commented on their website the truth about her, and the news channel pulled the story so fast. She had a criminal record a mile long, spanning several states. The journalists of course didn't bother checking that out before holding her up as a poor victim of society.

There are jobs available.   The problem is we've made welfare competitive with holding a job, so when given the choice of working a job and earning money or sitting in front of a TV collecting welfare, guess which is more popular?

 Make no mistake, the jobs are out there.

That is a very true point. 

Edit to add a thought. I think we're both right and it depends on demographics and location, etc. There are jobs in certain places for certain people but I've read a lot about particularly the inner city what we used to call "slums" which I'm sure is not politically correct any more. Whatever they are.  The enterprising intelligent blacks left when we desegregated and they were the ones providing jobs to the stupider ones. The stupider less motivated ones are the ancestors of what is there today. There is no job and the person is on the lower end of the IQ scale anyway, so naturally they are motivated to make money selling drugs. Or collect welfare.

But I didn't look at which counties the article refers to so don't know if that's applicable in that case. The black inner city populations may be a special case.

Spin Zone / Re: First Arrest in Govt Leaks
« on: June 06, 2017, 09:53:18 AM »
From what I read now, her given name was Sara. She legally changed her name to Reality. Her Twitter handle is @Reezlie.

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

If there are no jobs how can you expect these people to be working?  I guess that's why they can be in an approved training program, but can they stay in a training program or when they finish the course are they back to square one with no job?

I favor this sort of thing in theory, when there is a healthy economy and plenty of jobs available and light regulation where you can easily open a small business. A portion of entitlement recipients are lazy and won't work if given the opportunity and that's where you need this, but I think there are many who would prefer a good well paying job.

The left (and sometimes the right) has brought this situation to us by killing the economy and the job market through various means and then pushing entitlement and welfare programs. They also have made it very difficult to work if you are an ex-con.  Government caused problems and bad government solutions combined are turning the country into a welfare state with fewer taxpayers supporting jobless massess.

Spin Zone / Re: Terrorist Attacks in London
« on: June 06, 2017, 05:04:16 AM »

I don't believe the US education system has been intentionally sabotaged by progressives, I just think that progressives accidently screwed it up and benefited from that screw up.

I'm pretty sure this is true. Even though some leftist handbooks have slogans such as get them while their young.  I think it's more like the type person who is attracted to liberalism is also attracted to education, like females for example. At least these days.

Spin Zone / Re: First Arrest in Govt Leaks
« on: June 05, 2017, 06:12:24 PM »
Her name is "Reality"?    Really??    WTF?

That was an autocorrect. Her name is Reezlie apparently. Which is pretty pathetic editing for a journalism article. I guess, that's what I can figure...

Spin Zone / Re: First Arrest in Govt Leaks
« on: June 05, 2017, 06:07:41 PM »
Oh Good Lord!  What are they doing contracting with such a young little airhead?  Unless it's a setup.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 05, 2017, 05:55:30 PM »
Yeah I don't know what the problem is with those people over at PoA who cannot abide spin zone. They couldn't even live with it in a hidden sandbox, they had to ban it altogether.

I was not going to jump in the middle of y'all's insult fest just in case you are the same person with two different accounts. I used to do that in World of Warcraft; had two accounts with a character in each faction (enemies), log them in together and have them insult each other and start a fight. See how many others I could draw into it. 

I only do that in games though. Some people do it in real life, I guess like with CNN and their fake Muslim protesters.  I don't cotton to that kind of deception in real life. Sure is fun in games though.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 04, 2017, 06:32:28 AM »
Wait a minute. How can we trust the Elections Office? Texas' Secretary of State - the state's Chief Elections Officer - is appointed by the Governor. An un-elected official running the voter registration system? Sounds like a recipe for voters of a certain political affiliation to have their registration forms mysteriously misplaced. I actually don't think we can trust any government entity. I propose voter registration be removed from the purview of any governmental agency of any level, and instead be handled by private corporations and churches.  ::)

Oh absolutely.  We can't really trust anyone completely, but to involve additional unnecessary steps increases the risk.

Why don't you come up with details that would work?

Because unlike liberals, I don't go around creating solutions looking for problems.  The fact is that not being registered is not why people don't vote. So there is really no reason to do this, except for people who want to move responsibility away from the individual and to the Federal government. No matter the details, this will require the creation of yet another huge federal agency and that means increased cost to the taxpayer. The feds have no experience doing this; the states are the experts on voting. Let them work out the solutions to whatever problems currently exist.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 03, 2017, 05:57:28 PM »
Yes, that would be "links".

Suppose the individuals at the IRS did something which causes the information to not be shared and that non-sharing was heavily slanted toward one party?  I work in IT, I know it can be done and even with plausible deniability.  We have seen the IRS target one party for special treatment.  Putting a propensity to target a political party with a denial of voting rights together is chilling.

Yes, exactly this is happening, or could be.  The federal government already mandates that voter registration be offered at motor vehicle agencies.  I moved to Texas last spring.  When I went to the motor vehicle department to get my driver's license they offered to register me to vote. I said yes and filled out the form or whatever.  Toward the end of October I realized that I had never received my voter card. So I called the elections office and found out that no, I had never been registered. The lady told me that it was a problem, I'm not the only one they fail to send over. She was not complimentary about the staff at the local MVD.

I got my card just a few days before voting for Trump.  Might the staff at the DMV deliberately be failing to send some registrations over? Here in rural south Texas there are basically two types of people.  Tall cowboy-like white type people, and short Hispanic type people.  Voting generally splits along that demographic.  So even though we don't register a party, if a MVD staffer wanted to skew the election, they could fail to send in those applicants of one or the other appearance, and achieve a statistical advantage if those people ended up not voting on election day.

The staffer was Hispanic but I got a good feeling from her and do not believe she deliberately "lost" my application.  But it made me realize how easily that sort of thing can be done.

So what the Federal government did by mandating DMVs offer voter registration is to add an extra layer between the voter and the elections office, another link that can be broken. It is part of the reason registration is a mess. One more example of the feds interfering in something the states do, then claiming the states are making a mess and they need to come in and "fix" it.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 03, 2017, 05:24:04 PM »
Yes, that was too much. My apologies. Let me just say that I get supremely frustrated with conservatives ....


The voter ID portion of the plan is not my part of the compromise, so I'll leave that to you and other Conservatives to discuss implementation.  ;)

I'm not a conservative. Apology accepted though. :)

Noted. Personally, I'm not so arrogant that I believe we're the best at everything. Plenty of other countries can offer at the very least some instructive ideas.

I hope you're not implying that I arrogantly believe the U.S. is the best at everything.  I never said anything like that. Although we were the first to bring a certain level of freedom and prosperity to human race.

Yeah, Scott  Adams nailed it.  Personally, I thought nothing about this, and didn't think anything about the Obama Cowboy Clown either.  Everyone has a different sense of humor and neither are my thing so I really didn't care.

Put me in the group of people who thinks Trump is an embarrassment to our country, and to his credit I'm sure he never thought he'd be elected, which is why he acted so crazy during the election.  I just thought he'd mature afterward but it hasn't happened.  Like Adams said, I don't understand how others don't see what I'm seeing.

Exactly, you're watching the movie that is telling you things that for example are making you believe he never thought he'd win so that's why he acted so crazy.  The other movie going on portrays it totally differently.  He executed a very shrewd campaign and his craziness was calculated. In fact you can find it in his book "Art of the Deal".  He talks about starting negotiations at an extreme point, then bringing it down to a moderate point where you close.  He saw the election as negotiating a "deal".  His craziness was extreme rhetoric aimed at certain voters that he knew would respond to it.  Now that he's elected, he has been moderating a lot of his promises, which he has to do in order to get them passed. He was very aware exactly what he was doing all along.

Speaking of the other movie, I understand it made a huge deal of him returning from overseas tired, angry, having gained weight, etc.  I thought.... so he had jet lag and was exhausted. SO WHAT?  How is that even a story?

If that's the kind of crap you're being fed by your news sources, no wonder you don't like him. You're getting a very skewed picture of him. Maybe I'm getting a skewed picture in the other direction, but my point is how very different they are. It's hard to believe the news is talking about the same human being.

BTW, he is filling for Rush today.

I caught some of it.  Thanks for turning me on to him.  He's one to follow.  I went to his website and listened to him rant about Kinder Surprise.  Hilarious.

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