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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump bails on CPAC
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:36:53 AM »
According to Matt Schlapp, chairman of CPAC, Trump wanted to dictate the terms of his visit to CPAC, including not taking questions.  CPAC wouldn't accept those terms, so Trump didn't show. 

Coward comes to mind.

Why is it ok for Hilary Clinton to dictate these types of things, but not Donald Trump?
I am NOT a Trump voter, by the way.

Spin Zone / Re: The IRS is a fraud
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:32:07 AM »
The tax code is a fraud. The IRS is a tool used by the current corrupt administration to punish freedom of speech.
The rising trend of the federal branch, municipalities and states seizing your property without any evidence of guilt is fraud.

Spin Zone / Re: The Classy Lady is Gone
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:27:05 AM »
Progressives will be out in force chanting and celebrating her death.
Wait for it.

Spin Zone / Re: Romney, the real reason.
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:25:36 AM »
Agreed, there is definitely fatigue showing in the Democrats. Sanders has ignited a following,and I believe when the democrats show him the door at the convention, his hard core followers will simply not vote in the general.  Also, Hillary will not be able to get cross over voters.

I am positive that is exactly what will happen. The new, I guess they call themselves millennials, are probably far too lazy to show up and cast write in ballots as a reprisal against the establishment.

The truth is that corporations are MULTINATIONAL and answer to stockholders, who rightly expect a return on their investment.
The only way for mass producers to expand market share, and profits, in these economic times are to look outside the US for labor and operating savings due to the insane regulatory environment created by ever expanding government, which has to justify its existence by making up ever expanding regulations.
To return manufacturing to the USA, the USA must kill off the vast majority of useless regulation, while holding firm on useful regulation, and learn to operate more efficiently, and pose less of a threat to the economy.

Spin Zone / Re: Last OF The Bogus Charges Against Rick Perry Dismissed
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:23:07 AM »
Let me show you my shocked face...

' '

There was never any doubt about his ability to cast that veto but that won't stop people who seek to criminalize their opposition, so millions of dollars and a wrecked Presidential candidacy later, yeah, there is no 'there' there, to coin a phrase.


Sure there is. The progressive agenda was served by their using their position to lie like dogs, and act like common criminals.

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "Snowflake"
« on: February 22, 2016, 09:34:37 PM »
The way I've heard the term in recent times is to refer to those special, unique individuals who are part of the "participation trophy" generation, that need to have their thoughts and opinions continuously affirmed.  They are delicate, and any disagreement with them will send them running to find their "safe space".  Any disagreement with them will be called "harassment", and they will demand that those in power (normally University administration) severely sanction those who do not agree with them.

Kind of like POA moderators.

Spin Zone / Re: A World without Black History Month
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:21:55 AM »
I long for a day when we won't have a black history month because we will just study history regardless of skin color, give credit where credit is due regardless of skin color, praise that which is praiseworthy regardless of skin color, and condemn that which is condemnable regardless of skin color. 

MLK Jr and I have the same dream.


... but then race hustlers, and malcontent failures would have to look harder for someone to blame for their lack of achievement.

Spin Zone / Re: Tactics
« on: February 02, 2016, 11:37:58 AM »
Are the American people tired of dirty election tactics? 

If this is the greatest country on earth, and I think it is, wouldn't those wishing to TRULY LEAD it to greater greatness be more interested in laying out how they will do that, rather than destroying an opponent by laser focusing on the opponent's weaknesses, perceived or real?  In fact, apparently, all candidates LIE in their ads, and this is a LEGAL practice.

I loathe it.  What can we as Americans do to stop these ever-worsening tactics?

Stop electing crappy politicians like John Boehner, Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell, and the rest. Make there be a penalty for misbehaving, instead of great reward. Go back to having hte integrity to refuse support a candidate because of the letter after their name on the ballot, but instead the honor and integrity in their experience.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Received Yuuuuuge Endorsement
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:13:38 PM »
exactly.  what's the downside?

If 25% of the federal employees quit, and that is impossible, as few people are as overcompensated as federal employees, it would be a good place to start reducing the size of the bloated machine.

Spin Zone / Re: White Christians need to act more Christian than white
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:42:30 AM »

It's incredulous, but it really seems that's what he wants. That's certainly what I hear from the likes of Louie F.

I agree completely.
For folks like Sharpton and Jackson, there is money ( not as much perhaps, but plenty) to be made off of pushing the phony racial hatred theme. Certainly Sharpton has no real talents, or he would have found a way to do so without prostituting himself on the altar of stupidity, again, and again, and again - like say, "Resist we much!"
In an age when the president is black, and throughout our government, there are far more blacks holding high appointed and elected office than 13%, the idea that racism is the great problem is a fantasy spread by delusional, angry, unfulfilled, whiners.
Just because you can't find a real occupation, is no reason we should all have to listen to your insufferable, racist babbling.

Spin Zone / Re: GOP Debate January 28, and the Muslim Problem
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:33:13 AM »
The Muslim gal upset in assuming it is everyone else s problem and not her and anyone affiliated with her religion.  I wanted to climb through the TV and say, "It isn't us sawing heads of Christians."

I agree. The real problem withe toxic environment, is people pretending that it is not an Islamist problem that relates directly to the wholesale hijacking of their religion, and the fact that the majority of Muslims refuse to hold anyone of their religion accountable, no matter what they do in the name of Islam. That you-tube girl was the perfect modern snowflake, shoving all responsibility onto non-Muslim Americans.

Spin Zone / Re: White Christians need to act more Christian than white
« on: January 26, 2016, 07:01:04 PM »
Off the racial topic for a minute, but I wanted to share some insight that my wife gave me last night.

Occasionally I'll discuss some of our PS (and former SZ) conversations, and last night I mentioned my concern about the apparently growing number of atheists and agnostics in our little pilot group and in the public as a whole.  (No need to discuss my concerns about that here - we've done that to death.)

Her hypothesis was that many if not most people today have never wanted for food on the table, a roof overhead, or whether they will live through a World War. My dad's generation had to worry about all of that, and consequently turned to faith for comfort, to give thanks, and to seek forgiveness.

Today's society is more well off and more secure than previous generations, across the board. It might not be rainbows and unicorns for some people, but I think it's safe to say that fewer people have the worries and wants that our parents did. Consequently, fewer people feel the "need" for religion or even faith in general, believing that their own efforts, and not Devine intervention, is what shapes their lives.

Just some top of mind thoughts.

I can't say that I disagree, but I would add - The social construct in the modern age (millennials, public school teacher unions, and the like) is all about conformity to a social order that permits very little individuality. Even thinking logically is frowned upon and frequently punished. The more self-centered any society grows, the more likely society is as a whole to abandon anything that fails to prop up the order of the day, which is all about obeying, and coloring inside the lines, ignoring the temptation to dream, excel, reach, or strive for a better outcome.
That Bernie Sanders - Hilary Clinton are the best the far left can put forth, is proof that individualism is being beaten out of our younger generation.

Spin Zone / Re: White Christians need to act more Christian than white
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:56:49 AM »
The difference between Jaybird's view of America and mine, is Jaybird CHOOSES to see everything through a racial lens, and then imputes racism into every topic. That is very much like those who CHOOSE to wallow in whatever challenges life tossed their way, instead of striving to improve their lot, then blaming everyone who CHOSE to improve their lot, for the different outcome.
Life is about choices we make, not choices others make.
Pregnant teenage girls often trap themselves into lifestyles that lead to failure. Sometimes pregnant teenage girls CHOOSE to get an education, find a good job, raise their children to become successful and productive members of society, and everyone wins.
The sooner the racist dog whistle crowd figures that out, the sooner their lives will start to improve.

Spin Zone / Re: Final Thoughts on the Spin Zone
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:30:24 PM »
To get America back working, we have to stop believing that government has any of the answers. Once we free ourselves of the delusion that the federal government is anything but a really clever system of bribe taking, and outright stealing, we can dismiss them as a bunch of crap and get back to work.
Think about it...
Take the federal government completely out of education and local schools are run by local school boards who have children who attend the schools they are trying to better.
Take the fed out of health care and health care goes back to being int he hands of doctors and patients, without assholes interfering for political reasons.
Take the federal government out of taxation by creating a flat tax system and collections skyrocket along with commerce.

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