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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: March 08, 2024, 08:52:39 AM »
what about lawyers?

Aren’t lawyers covered under monkeys?

Spin Zone / Re: really? no kidding dick tracy
« on: March 05, 2024, 09:39:53 AM »
Where are the fucking, hypocrites of the women’s rights movement?

Silent… because those cunts have no interest in women, only politics,

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado Case Argued Before USSC Today
« on: March 04, 2024, 10:42:48 AM »
I never understand how democrats can HATE freedom with such venom while claiming to be protecting freedom by taking away freedoms.

I agree with Joe but would add a caveat.

The civil divorce coming will become chronic due to the pressure on the treasury. The communist
Arty (disguised as democrats) with assistance from the scum bag republicans, have insured collapse thru spending and printing of money.

Once the supply dries up it is game over  and the civil war will break out between states that can survive thru production and those that only know how to take and think it is their right.

When Colorado stops giving trillions of gallons of water to the communist utopia of california, they just close the gates and refuse to reopen them. When outside power sources refuse to send free, or cheap power to them, the pace of cloacae and rise of anarchy becomes acute.

The communist democrat states will descend into darkness and separatist so fast it will shock even the dumbest liberal. Suddenly asshole judges and criminal prosecutors are impotent and shit holemdommunist cities and states find themselves with millions of irate, rioters and arsonists.

It will be not bad, but terrible to be caught when the wheels come off cities and states overwhelmed with entitlement whores when the free stuff runs out.

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:28:33 PM »
Those fuckers need to stand in front of a firing squad on live TV as a warning to the rest of the traitors embedded in our government,

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 21, 2024, 07:37:39 AM »

They posted the wrong video.
This one is joe biden’s cabinet getting ready for a cabinet meeting.

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 10, 2024, 08:03:57 AM »
The left media is pissed that Tucker dared to share a side of the story they didn’t approve.

jim is parroting their position but couching it in terms of faux concern about how people hearing more than one bias is a danger to democracy.

More nonsense from a pretend libertarian.

Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Loses To NONE OF THE ABOVE in Nevada
« on: February 09, 2024, 06:52:43 AM »
She's in it to win it....

Now that there is no pathway to the nomination for nikita nikki, look for a terrible event that the communist democrats can use to cancel, or delay the first Tuesday in November.

Either a false flag terror event, or the next chinese bio-weapon release would be my guess.

An assassination of President Trump by the fucking communist cia, doj, fbi cabal wouldn't surprise me.

They did it to RFK, and JFK. Why not President Trump.

As we all saw yesterday, the communist biden regime denied Kennedy Secret Service protection AGAIN. Doesn't that set up a convenient assassination?

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado Case Argued Before USSC Today
« on: February 08, 2024, 01:00:30 PM »
Sotomayor wouldn't be any dumber if you cut her head off.

Spin Zone / Nikki Loses To NONE OF THE ABOVE in Nevada
« on: February 07, 2024, 12:01:32 PM »
This election primary season has got to out do all the past ones for hilarity and craziness.

 Nikki came in a distant second in Nevada last night to NONE OF THE ABOVE. That has to leave a mark.

Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: February 07, 2024, 07:33:09 AM »
If y’all are talking about 2016, I too didn’t like the Donald.  I didn’t vote for him in the primary. Sensing Florida was getting ready to lean red again, I voted for Marco Rubio.  I wasn’t crazy about any of the choices. To my mind, anybody but Hillary, and for some reason I thought Rubio could beat her. I was probably wrong, and never imagined Trump would win. That election night was the happiest of my life.  I suppose I should say, excepting my wedding night or the birth of my children.

I was positive that Donald Trump would win in 2016 after hilary made her basket of deplorable pronouncement. Nothing was funnier than surfing around the networks watching anchors in tears.

Spin Zone / Re: Senate Border Bill
« on: February 05, 2024, 09:47:19 AM »
And now the blackmail

The DOD should outfit that fat fucking pedophile and send HIM to fight the wars he supports.

Fucking pussy would wet himself, then collapse crying for mommy in about four seconds.

Spin Zone / Re: Senate Border Bill
« on: February 05, 2024, 09:17:11 AM »
$118B and over half of it goes to Ukraine.

...and three quarters of that go to bribes

Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: February 04, 2024, 07:01:18 PM »
I guess pete is desperate to draw attention away from the facts to support the lies.

Why else would any sane, non partisan person be so desperate to avoid admitting the fix was in and the scum bag judge is just as corrupt as the person or persons who poisoned the jury pool.

Here is the psycho, lying, mental, bitch in action.

Spin Zone / Re: Question:
« on: January 31, 2024, 06:24:08 AM »
Since when has a democrat had any credibility?

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