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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 448 449 [450] 451 452 ... 542
I believe that should be eight, as Aaron Hernandez won't be attending this year...

...or any other year for at least the next two-hundred.

Spin Zone / Re: The Cheeto Jesus' first fatality
« on: February 11, 2017, 09:27:33 AM »
So the Orange Manatee has a fatality from his first authorized mission, which sounds like a disaster according to everyone except, well, the Cheeto Jesus himself.  Not a peep for all those who couldn't stop screaming at the top of their lungs, metaphorical or otherwise, "Bhenghazi!".  I guess I highly trained member of a SEAL team just isn't as valuable as a US Ambassador in the view of the Trumpkins.  Or perhaps that is the the Man boy can do no wrong.

Mikey, you are a pathetic, whining, infantile, idiot.

I'd be more specific but your VERY limited IQ couldn't understand the words.

Spin Zone / Re: Executive orders
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:48:05 AM »
Here is the law you claim is "unconstitutional" even though it's enshrined in the USC.

 Now, please, using that law, please explain to us what sections of the constitution it violates.  In fact, take the ruling of the 9th Circus (which you have admitted was over reaching) and please show us in that ruling where they cite the above law as "unconstitutional". (Hint: It's not there)

PLEASE don't offend Triple Zero IQ with something as complicate and hard as facts. He will find it another excuse to cite his special-ness, deserved-ness and superior three digit (000) IQ.

Spin Zone / Re: Corporate virtue signalling
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:45:59 AM »
Articles like this make me wonder if the ACLU has its priorities straight, though.

We seem to be entrenched in an epoch of rights being trampled in a convoluted way, by distorting the very definition of what is a right and what is not.  The ACLU's mission is laudable, but I fear their actual positions may be political.

The founder of the ACLU was quite clear that he supported communism as the ultimate goal and that they would USE the judiciary to achieve their ultimate goal. When people laud the ACLU and their mission, I cringe at the thought.

The NFL has become something of a joke in our house and this little impotent protest is just another straw among many.
Goodell can take his failed leadership and stuff it for all I care.

Spin Zone / Re: How can these 9th courts overrule the president?
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:42:54 AM »
How Sweet...
Agent Double-Oh ZERO and his triple (000) IQ is still babbling in the dark about things of which he knows nothing...
It's a good thing he lives in the academic hothouse because a person with such limited insight would never make it in the real world.

Spin Zone / Re: Executive orders
« on: February 09, 2017, 10:00:49 PM »
Agent Double-Oh Zero strikes again and is just as uniformed as he usually is.

Spin Zone / Re: How can these 9th courts overrule the president?
« on: February 09, 2017, 09:58:02 PM »
The 9th Circuit now owns the protection of our citizens.  Should someone come into the country and commit a terrorist act the 9th Circuit will have the blood on their hands.

Liberals NEVER accept any responsibility. They simply pretend it's all the fault of the TEA party and white supremacists like Jeff Seesions and Breitbart.

At no time would a liberal judge actually consider the constitution because that might inconvenience them from an integrity standpoint and liberal activist judges have no integrity.

Spin Zone / Re: More from the world of Academia
« on: February 09, 2017, 08:58:57 AM »
Academics see themselves as elitist, brilliant, oh-so-superior to the unwashed masses.

We see academics as:

Spin Zone / Re: Repealing Obamacare
« on: February 09, 2017, 08:45:17 AM »
LOL!!  Guess you can pick your poll to show your point!  Accuracy is in the eye of the beholder, Rasmussen and Reuters are the only two that crack the 50% mark, the other 9 don't make it above 45%.

It is still early in the Presidents term, can't say any of them are "right".  Still, ain't a great start.  With the Presidents "winning" manner, I'm sure they will move.  ;D

Just out of morbid curiosity, how unifying and tolerant was the left's messiah, anyway?
How did the fake statesman do at bringing the world together, leading us out of recession, lowering the seas, ending racism, furthering racial harmony and ending the Israeli Arab conflict????
How successful was he at ending violent crime, radical muslim terror, illegal alien violent crime against American citizens, reducing black on black violence?

Before you knee jerk an claim that republican racists held him back at every turn, be honest with yourself.
How well did the con man Obama do?
How tolerant was he of anyone who thought differently than him?
How well did he work across the aisle.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 09, 2017, 08:39:43 AM »
This is utter bullshit of the worst kind, unsurprising on Fox.  Part of publishing anything in a journal like Science is very rigorous peer review by experts in your field.  If you don't believe me trying publishing in Science sometime, anyone can.  I haven't, my best has been Nature, and I can tell you that the peer review was scathing.

But no doubt you all know better because you read it on the internet.  Whatever.

TRANSLATION: We are your betters.
We did not give you permission to question our incredible, deserving selves.
ANYONE who dares question is racist.
WE decide what is good for you and if WE decide to lie about the findings, it is for your own good.

Truth: A whistleblower has exposed the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for tampering with climate change data in order to promote the global warming agenda at the United Nations' Paris climate conference in 2015.

Spin Zone / Re: Repealing Obamacare
« on: February 09, 2017, 07:42:50 AM »
The left wing brainwashing reached a peak when they realized that the actual voters refused to behave according to the master plan of their owner George Soros and the real FAKE news networks went into overdrive.

The alt-left led lemmings havent been told no in so long they really and truly do believe that it is illegal.

What a pathetic bunch of academic embarrassments and scientific illiterates.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 09, 2017, 07:36:15 AM »
Authoritative sources gave us the hockey stick and EVERY prediction from the loony bin left fake scientists with their fake alarmism and their fake solutions.

Spin Zone / Faux-a-Hontas Can't Get No Love
« on: February 08, 2017, 08:45:52 AM »
Gotta love unhinged liberals.

Lizzy (lie-a-watha) Warren lost her cool, her brains (assuming she has any) and her pulpit when the Senate refused to continue to listen to her diatribe of bullshit against Jeff Sessions.

Sometimes liberals are downright hysterical. If they weren't so truly treasonous, they would be entertaining.

Spin Zone / Re: Repealing Obamacare
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:52:42 AM »
Then why did they try and repeal it SIX times?

I know it is hard to wrap your tiny IQ around FACTS, but if you look closely Mr. Double-O-Zero, you will see that the GOP is moving deliberately, rather than stupidly, to make sure they capture all the destructive tentacles of obamacare as they repeal it.

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