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Topics - Rush

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Spin Zone / Mail?
« on: May 22, 2024, 03:04:20 PM »
I have outgoing mail.  I put the flag up.  The mail person comes and puts incoming mail in the box and drives off without taking the outgoing.

This NEVER used to happen.  What the fucking fuck is wrong with people anymore?

Spin Zone / A piece of advice
« on: May 22, 2024, 06:19:21 AM »
Go through all your stuff.  With a fine tooth comb, every drawer, every last corner of your closets, pretending you are your own children and grandchildren and you are dead.

One thing we found: A letter written in 1916 to my grandmother shortly after she married my grandfather. It was from a guy she had apparently friend zoned. He opened by expressing shock to have been informed of her marriage, then wished her all the happiness in the world. Then, he went on for several sentences about how hurt he was that she didn’t choose him, that she didn’t care anything for him while he basically worshipped her.  But still, he is thrilled she found the man of her dreams (my grandfather) and hoped to become good friends with him!  Ended with repeated wishes for all the happiness she “so justly” deserves, even though “she and fate conspired” against them being together; nevertheless he will always love her.

Imagine shortly after your wedding getting a letter like that from a guy you thought was “just a friend”.  Creepy!  And then you keep the letter!  And your son finds it after you die and he keeps it!  And then a century later your grandchildren, whom you never met, end up with it.  (She died young.)

Or imagine you’re the guy and you write that highly personal letter in a frenzy of conflicting emotion, and a century later a bunch of strangers are reading it.  But there’s one thing I got from it: Young guys then were no different than young guys today; getting a crush on some female who thinks of him like a “brother” but being too shy to do anything about it, then getting their heart broken when she gets serious with somebody else.

That’s just one of many interesting things we found. And we barely scratched the surface of all the crap in mom’s house.

Spin Zone / The border crisis
« on: May 06, 2024, 12:31:29 PM »
This is what I mean by using diplomacy. We could do much to encourage and support this sort of thing. But Biden will do the opposite. He is deliberately trying to destroy this country.

Spin Zone / Biden trying to take over states’ National Guards
« on: May 06, 2024, 12:18:26 PM »

Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to retract the U.S. Department of the Air Force's Legislative Proposal 480 which poses a threat to the Texas National Guard. The proposal would set a dangerous precedent by giving the Secretary of the Air Force unilateral authority to transfer Air National Guard units to the Space Force—sidelining Governors as the commander-in-chief of their respective National Guards.
“In recent years, members of the Texas National Guard have heroically responded to hurricanes, wildfires, and a variety of other disasters, including the one at the Texas-Mexico border,” reads the letter. “Legislative Proposal 480, put forth by the U.S. Department of the Air Force, poses an intolerable threat to the Texas National Guard. Congress has long required the consent of a governor before units can be transferred out of the National Guard he commands. By departing from this sensible arrangement, and allowing the Secretaries to dismantle National Guard units on a whim, Legislative Proposal 480 would set a dangerous precedent. Members of the Texas National Guard must always stand ready to respond to natural disasters, civil disturbances, cartel activity that threaten our way of life. Instead of attempting such a power grab in Congress, the U.S. Department of the Air Force should work with the affected governors to build up the Space Force in a way that is consistent with federal law.”

Spin Zone / Trump talks about the hush money trial
« on: April 26, 2024, 05:49:01 PM »

I can’t transcribe this one quite yet…

Spin Zone / This Land is Mine
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:06:23 AM »
The biggest message I get from this is you better have the strongest military. Somebody should tell the woke fruitcakes in our DoD.  Property rights are meaningless unless you can defend them.

Spin Zone / I love this construction guy
« on: April 25, 2024, 01:47:40 PM »

Spin Zone / Free speech
« on: April 23, 2024, 06:45:06 AM »
Jim called out my "ambiguous" sounding position on the pro-Hamas protests, as if he wants me to come out in full support of the protestors' right to free speech, and I've been holding back just a bit.  Here's why.

For decades now, the major institutions influencing public opinion (media and education), and more importantly, the development of ideology in our children, have been taken over by neo-Marxist anti-Americans.  These protestors are mostly young people, as usual; brains not fully developed, no adult life experience, think they know everything, but have not been exposed to a wide range of ideas.

For years now, ramping up hard recently, these institutions have censored speech, not from these neo-Marxists (aka the left) but from the right and from anything upholding the ideals of our founding fathers (such as the Constitution).  Conservative speakers are banned from campus. Mainstream media is now openly just a propaganda arm for the Democrats, and social media we now know is infiltrated by federal agencies controlling who is allowed to speak freely.  Political speech is not the only speech censored, we have scientists blacklisted and censored for speaking truthfully about climate change or covid.

There IS NO free speech in America anymore.  So now all of a sudden I'm supposed to defend a bunch of brats siding with terrorists and shouting threats at our very nation?  Where's the call to support all the above, censored everywhere except X and a few alternative platforms? 

The issue is not we need to allow pro-Palestinian speech; that is a subset of speech and openly allowed and supported.  Any countering subsets are suppressed, and that is apparently acceptable. We have destroyed free speech in America. Those protests aren't free speech; they are what is allowed to be said by the puppet masters. 

Free speech must apply to everyone and all points of view or it isn't free speech at all.  What is allowed simply becomes the rantings of a properly brainwashed set of minions.

Spin Zone / Looks like Iran is attacking Israel
« on: April 13, 2024, 02:12:54 PM »
They launched a bunch of drones that will take several hours to reach Israel. The IDF is preparing to shoot them down.  Or try to.  That’s all I know.  Except Biden addressed it saying, “Mffff bblubbbb uh… mmmeffff huh?”

Spin Zone / RFKJr on Ukraine
« on: April 07, 2024, 05:09:49 PM »
Is he wrong?

For you non Twitter users, basically he’s saying all the money we are giving to Ukraine is ending up with BlackRock, and furthermore, BlackRock owned companies are buying up all Ukraine’s farmland as part of the “loan” condition because this money is technically a loan although we all know it will never be repaid.

Spin Zone / F to M bottom surgery and some discussion of IVF
« on: April 07, 2024, 09:13:07 AM »

So in the Dean Phillips thread I mentioned that Jordan Peterson now favors banning ALL transition surgeries, which my first reaction, as a libertarian (small “l”) is, no, if you’re an adult and you want this, no matter how stupid it is, go for it.  Just don’t make me pay for it.

After listening to just the first ten minutes of this, I’m starting to see where Peterson is coming from.  As long as the truth about these surgeries is suppressed, how can an adult make an informed decision?

Scott was 42 when he had the fake penis surgery.  Anyone would assume he was mature enough to understand and consent, and he was mature enough, but the medical community and media withheld information he needed for informed consent.  Yet another reason the First Amendment is so important.  In this case it is capitalist “greed” on the part of the gender reassignment industry that is to blame, but it is vastly enabled by the sick transgender activist movement which has wormed its way into the leftist ideological propaganda machine.  Without that part, the truth about these surgeries would quickly come into the open.

But the problem with simply banning these surgeries for everyone is that the right has the tendency to go to the extreme, making problems for people who aren’t the targets of the policy.  My biggest beef with the right at the moment is the movement to ban IV fertilization.  The issue is that the fertilized egg is now a full set of human DNA and in order to produce one live baby, you have to sacrifice a few more of the zygotes.  The right, being pro-life, considers this equal to abortion.

My objection to that characterization is that rather than subtracting a human life as the net result, which regular abortion does, you are actually adding a human life to the world by using this process, that otherwise would not exist.  Yes, you must create and then sacrifice one or more other zygotes to get one to survive, but in this case they are actually literally a “clump of cells”.  Unlike what they become just a few short weeks after implantation into a womb.  They are not differentiated cells; there is no central nervous system so no possibility of consciousness.  Yes they have a full set of human DNA but so does any one of your skin cells: that doesn’t make a discarded skin cell a “person” with a right to life.

I don’t like the idea of needing to make several zygotes to get one of them to grow into a baby, but that’s where the technology is right now.  I’ve heard conservatives suggest you should just make one and implant it, but they lack understanding of how this works.  If you try to do it that way the odds are you will need to make many attempts before you’re successful if ever, and women have a clock running out on their ability to carry a pregnancy. To me the goal is to make more babies. IVF is doing that. Leave it the hell alone.

I suspect that what’s got a bee in the bonnet of the conservatives against IVF is the fact that gay couples are now using it to have children.  To that I say, you are against abortion, so you are fine with a low IQ welfare mom in the ghetto having the unwanted baby who will grow up to be a criminal thug, but you have a problem with a gay couple who might be well off tax paying citizens having a baby.  I admit that’s not ideal:  I firmly believe children are best raised by one man plus one woman in a committed marriage.  But I’m talking about public policy and the unintended consequences.  The majority of IVF clients are heterosexual married couples with financial means. You ban abortion and IVF, you get fewer children of traditional straight couples, and more children growing up without fathers in poverty.

Anyway how this relates to gender surgeries, is if we were to ban these surgeries for adults, what about the soldier who had his junk blown off in war?  What about men with penile cancer who would like some sort of package approximation rebuilt?  Oh we can make exceptions for that; well that didn’t work out so well for banning the abortion pill. They made exceptions for miscarriage, but in the real world women ended up unable to get the pills to treat miscarriage because of doctors’ legal fears.  They had to let the dead baby rot inside them for a while and then undergo surgical removal.  This damages a woman’s ability to try for another pregnancy.  If the goal is to have more babies, and I think that should be the goal, we need to be very careful not to address these matters with a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel. 

I have the same reservation about Peterson’s proposal to ban transition surgeries for adults. But if I had to vote on it right now I might well vote to ban, but I prefer dismantling the whole grip the left and their sick ideologies have on society right now.

Spin Zone / Dean Phillips
« on: April 07, 2024, 06:09:58 AM »
Very interesting interview.  I knew nothing about this guy til now, including the fact the Dear Abby was his grandmother.

He’s an unacceptable leftist, in that he wants Medicare for all, reparations for “oppressed groups” and probably hates guns although I can’t recall them talking about that.

But he is totally on board with the idea of the Uniparty that locks everyone out that isn’t part of the “family” and how the media has become a defacto arm of it.  This of course because they didn’t give his campaign any kind of platform so he could be a viable alternative to Biden.  The argument is made that they didn’t cover him because he wasn’t high enough in the polls, but the counter argument is that it’s a chicken and egg thing:  How can you rise in the polls if the media doesn’t give you a voice?

Basically he’s kind of a leftist/populist.  He understands the attraction of Trump which is that Trump listens to the “forgotten man”.  His family is Jewish and that shaped his politics, he’s the traditional Jewish Democrat. Persecution of the Jews throughout history leads him to the leftist idea of reparations and “equality” needing to be codified in public policy.

But he and Jordan debate whether he means “equality of opportunity” or “equality of outcome”.  Like Bernie Sanders did recently on the Bill Maher show, he claims equality of opportunity.  Presumably that means he supports DEI programs.  But isn’t a full on communist. And like all similar leftists, he fails to understand basic economics- socialism is communism lite and is unsustainable.

For example, he proposes giving every newborn in the country $5000 in an investment trust. When he reaches college age it will have grown to $25,000 and now can be used to launch the kid into life.  He seems to have zero grasp of the multiple problems of a scheme like this.  Which I won’t get into but if you’re not a leftie you already know.

They discuss the trans movement and surgeries in particular. He is libertarian when it comes to adults, let them do what they want to their bodies. Peterson then counters (surprise to me) that he now thinks transition surgery should be banned altogether, even for adults. His reasoning is how damaging they are and that it has become a huge profit making enterprise without acknowledging how bad the outcomes are.

They then discuss the difference between the left and the right.  The right is against government becoming too rich and powerful and the left is against corporations becoming too rich and powerful but what they share is the problem of the elite becoming too rich and powerful to the detriment of the common man.

For some reason the way he talks reminds me of Ron DeSantis.

Spin Zone / Tulsi - I’m sold!
« on: April 02, 2024, 05:03:13 PM »
Can’t say I disagree with any of this.  Well, I never supported Bernie, but I can understand why she preferred him over Hillary.  Makes sense!

I think her transformation is sincere. Like Rosanne Barr, it’s not Tulsi who changed, it is the Democrat Party.  They became everything she hated: anti-free speech, anti-women (with the trans stuff), pro-war, etc.

Except on guns, she’s changed on that, but they don’t talk about that here.

Spin Zone / I’ve given up coffee.
« on: April 01, 2024, 05:52:38 AM »
April Fool’s.

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