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Messages - PeterNSteinmetz

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The study you quote doesn’t consider virtually no carb eating. IOW being in ketosis. If you are predisposed to type 2 then strictly limiting carbs certainly does treat it.

I grant that I should have said eating a lot of carbs leads to diabetes in those genetically predisposed. Agree about total calories but limiting carbs is partly about limiting total calories because small amounts of protein and fat as long as you don’t sweeten them kill the appetite.

Probably best to stick to the peer-reviewed literature on this sort of question. Lots of junk information out there on diets.

I don’t know exactly what you mean by “virtual no carb eating”. Is the mono-unsaturated diet in the following an example?

I don’t think you eat your way into DM type 2. I think you eat your way into being obese, which predisposes to DM type 2 and that there is a genetic component. Most biological phenomena are a mixture of nature and nurture.

It is a good point that the success of most diets depends on how well they control people’s appetites so they can control total calories. My sense is that this is highly idiosyncratic.

Incredibly, there are still people who deny that tons of carbs leads to diabetes.
Appears those people are correct.


Now people who eat a lot of carbohydrates often eat a lot of total calories. Sugar is very reinforcing. More calories makes you heavy which is related to type II DM.

But it likely does not really matter where the calories come from. People don’t like to hear this. But if you want to lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories and exercise more, which burns them off.

Spin Zone / This post won't last long on POA.
« on: January 28, 2022, 08:01:19 PM »
I would also probably consider this to be a piece of disinformation. More specifically where it says that myocarditis is “a common and potentially deadly side effect” of vaccination.

The rate of this is like on the order of 1-10 per million, which is hardly in the ballpark of “common”

Also, the most likely myocarditis in young males is not deadly.

Nonetheless, I think it a very poor idea to have people with no medical training trying to make these determinations.

Solution is - don’t use PoA and invite people on blocked threads to come over to PS via PM.

You can call me pussy, or you can call me commie, or you can call me communist, or you can call me liberal, or you can call me faggot, or you can call me pussy commie, or you can call me a fag, or you can call me pussy commie fag, or you can call me pussy commie fag liberal, but you doesn't hasta call me pussy communist faggot liberal!
That did make me chuckle. Nice one Jim.

Spin Zone / Re: Rush, did you get this POA thread locked
« on: January 22, 2022, 01:13:32 PM »
If you mention this place on POA you get deleted and banned.

Best to mention to people in private messages on PoA. While the management council members may read some private messages, they are less likely to ban you for them. This is likely an effective tactics for threads that get locked, like the one in the OP.

Spin Zone / Re: Rush, did you get this POA thread locked
« on: January 22, 2022, 09:27:44 AM »
In my view, solution is simple. Improve performance here on PS, refer people here from PoA, open up PS to search engines. and stop using PoA.

Spin Zone / Rush, did you get this POA thread locked
« on: January 21, 2022, 05:28:31 PM »
PoA moderation was, IMHO, operating subjectively at least from 2008{*}, though posters then had an outlet in their pilotspin subforum. The subjectivity progressed over the years as their rules grew and grew and grew. In addition the successor of a moderator is chosen by other moderators, so divergence from the user base was inevitable.

{*} I say 2008 because I believe that is when I created an account on PoA after aviation author Bob Gardner (RIP) left Usenet rec.aviation.piloting newgroup that year with this announcement:
I guess these sort of forums do age. And with the successors being chosen by successors the drift seems inevitable.

While there is always some amount of subjectivity in enforcing even objectively defined rules, they now propose to enforce explicitly subjective rules which they base on being able to judge the states of mind of posters. I was shocked to learn of that and that is when I decided to largely stop contributing there. I don’t think anyone is particularly good at mind reading.

Spin Zone / Rush, did you get this POA thread locked
« on: January 21, 2022, 04:28:40 PM »
The moderation at PoA is now based on explicitly subjective rules. Best avoided. But if they lock a thread that is an opportunity to invite the participants to come over to PilotSpin via private message.

It was a government daily data report.  The people pushing the false "vaccines are deadly" narrative cherry picked two numbers from the report and produced a lie.
Strikes me as worse than cherry-picking, which is normally using a subset of the data. In this case they completely mis-interpreted the data. It is as though they simply don’t understand the difference between a rate of something occurring and the raw number of occurrences. This level of mathematical illiteracy does not surprise me at naturalnews at all.

Spin Zone / Vaccinated Dying at Roughly Three TimesThe Rate of Unvaxed…
« on: January 14, 2022, 08:00:22 PM »

The claim of the UK publishing stats of three times greater death rates in vaccinated is sufficiently incredible that even the biggest skeptic of vaccines should have had their Spidey sense kick in and look into the actual source of the claimed data.

Exactly. One really has to look at the original data and analyses when something doesn’t pass the smell test.

Was this published in a peer-reviewed article? Or even a pre-print intended for same?

And yes, I suspect that the writers at naturalnews either did fail 4th grade math or have forgotten what they learned. It is a highly biased publication which often gets scientific facts and analyses wrong.

As has U-Haul.

Pilot Zone / Re: Dillingham lease extended
« on: January 13, 2022, 06:24:19 PM »
Amazing the pressure smaller airports are under from development.
The land becomes valuable to developers who then wine and dine and possibly bribe the city council. Doesn’t take much at that level in a lot of cities to affect the political process.

Thanks, I would also rather see PS performance improved, and am willing to contribute the funds necessary.

These are good questions to try and debug the situation. I will track for the next week what appears to be happening, perhaps at a few locations and on a few devices and then provide a more detailed report.

I note that I just now waited over a minute for this reply to page to load.

Moved discussion of this issue over to a new thread in the Forum Feedback and Tutorials sub-forum. The problem still seems to persist.

Pilot Zone / SWA, Love Field, and the Wright amendment
« on: January 04, 2022, 02:20:42 PM »
Typical story of anti-competitive behavior by large established companies using the law to try and squelch competition -

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