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Messages - Number7

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Now the Jesus Lunches are drawing protesters, who are supported by the "Freedom from Religion" foundation.

What the fuck is WRONG with people?  Why can't the left live and let live, and allow these people to have their good and wholesome lunches and discussions on their Christian faith in peace? 

The left is destroying this country.  There is NOTHING good to come from protesting these lunches, except to to drive faith into the shadows.

Unfortunately for the progressives mental cases to win, everything that anybody holds dear must be torn down and destroyed, to be replaced by conformity to the progressive mental illness, and faithfulness only to the state. These people relish destroying anything that makes anyone else happy, because progressives appear to be congenitally unhappy, and the most jealous people on earth, needing to attack and destroy any form of happiness, because it offends their selfish selves.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Trump would be worse than Hillary.
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:41:53 AM »
As I look at the primary elections I see the stamp of the two parties all over everything.
The same corrupt clowns that dumped McCain and Romney on the GOP are working feverishly not to dump Don Trump on us right now, because the only thing they fear worse than losing the White House - again - is being out of power.
The same corrupt clowns that dumped Obama on America - twice -  are doing whatever it takes to make sure Hilary Clinton is the nominee no matter who wins the actual primaries. It's 2008 all over again for them.
Ted Cruz is hated by leftists because he refuses to play the political power games they live for.
Ted Cruz is hated by RINO republicans because he refuses to play their power games by their rules.
Bernie Sanders and John Kasich are just bystanders playing with themselves, thinking they are relevant right now.

Spin Zone / Re: School District Wants to Stop "Jesus Lunches"
« on: April 14, 2016, 08:49:07 AM »
Until the federal and state government stops believing it is their right to own your children, and stop micromanaging their lives, this is the new normal.
Free speech be damned, when the state can decide what speech is free and what is 'dangerous,' or a distraction from the 'educational' (read - indoctrination) process.

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the Real Republican Nominee
« on: April 05, 2016, 05:24:49 PM »
That's pretty funny.

...and then there's the news after the election of Hilary Clinton...

Bill Clinton accused of raping two year old twins. Attorney General Rosie Oddonnell immediately announces that pedophilia is a 'choice,' not a crime.

George Soros named Ambassador to Israel. Demands Israel be evacuated by all Jews to make room for more Muslims too lazy to work, Communists and Welfare recipients.

WWIII begins when Poland passes law making abortion illegal.

Clinton Administration announces that parents are required to choose their pre-school aged children's gender based on formulas given to them by the federal government. No alternative choices are allowed.

and on the same day...

Clinton administration announces that NO parent may attempt to choose their child's school. All school choices are to made by the federal government for your own good.

Federal regulators announce all income shall be first paid into the treasury and redistributed across America based upon formulas taking into account voter registration, political donation history, and facebook posting tendencies.

Tens of Thousands of American families forcibly evicted from their homes to repair sexual orientation of neighborhoods along the lines of a formula developed by Hollywood producers, and funded by Apple. Gay majority neighborhoods are specifically exempted.

Obamacare is radically changed to deny all access to healthcare to any citizen who can be shown to be pro-life.

By 2020 the last 310 Tea Party members have been rounded up and executed in Oregon, Washington, California, and New York. President Clinton promises to eradicate all Tea Party subversives before the end of her fourth term.

Spin Zone / Re: Election Update from Wisconsin
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:51:17 PM »
So you are denying that the GOP/RNC screwed her over when she ran with McCain?

I thought the RNC were working for the Obama Campaign in 2008, not McCain.
It WAS that bad.

Spin Zone / Re: US Manufacturing.
« on: April 02, 2016, 01:43:18 PM »
When a president has the balls to impose the exact same trade barriers against our trading partners that they i,pose against US made products, the real culprit will start to disappear.

Spin Zone / Re: Transformation is Fun-damental
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:25:11 PM »
The Muslim refugee problem in America is that it is an invasion, not a immigration. President Obama is fully on board with it, just as Angela Merkel is in Germany. They WANT to destroy their countries from within, and our congress is too lame to put a stop to it.

Spin Zone / Re: Cure Racism in America???
« on: March 26, 2016, 03:45:12 PM »
The supposition that all racism is a white problem, meaning only white people are racist, is as idiotic as claiming that only red necks like NASCAR. The kinds of people babbling about racism are often the most racist people of all.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with Cruz
« on: March 24, 2016, 08:53:23 AM »
As is usual, nobody is talking about the two lost idiots on the democrat side. In stead all the discussion is centered on attacking republicans, and ignoring the criminal and the communist.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Cruz supporters.
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:54:33 PM »
Don't read it is you find my views tiresome.  Just put a boom box on each shoulder -- one blairing Rush and the other Sean -- and live in your own little bubble.

Tiresome doesn't describe your post. You are a progressive ideologue and seek to attack without substance, then cut and run.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 22, 2016, 07:04:19 AM »
Now, how do we break the cycle of poverty?

Stop all forms of assistance/welfare to able bodied adults and see how fast (after the riots) people 'discover' they can do the jobs liberals constantly claim that no one will do.

Spin Zone / Re: "With friends like this, who needs enemies?"
« on: March 20, 2016, 07:57:52 AM »
Lindsey Graham is the epitome of a sleazy, self-centered, politician. Much like Hilary, Lindsey pretends to be whatever it takes to get along and keep the corruption underway. Much like Boehner and McConnell, he lies with Obama-esque ease, and when he talked about Ted Cruz, the risk was that all ten of his supporters might not vote for him.

Electing either Trump,  Hilary/Bernie will set us back for decades because neither side will even speak to the other and the parasite in the White House will not even notice because they will be too busy reshaping things to suit them (or in the case of Hilary, continue to enrich herself, like her predecessor).

Spin Zone / Re: Suicide of GOP -- or its rebirth?
« on: March 20, 2016, 07:50:37 AM »
If people want to stand in a circle and sing about the end of the republican party, they should consider how fed up the democrats are with Hilary, that a huge (Yuuuge) portion of their faithful zombies are supporting Bernie Sanders.

Spin Zone / Re: An IRS what if........
« on: March 17, 2016, 04:50:10 PM »
Power vacuums get filled.  If you want to prevent a dictatorship you might elect a Congress that passes a few laws, or maybe a budget or two.


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