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Messages - Jim Logajan

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Spin Zone / Re: Why is the house thread locked??
« on: November 13, 2019, 12:16:42 PM »
I could have. Typing on my phone while eating lunch.

You censoring tyrants always have excuses! I fear for our freedoms come dinnertime....

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: November 08, 2019, 07:44:14 PM »
Not to offend anybody, but....🙄
It Snowed Last Night..
8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10 - A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman.
8:15 - So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 - My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman's voluptuous chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.
8:20 - The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead.
8:22 - The transgender man..women...person asked why I didn't just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 - The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
8:28 - I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:31 - The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .
8:40 - The Police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 - The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 - The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.
8:45 - TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied "Snowballs" and am now called a sexist.
9:00 - I was on the News as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 - I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 - Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.

There is no moral to this story. It is what we have become all because of snowflakes

Spin Zone / Re: Abuse of power in the impeachment process
« on: October 27, 2019, 07:03:25 AM »
Personal attack. Don't care.
Not that it means anything, or that anybody else will care, I DO CARE.

The personal attacks are from both sides, and it is lopsided against Flynn.  I don't blame him for fighting back. 
In fact, many of the profane personal attacks almost make me want to take his side.

Not that I have a fucking problem with all the God Damned cursing, mind you.

Pilot Zone / Re: New Pilot Forum
« on: October 04, 2019, 07:49:15 AM »
At the risk of being called an echo, OF COURSE there are more political than aviation posts here. We don’t aspire to be the new POA, we just want to talk about subjects not allowed there.

The interesting thing is that people like SkyDog will come here and accuse us of name calling, when in fact only Number 7 does so, with Lucifer also being erascible at times. The rest of us are pretty unfailingly polite and open to discussion, and usually just want to know WHAT THE WHAT????? vis a vis what appears to be the ongoing Democrat train wreck and assault on civilization. Even with Steingar, we just ask him to defend his positions, which apparently is too much to ask. This, of course, leads to the statements about his lack of openness to discussion, which, sorry and gosh, are true.

I’m still waiting for someone to enlighten me on why I should become a liberal, if it’s such a superior thing to be. For 15 years or so I’ve been trying to find a liberal who could lay it all out convincingly. I’m very uncomfortable when I feel I’m not adequately looking at a subject from enough of its angles.

So that all affirms, for me, the really obvious point that SkyDog is a person who likes to find fault. His PilotSpin persona at present reflects that. Which is also fine, really. He’s certainly free to express his thoughts here, as are we all.

Like Hawk25, I don’t often post, but daily I read the discussion here and it does enlighten me. We have some great minds here.

Pilot Zone / Re: New Pilot Forum
« on: October 04, 2019, 06:59:00 AM »
One only has to read the B-17 thread on here to get a grasp of what’s wrong with this board.  There was a good conversation going on about the merits of keeping warbirds flying but then someone had to pipe in with some political vitriolic nonsense about democrats wanting to shutdown warbirds because they are patriotic displays.  Of course, the thread is in Spin Zone so I guess such nonsense is to be expected.  So it isn’t as simple as ignoring certain threads if one wants to ignore the idiocy.  Some people can and will make any conversation or topic to be about themselves and their twisted beliefs no matter how big of a stretch it may be.  It really is rather pathetic and the main reason this board has failed to grow and has become little more than an echo chamber.  Just my two cents.

 It simply amazes me.  Those who despise the heavy handed moderation of other boards come here and complain about the lack of moderation here.   Reminds me of the Californians moving east to get away from the radical liberal state only to bring those ideas with them and want them implemented into their new home state.  :o

 For the life of me I can't understand why, if someone writes something you, or anyone disagrees with, simply skip it and move on.

 I've previously stated the actual reasons the board hasn't grown.  By demanding (moderating?) that people refrain from expressing themselves in a certain manner will not increase board membership.

 It seems to bother you when some express their ideology that disagrees with yours.  However, you've been booted out of PoA numerous times for engaging in political talk stating your beliefs.   So I'm really not sure what the balance is you are looking for.

 This board has never moderated anyone (except for spammers).  No one has ever been asked to leave, no one has ever been banned.  I tend to think that's a pretty good track record.

 Again, feel free to participate as much or as little as you desire.


Spin Zone / Re: B-17 crash in CT
« on: October 03, 2019, 08:24:21 AM »
Aircraft are meant to fly

If it's airworthy, let it fly.

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 19, 2019, 03:06:18 PM »
It’s true y’all pile on Michael. I do too but try to avoid personal insults. If it were me alone on a forum of liberals I wouldn’t stick it out as long as he has.

Spin Zone / Re: FB Snowflake.....
« on: September 13, 2019, 03:45:58 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Dem Debates
« on: September 13, 2019, 03:30:00 PM »

Every time the leftists point out that the science is settled, I think it’s important to ask them which science?  Is it the science that says the sea level will rise 15’ in the next 10 yes, the one that says we are all going to be dead in the next 11 years 8 months, or the science that says we’re going to have just a 2.7 degree rise in temperatures by 2100. Maybe it’s the science that says we don’t quite know what’s going on, or the science that claims we are in a cooling cycle.

The people doing climate science can’t agree on what the science says and that needs to be highlighted when the issue is “settled.

Just looked over the paper... simply incredible. No source for the data used in the figures (except for Fig. 1). No description of the methods used for the theoretical calculations. Virtually all of the references are to their own writings. Then they have the gall to say "We have proven that the GCM-models used in IPCC report AR5 cannot compute correctly the natural component included in the observed global temperature." wtf???

I was under the impression that U of Turku had a reputable climate science program, but looking at their site (at least the English version), I don't see these guys mentioned at all. Maybe they are a couple of grad students?

I'm always interested to read well-researched and well-written papers that reach conclusions at odds with the "consensus", but this one is a head scratcher, in the same league as Gerlich and Tscheuschner, almost. IMO it doesn't deserve the attention it's getting.

Spin Zone / Re: Did I miss anything good?
« on: July 09, 2019, 02:05:48 PM »
The Durants’ epic work has been condensed (sort of) into one dense volume.

Stuff has psychic weight. I have two step kids but no biological offspring, nor does my brother. So our line dies out here. The paraphernalia of my family history will be meaningless to anyone else, so I’m being ruthless with it. My memories are what really matter. It’s really about what we all DO with our lives, not what we accumulate or the ephemera we leave behind.

When we toss stuff that used for what isn’t going to happen, like for hobbies and other things we are not going to engage in, it makes room for what IS going to happen ... travel, downsizing a home, some new interest that was all unbeknownst to us because it was being stifled by the junk of the old interests.

Here is probably the reason I’m a conservative. My parents.  Two fresh faced kids facing the future in December 1946. Dad returned from Europe in July after serving as a gunnery sergeant and MP in Germany and France. Mechanical Engineering degree on GI Bill while Mom worked to pay living expenses. Retired from Hanford Site engineering to farm Concord grapes full time. Rich, full, happy lives, quietly caring for each other, family, friends and neighbors. My Dad died in 2010, and it was painful for him to even talk about O and the direction the country was headed. I think he’d be delighted with the Trump presidency.

Of course remove all women from the workforce!

And we want dirty air and dirty water too!  I love how libs argue in the ridiculous extremes.   Always tells me they're losing the argument.   We're sexist and racist too,  right?

Why do I waste my time.

You and I aren't having an argument. You're just taking pot-shots without marrying your points with the subject.

Whether he was or wasn't, isn't it understandable that they would THINK that he was, in view of his many contradictory statements after he fired Comey?

 Have you actually read about any of this?   Seriously.   Or are you just relying on MSM coverage?

 Do you even realize how, and why Comey was fired?  Are you aware that Jeff Sessions wrote a letter recommending Comey's removal?  Are you also aware that Rod Rosenstein also wrote a letter recommending Comey's removal?

 Comey was fired for cause, which was he was a buffoon as the FBI Director and was doing a terrible job.  It was also starting to come out that Comey, in conjunction with McCabe, was leaking classified information to the media.

 The whole "Comey was fired to suppress the Mueller investigation" is just another hoax being perpetuated by the left and the MSM with no basis in reality or truth.

In particular, that "this thing between Trump and Russia is a made up story" and "now the pressure [over Russia] is off"? That they'd be in a panic that their investigation might be shut down if McCabe and others were fired too?

 Huh?  ???

I guess if you think they were all out to bring Trump down from the get-go, it all sounds like spin to prop up a hatchet job and hide abuse of investigative authority. I'm not convinced yet. We've heard only one side of that story so far; McCabe hasn't said anything about the Fusion GPS affair AFAIK. Feel free to believe conspiracy theories, I'll keep an open mind until we have all the facts.

 It's painfully obvious you are only getting your info through MSM.  It's also obvious you aren't aware of what has actually been going on (not surprising, the MSM has turned a deaf ear to the facts)

 Here's the story in a nutshell (based on factual events)

1) The "Trump-Russia Collusion" is nothing more than a hoax perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign to get the DoJ/FBI to investigate and possibly remove Trump from office.

2) The DoJ/FBI senior officials (Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Ohr, Baker) committed several felonies in order to "investigate" the President, including lying on FISA applications.

3) Comey was fired for cause, which President Trump has been forthcoming about.  The constitution gives the President authority to fire anyone in the executive branch, for any reason.

4) There has been zero evidence found (after two years) of any collusion (which is not even a crime), or any "obstruction of justice".

5) The Senate Investigation, led by Sen Burr has concluded "No evidence of Russian Collusion" by the President or his campaign.

6) The Congressional Committee under Devin Nunes, after two years also concluded the same.

7) All indictments of Robert Mueller show no collusion was committed.  Furthermore, of the indictments so far, none were connected to the President.

8) Gen Flynn was set up by McCabe.  The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn even stated in their documents they felt Flynn was being honest.  This was later changed in order to indict Flynn.

 I could go on and on.  Again, this is all factual and is out there.  The MSM is largely ignoring it because it totally sinks the "Trump Russia" narrative which they have been hoping would drive the President from office.



Spin Zone / Re: Green New Deal
« on: February 13, 2019, 11:51:15 AM »
The entire Man Made Climate Change (previously man mad global warming) is the biggest SCAM since the spread of Communism.  How intelligent people can believe this, and also believe that massive taxation, energy surcharges, massive income, and wealth redistribution will "fix" anything is beyond me.  It is a hoax, and a scam.  I guess P.T. Barnum was right!  Al Gore.  The new P.T. Barnum!

I think that is going too far. The greenhouse effect is not a scam, and much (most) of the science behind mmgw is solid. The problem is that the science has been co-opted by activists with ulterior motives, and the public is being sold on the idea that we can fix it by replacing fossil fuels with renewables, both that we have the technology to do this and that it can be done without possibly unacceptable side effects. There are many things we still don't know. We don't know what level of GHG emissions will keep gw below 1.5 C or any other random figure you care to mention. We don't know how much warming will eventually result from the CO2 we've already put into the atmosphere, and we don't know how much there will be if we continue with business as usual, nor how fast it will occur. We have some idea of some of the other effects besides warming (changes in precipitation patterns, etc.) but we can't confidently predict what will happen to local and regional climates. Sea level rise is caused by many different factors, is highly variable in different locations, and can't be predicted quantitatively with confidence either.

Global warming, and climate change, is a wicked problem (as Curry calls it) with lots of unknown unknowns, and "fixing" it won't be possible without progress in both technology and our understanding of the problem. The fixes are likely to involve trade-offs that some people will find intolerable. Climate activism is the real scam, in that it overstates our confidence in how severe the problem is, and downplays the negative consequences of the fixes it proposes.

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