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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 452 453 [454] 455 456 ... 543
Spin Zone / Re: MTM
« on: January 25, 2017, 09:09:38 PM »
Had no idea about her political leanings. According to later in life she described herself as "libertarian centrist".

I have no idea what she meant by that.

The title itself seems to say the writer describing her that way didn't either.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 25, 2017, 02:48:57 PM »
Like it or not, the person who calls himself Moochelle Obama was a classless bitch in every way. Her proclamation that 'everyone should have thirty servants waiting on them was just the icing on the cake.

Spin Zone / Re: At core, what is a liberal?
« on: January 25, 2017, 02:45:25 PM »
We must agree to disagree.  There is no one else to fulfill this purpose, and if unfulfilled the poor will stay that way forever and become disenfranchised.  That is not a good thing for any civilization.

The concept that government can choose those who win and those who lose is as stupid as it is unapproachable. Believing that you, or your political cronies are worthy to decide for everyone else who succeeds and who fails based on feelings and emotions is baseless, pathetic and points out how dangerous the real progressive liberal is to freedom.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 24, 2017, 07:50:05 PM »
I wonder if Number7 is a feminist?  ???

That is a stupid question. But you meant it to seem hip and cool, so stupid is just the byproduct.

I am a feminist in the classical sense of the word.
I believe in equal pay for equal work and equal opportunity and freedom to achieve.

The lunatic feminism of today is simply mental illness and complete moral collapse, coupled with a crushing inferiority complex, fed by a lifetime of lies generated by politicians that would whore out their own mothers for an extra vote.

The new feminist is as anti-woman as it gets, unless you agree to live by a very narrow code and surrender all personal choices.

Spin Zone / Re: The Face Of Ignorance
« on: January 24, 2017, 01:08:04 PM »
The Nazi's started out with minor restrictions on Jews, just as Trump has suggested registering Muslims.  The parallels are apt and chilling, though as usual the Short Fingered Vulgarian exhibits an ignorance of the US Constitution.  No doubt his mouthpieces here will fire back that his Orthodox Son-in-Law has an important role in his administration, which is quite true.  It is a truly sad thing when the best thing you can say about Super Callous Fragile Ego Extra Braggadocious is that he engages in blatant nepotism.

You are truly a danger to yourself and every student you speak to. The stupidity of your post makes me wonder if your triple digit IQ is another figment of your tortured mental condition.

Spin Zone / Re: At core, what is a liberal?
« on: January 24, 2017, 01:06:28 PM »
It was about 15, or so, years ago that Rush Limbaugh commented that someday the left would overstep so far that the country would snap back and the result would be very painful because liberals had such success getting their own way about things, for so long.

I think that day came and the result is Donald Trump. Even though i was strongly against him, I understood that the appeal was his never-give-an-inch tendency to stand up to them, ignore every rule of political correctness and give the rest of us hope that the crushing leftist bullshit was about to end.

Liberals have no clue what they stand for, or what they believe. That went out the door a generation ago. These blind babies haven't been told no in so long they think it's a crime when it happens.

Remember the snowflakes that called the police because they were, "frightened, and in pain" because someone wrote the word Trump on an erasable white board? Snowflakes are the direct result of vote buying by democrat politicians, who gave them everything at our expense and demanded we be glad to be fleeced by them.

The contributing factor are public school, teach union, imbeciles who think a one inch by one inch magazine photo of a hunting rifle is the same as an active shooter. Those assholes have raised a generation of useless auto-bots, who can't think for themselves, because they were brow beaten every time they thought an original thought.

College professors with the same devotion to truth as old triple digit IQ, Steingar have poisoned the well of education until it has become an echo chamber of stupidity and devotion to whatever they demand, which is always subject to change without notice. Public sector unions have become a political bribery scam instead of anything resembling what they are intended to be. The result is piss poor performance and pathetic results.

Government has been infiltrated by a generation of scavengers who steal like normal people breathe.

it had to end and the party ended on January 20th.

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 23, 2017, 06:48:10 PM »
Surely if you were at such an event, you've got a photo or something, right?

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

You poor pathetic, snowflake...  I'm not at all surprised you are too blind to look for the truth because it would either make you wet yourself, or break down and cry for your brethren.

CNN finally released a TIMES TAMPED photo from the moment Donald Trump took the stage and it shows that the photos used to attack trump were bogus, just like the pathetic snowflakes and their pathetic agenda.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:37:29 PM »
I would be certain to not let the door hit his six on the way out.

Because IF you were really teaching, instead of whatever you marxist babies call it these days, that type of sick bullshit would never cross your mind. Because you are shallow, narrow minded and devoted to your partisanship, you are happy to fail to provide a learning environment and instead provide a hot bed of progressive diatribes and lies.

Spin Zone / Re: The Return of Camelot
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:33:39 PM »
There ya go.

I voted JOHNSON, but because I won't bow to your Messiah I'm an automatic hag lover. 

Because I support the working man, I'm a progressive.'s easier for conservative dipshits like you to paint others with a wide brush. Shades of gray scare you.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

You wouldn't know what supporting working people means because you devote your life to swallowing the dick of progressive propaganda and you know it.

Spin Zone / Re: I guess Trump really is a misogynist!
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:31:40 PM »
Women have held very high positions in his organization from day one.

Including the black woman who runs a big part of the show there but our resident marxists will continue to lie about his track record because liberal and liar go together like Hilary Clinton and Corruption.

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 23, 2017, 10:27:44 AM »

Wasn't there for the crowning of Hair Furher myself, but these are the images I've seen on the internet.  First POTUS to ever make a deal out of it.  I told you it would be entertaining.

I guess your triple digit IQ has failed you again.
The FAKE news has pushed the LIE of that picture to black he buffoons like you, using a phrase to snapped SIX HOURS prior to the swearing in.

Spin Zone / Re: The Return of Camelot
« on: January 23, 2017, 10:23:25 AM »
Poor marks.
His hag didn't win so we all must be at fault.
The corrupt nag couldn't be responsible no matter how many lies he has to try and swallow.
TDS runs strong in the little progressive boy.

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 23, 2017, 10:19:38 AM »
Mark is proving his TDS by pretending to need more proof.
Pathetic but right on time every time.
Denial and obfuscation is his trademark

Spin Zone / Re: I'm still wondering ....
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:56:41 AM »
When you allow yourself to hear opinions outside the echo chamber of stupidity that is the left, you discover that people who ACTUALLY know Donald Trump say he is far more comfortable talking to bricklayers and painters than he is bankers and stock brokers, because he spent his life actually working around construction projects, instead of going to dinners and talking about who actually work for a living.

As for doing what he talked about: New Trump White House Website Sets Agenda That Mirrors Campaign Pledges

Revised website features issue pages for energy policy, foreign policy, economic policy, expanding the military, bolstering law enforcement and rethinking trade

Instead of embarking on an apology tour and picking up an empty Nobel prize, like the fucking dog, Obama, Trump seems to be actually working. What a shock. A working guy that works, instead of a fucking pansy that talks.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:54:50 AM »
Glad Cheeto-face Vonpussygrabber is having a fun time.  Hope he lives up to all your expectations.

Isn't it dishonest of you and your cohorts to make such a perfectly dishonest attack while saying nothing about the sexual predator Clinton?

Your hypocrisy is as overwhelming as it is delusional.

I guess you would rather adore the man who shoved a cigar into Monica's vagina, than give a chance to a man who commented about one. You are a truly, deeply disturbed, hypocrite.

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