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Messages - Rush

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But Bezos is a big time liberal progressive and is thoroughly immersed in the ideology.......

 Oh wait, I forgot.........Bezos is a Limousine Liberal.  He wants his ideology thrust upon everyone except the elites.

Tucker Carlson said pretty much exactly this tonight. 

He had a guest on, I didn't get the name, might be a regular but I don't catch it much anymore, some ginger guy with a British like accent, anyway, the guy made absolute HASH out of Hillary.  I laughed out loud throughout the whole thing.  It was perfect.

Mark Steyn

Spin Zone / Re: Russia meeting - what gives?
« on: May 29, 2017, 09:00:41 AM »
Good article from the National Review talking about the new allegations about the alleged back channel.

Quote from: National Review
Most notably, the Kushner–Kislyak meeting occurred in December 2016, weeks after the election. If there had been a close working relationship between the Trump campaign and the Putin regime — a working relationship that purportedly amounted to collusion in Russia’s attempts to influence the outcome of the election — then why would it have been necessary to set up a back channel in December? The secret lines of communication would already have been up and running for months. And they would certainly have been known to Kushner, Trump’s closest adviser; apparently, despite his sparse policy résumé, the “young princeling,” as West Wing rivals have taken to describing him, has been given every portfolio, from the holy grail of Middle East peace to the reinvention of the sprawling, $4.1 trillion per annum U.S. government.

Spin Zone / Re: Should the Washington Post be held responsible?
« on: May 28, 2017, 01:54:33 PM »
Yes, this is the same thing they did to Bush for eight years. It's really tiresome. Does the left or media have ANY critical thinking skills? Or do they just follow the same simple flow diagram leading to whatever President isn't their pick.

If a Libertarian party candidate is ever elected president, then according to that flow chart MSM news would stop entirely because they'd have entered an infinite loop.
Cool. Hopefully the flow chart is correct in that sense.

Spin Zone / Re: 'culturally appropriating Mexican food and jobs'
« on: May 26, 2017, 10:20:53 AM »
I guess I should give up on the idea of opening the little bakery that only makes fresh croissants because, you know...I'm not French. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your 4th Amendment Right........
« on: May 25, 2017, 01:54:09 PM »

I used to be a tough-on-crime type of conservative,
I used to be a tough-on-crime type of conservative too.  I still am though.

I agree with Jeff Sessions:  Criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  The problem is that we have made some things criminal that shouldn't be.  The solution to that problem is not to ignore the law but rather to change the law.

I think we need to redefine "crime".  Casual "social" drug use should be treated like alcohol use.  Distribution should be regulated like alcohol or tobacco.

Littering on the other hand, should be a felony.  As should spam (both the canned meat and the new kind) and robo calls.  Nudity though should be legal.  Punching someone that is talking on their cell phone in a movie theater should be legal.

What are some other examples of crimes that shouldn't be crimes, or actions that aren't crimes that should be?  (it's ok to be a little tongue in cheek).

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 25, 2017, 08:58:15 AM »
Oddly, I consider myself a conservative as does almost everyone who knows me personally.  Yet here, I'm an egg-sucking liberal.  I don't really care about how I'm labeled though.  What keeps me from frequenting this forum are the same things that caused the original SZ's demise.  That opposing viewpoints aren't welcomed.  There is no witty banter or humor in counterpoints.  It's very aggressive and not enjoyable. 

My best friend in college and I were very much opposites.  He's very liberal and I'm somewhat conservative, yet we had a fun game we'd play without having ever said a word to each other about it.  We would frequently play devil's advocate, taking the view the other would normally have, and we'd have fun doing it.  One example I vividly recall 30 years later is when he said no one should be allowed to make over $5M/year because no one needs more than that.  I agreed and started making points in his favor.  He then took the side of why it's an asinine idea that would rob the world of  initiative or rewarding those for going above and beyond or being absurdly creative.  Not that it ever changed our beliefs, but it was an excellent fun tool to make you think. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your 4th Amendment Right........
« on: May 24, 2017, 07:38:32 PM »
Not the main religion, I agree. But we already discriminate against sects within the major religions, such as the FLDS. (Laws against polygamy discriminate against that sect.)  So if we already discriminate against certain Christian sects (specifically fundamentalist) I see no reason not to discriminate against fundamentalist Muslims.
This is the important part. Better vetting is needed before we let people into the country as a whole. Additionally, some people tend to forget that we have the right, as a country, to let in or not let in anyone we choose. If we're going to let people into the country, they should be providing value to our society.

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 24, 2017, 09:35:04 AM »
Jim (who I firmly believe is a closet liberal)

<Pulls off white glove, slaps Little Joe across the face with it.>

"Sir, my good name has been impugned! I challenge you to a duel! Send around your seconds."

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 24, 2017, 06:58:51 AM »
Well I never noticed that his skin was orange until you brought it up. I guess I was too focused on his hair. I still can't figure out whether it is combed from front to back, or back to front.

 Here's his mother:

Spin Zone / Re: Cable News Ratings Upheaval
« on: May 23, 2017, 08:39:13 AM »
Hannity is amazing.  I haven't had that much of a chance to listen to Beck but in the past have been very impressed with some of his stuff, he is brilliant, but also have heard him say things that made me go, what??????  Can't agree with him all the time and when I don't it's major, where I usually find myself enthusiastically agreeing with Hannity.

I like what Hannity says, and find myself agreeing with him most of the time.  The consistent theme I see with the more conservative talk show hosts like Mark Steyn, Mark Levin, Rush, Hannity, etc are twofold.

1.  They ADMIT, and promote their show as not "news" but conservative opinion.
2.  They are NOT lock step with the establishment Republicans, and will criticize the Republicans when they go off the conservative reservation.

Spin Zone / Re: The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
« on: May 22, 2017, 10:27:42 AM »
Their response is always that the Democrat Party was different before, and has no bearing on the current Democrat Party.  I do agree that modern liberal/progressives are masters of projecting their own character flaws, prejudices, and fears onto others.  They assume we all have these flaws, and want to dictate, regulate, control, etc as a response to their own insecurities.
Sort of like the people that brought slaves over here 400 years ago, and the people that owned those slaves are different than people today and have no bearing on current day Americans.

Let's see how far that flies!

Spin Zone / Re: Russia meeting - what gives?
« on: May 17, 2017, 08:42:40 AM »
The lynchings will continue, get used to it. The left/media is throwing the biggest political tantrum I've ever seen.

Spin Zone / Re: WashPo: Trump must be impeached
« on: May 15, 2017, 07:47:11 AM »
The leftist media, which comprises about 95% of it, along with its supervisor, the Democrat elite are still trying to de-legitimize the Trump Presidency.  If they can create enough controversy over nothing, their hope is that eventually John, and Jane Q. Public will believe the propaganda, and vote D in the next election cycle(s).  They want to undermine Trump, and destroy any hope of an America with a meaningful Constitution in place, with values, and characteristics that make people WANT to come her for freedom, and opportunity.

What we are seeing from the media/Dem/elitist coalition is SEDITION.  Purposeful undermining of the legitimate U.S. government in order to create chaos, upheaval, and eventual leadership change.  In other words a COUP.  If they do not succeed with words, lies, and propaganda, we will see them use violence, and intimidation.  This has already occurred by BLM, and others assaulting Trump supporters, and conservative speakers at various times, and events. 

Pilot Zone / Young Eagles......
« on: May 12, 2017, 09:34:39 AM »
Our chapter flies a lot of Young Eagles.  You just never know where a young person you fly will end up.  Our chapter flew this young man in 2008.

Instead of brushing up on his Xs and Os in the days before the National Football League’s April 27 to 29 draft, former University of Tennessee quarterback Joshua Dobbs was assisting college aeronautics teammates during the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) competition in Tucson, Arizona. During draft week the aerospace engineering major who was selected in the fourth round by the Pittsburgh Steelers was instead focused on his senior engineering project to design, build, and fly a miniature folding-wing aircraft in the AIAA competition sponsored by aviation powerhouses Cessna and Raytheon.

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