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Topics - Jim Logajan

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Spin Zone / PSA on fighting flu and cold infections
« on: March 12, 2020, 11:41:00 PM »
The Vitamin D Hammer Protocol


“A colleague of mine and I have introduced vitamin D at doses that have achieved greater than 100 nmol/L in most of our patients for the past number of years, and we now see very few patients in our clinics with the flu or influenzalike illness. In those patients who do have influenza, we have treated them with the vitamin D hammer, as coined by my colleague. This is a 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. The results are dramatic, with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours. One-time doses of vitamin D at this level have been used safely and have never been shown to be toxic.8 We urgently need a study of this intervention. The cost of vitamin D is about a penny for 1000 IU, so this treatment costs less than a dollar.”

See also:

Spin Zone / Biden wondering where support is from
« on: March 07, 2020, 12:38:42 AM »
Biden Wondering Where All This Support Was When He Still Had Functioning Brain

Spin Zone / Libertarian Party Super Tuesday Results
« on: March 04, 2020, 07:39:26 PM »
I know you are all dying (from a yet-to-be-named virus) to know how LP presidential candidates are doing in their own little electoral universe (even if you don’t recognize a single name.) has a summary:

Oh yeah, it may help to know the cast of characters, so here is one list of LP presidential candidates:

I recognize the name Lincoln Chafee as well as the more obscure Adam Kokesh and Vermin Supreme, the latter having a memorable handle.

The presidential race looks to be an off-year for the LP in comparison to 2016. Hopefully the LP candidates in the down-ballot races do well, where they have won seats and had some affect on local public policies.

Spin Zone / Peace deal to end 2 decades of war in Afghanistan
« on: February 29, 2020, 03:10:10 PM »
“U.S. Signs Peace Deal With Taliban After Nearly 2 Decades Of War In Afghanistan”

“The U.S. and the Taliban have struck a deal that paves the way for eventual peace in Afghanistan. U.S. Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad and the head of the militant Islamist group, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, signed the potentially historic agreement Saturday in Doha, Qatar, where the two sides spent months hashing out its details.”

Spin Zone / Proposal to change Idaho’s borders
« on: February 18, 2020, 12:03:56 AM »
Just had this audacious idea called to my attention: a proposal to incorporate parts of Oregon, and possibly parts of northern California into Idaho. They even have a web page explaining their rationale:

Historical precedence exists (e.g. civil war era split of Virginia, an area known as Boston Corner, NY) though nothing on this scale.

Spin Zone / New book by Robert Heinlein (yeah, he’s still dead)
« on: February 15, 2020, 08:54:10 PM »
Stumbled across this on Amazon (the description of the book explains its origin):

“The Pursuit of the Pankera: A Parallel Novel About Parallel Universes” by Robert A. Heinlein

Basically its from an unpublished manuscript of a story he wrote in parallel with his book “The Number of the Beast”.

To be auto-delivered to Kindle pre-purchasers on March 24, 2020.

Spin Zone / Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a (hopefully) serious contender
« on: February 11, 2020, 06:51:58 PM »

“Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera announced on Tuesday she will run in the Democratic House primary in New York against freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

In a statement, Ms Caruso-Cabrera said: "I am the daughter and granddaughter of working class Italian and Cuban immigrants. I am so lucky to have had such a wonderful career and I want everybody to have the opportunity that I've had. That's why I'm running."
The anchor worked with CNBC for more than two decades before moving into a contributor role in September 2018. She will not work for the network during her campaign, a CNBC representative said.

Besides her work as an anchor and contributor, Ms Caruso-Cabrera wrote a book in 2010 titled "You Know I'm Right: More Prosperity, Less Government." She has registered as a Democrat in the last several years while advocating for less government involvement and supporting free markets.”

I did not know there were any free-market, less government moles embedded in the Democratic party.

Spin Zone / Qassem Soleimani executed
« on: January 02, 2020, 09:07:54 PM »
Just saw the news that one of the top Iranian generals was executed on Trump's order:

Spin Zone / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 24, 2019, 07:52:27 PM »
I hope all of you of Christian faith have a joyous holiday celebrating the birth of your Savior.

And happy holidays to everyone else!

Spin Zone / Remy's Noel
« on: December 23, 2019, 03:17:57 PM »
Some holiday music.

Spin Zone / Hillary, take two?
« on: December 10, 2019, 04:30:54 PM »
“ Hillary Clinton emerges as top choice of Democratic voters in Harvard-Harris presidential poll”

Gonna need more popcorn this coming year!

Spin Zone / Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 27, 2019, 11:57:36 PM »
Hope everyone has a great day!

The E.U. Orders Global Censorship of Comments Calling Austrian Politician a 'Corrupt Oaf'

Whatever you do, don't call Austrian Green Party politician Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek a "corrupt oaf" or "lousy traitor of the people" on Facebook. If you do, the European Union (E.U.) has ruled that Facebook can be forced to take your comments down, regardless of where you are in the world.

In all likelihood, you have no idea who Glawischnig-Piesczek even is, but you should definitely worry about today's ruling and how it impacts your ability to express your opinions about politicians online.

I blogged about this case back in June when the E.U. was first considering it. Glawischnig-Piesczek is a retired member of the European Parliament from Austria. In 2016, an Austrian magazine published a story online about her support for welfare for refugees. Apparently, one Facebook user did not appreciate her position and called her the terms mentioned above and declared the Greens to be a "fascist party."

These are all crudely expressed opinions, and they're obviously just opinions. Glawischnig-Piesczek, however, objected to these characterizations and asked Facebook to delete the comments. Facebook refused. So Glawischnig-Piesczek sued under Austria's defamation laws and won. The case then went up to the European Union to determine whether she had the power to demand that Facebook censor these "defamatory" comments from appearing on Facebook just in Austria, or worldwide.

Today, the European Court of Justice ruled that not only did Facebook have to take these posts down worldwide, it also has to remove content that duplicates or repeats any statements that have been deemed defamatory.

Rest of article here:

Spin Zone / Bolton gone as security advisor
« on: September 10, 2019, 05:51:56 PM »
Finally. Not that he had any influence on Trump, though it sounds like Bolton had allies in the administration.

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