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Topics - Rush

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Further pussification of males in the U.S., and forcing us all to be helpless.  Hopefully this insanity will stay in Kalifornia for now.

Spin Zone / @steingar and other liberals
« on: July 19, 2019, 09:31:06 AM »
I broke my rule and am watching an American series, "Six Feet Under".  It took only until the third episode to take a jab at Republicans.  This character is saying he doesn't want to sell his business to a big corporation and take salary because he doesn't want "to make fat, Republican stockholders richer".

First of all, all stockholders are Republican????

But most important, the assumption that the "normal" world and audience would be Democrat.  How does the entertainment industry justify insulting 50% of its audience with jabs like this?

It would be fair enough to say the character is a Democrat and has his bias, but I have never seen such an offhand jab taken at Democrats by a character who is for the purpose of the show, not political.

This is the perfect example of how American entertainment is blindly liberal, urban and Democrat, and that is default normal.  Conservatives, Republicans or rural flyover people are some kind of alien. The premise is they are outsider and such offhand insults directed at them are of course normal and to be expected.

Do you not see this, and do you not grasp how the other half is becoming very resentful of this arrogant dismissal?  Do you not see how this may have played into Trump winning the election?

Spin Zone / Epstein
« on: July 09, 2019, 10:43:05 AM »
I was going to post this yesterday but never got around to it. But now Rush is talking about it. A couple of callers suggested it. 

What if they are going to offer Epstein a plea deal if he makes up some story about Trump. Is this whole thing just another scheme to target Trump?

Spin Zone / Car keys that need batteries
« on: May 28, 2019, 09:44:02 AM »
The world has gone nucking futz.

Spin Zone / Star Trek nerds
« on: May 20, 2019, 06:33:59 PM »
I’ve been a TOS nerd my whole life and until recently refused to even watch TNG*

But I got tired of all the Big Bang theory references and never having watched it so finally I’m watching the whole TNG from start to finish.

I just finished S4 E21 “The Drumhead”.  It is exactly what Mueller et al were doing. Prophetic. Ends with Picard admonishing us to be ever vigilant lest we lose our freedom to fanatics on a witch-hunt.

*For the uninitiated: TOS=The Original Series and TNG=The Next Generation.

Spin Zone / Cap and trade
« on: May 01, 2019, 08:11:42 AM »
Last July the government of Ontario announced the end of that province’s cap and trade policy. (Because of Doug Ford being elected.) A major Canadian rail carrier put out a terse notice concerning this announcement, saying that the government has yet to give details.

Details such as whether companies will be compensated for the millions of dollars they spent buying emissions “credits” the cost of which they have passed on to the consumer. This carrier states that they will continue charging customers for these carbon credit purchases (calling it a “carbon tax” on their invoice itemization) for the indefinite future until such time as they have recouped their expenditures.

This got me thinking how the whole cap and trade scheme is an artificial market buying and selling items with no physical reality whatsoever but which are “created” by setting a cap on units of emissions. Revoke that cap with a stroke of a pen as Premier Ford has done and you instantly render worthless the credits purchased, but for which the consumer is still paying.

Who are these consumers? Do you eat food in the U.S.? Then you are. This carrier sends, from or through Canada, grains, oils, meals, syrups all around the U.S. going into tons of foods that end up on your grocery shelves.

Ford did the right thing. Presumably once the carrier recoups its loss the “tax” will be removed, if the carrier feels the cap and trade won’t ever return. There are already lawsuits in progress against Ford’s government. There is enough climate change hysteria to overwhelm common sense like Ford’s so I’m not holding my breath.

This is an example of how malignant such schemes are. Even if it’s not reinstated by the next leftist politician Ontario elects, it may be years before the consumer stops paying for worthless bullshit fantasy fake made up crap, and the consumers hurt the most are the poor who can least afford pass through taxes on their food.

Spin Zone / the new green deal?
« on: April 06, 2019, 06:33:29 PM »


Evil is the force that believes that its knowledge is complete and that it can do without the transcendence.
And as soon as it makes that claim it instantly exists in a place that's indisguishable from hell. And it could get out merely by admitting its error and it will never do that.

Ideological radicals.

Brilliant talk:

Spin Zone / Process flow chart
« on: March 31, 2019, 05:31:04 PM »
I apologize if this is aviation related.

Spin Zone / "A software fix"
« on: March 28, 2019, 02:06:17 PM »
Oh that makes me feel good.

Spin Zone / Something maybe we can all agree on
« on: March 17, 2019, 01:35:02 PM »
Do all of us think newsfeeds suck?

Cool video explaining how to do your own fact checking, and it talks about fighter jets!

Spin Zone / Who is doing the most to help women around the world?
« on: March 08, 2019, 10:57:09 AM »
Why aren't the feminazis singing Ivanka's praises?

Spin Zone / Facebook is becoming Big Brother
« on: March 07, 2019, 06:38:24 AM »
Facebook is rolling out a new policy. You will no longer be able to post political ads or any content ADS related to issues of national importance unless you "confirm your identity" with Facebook and get a special authorization code.  This involves giving your physical address, last 4 digits of your SS# and a picture ID.  This will be required before posting content related to the following topics:

civil rights
foreign policy
government reform
social security

They will also make you do this if you have a large number of followers regardless of what you post.

No, I will not be doing this. Wow.

Corrected - looks like it's ads only.

Spin Zone / Final tax bill
« on: February 28, 2019, 02:30:35 PM »
Our taxes are done and I refigured them using the 2017 rules. The Trump tax cut saved us $3132 on our Federal tax bill. 

I have to alert you guys if you have your own small business, look into that 20% business deduction. That was about $1000 of the savings.  Our accountant had to dig into it and figure out whether I qualify.  I do.  Make sure your accountant knows about it and make sure he looks into whether you qualify.

Spin Zone / Invasive hippos in Columbia
« on: February 11, 2019, 11:36:08 AM »

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