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Messages - Little Joe

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 516
Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: Today at 06:21:40 PM »
first time offender, non violent crime, old guy.  I suspect normally he'd just get probation.  But I've not seen a hint of remorse, and he's shit all over the judicial system.  Were I the judge I'd be thinking strongly about some custodial time to show him who's boss.
Remorse is for people that know they have done wrong.  The only thing Trump did wrong is bang a porn star (and even that hasn't been proven), and I have to wonder what I would have done if I had that opportunity.  If sex was illegal there are thousands of politicians that would have been imprisoned (JFK???), not to mention prosecutors.
Sorry I haven't been around.  After the stalking incident I figured I should lie low.
I don't think I am aware of that?  Can you elaborate, or would that make it worse.  Either way, I'm happy to have you back.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 31, 2024, 12:51:44 PM »
Then why do you not communicate fully.and clearly? There YOU go again. Just say what you mean. Is it that difficult?
It wouldn't help.  You just make shit up anyway.

How do you go from here:
Which part should I elaborate on?  The fact that Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts, or my prognostication that there will be battles ahead?
to here:
So you think it was a fair trial, in an unbiased venue, with an unbiased judge?

Why on earth would you think I thought it was a fair trial in an unbiased venue with an unbiased judge?  If you make that kind of leap then there is no amount of explaining I can do to help.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 31, 2024, 03:43:09 AM »
So you think it was a fair trial, in an unbiased venue, with an unbiased judge?
There you go again. ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Where Does America Go From Here
« on: May 31, 2024, 03:37:35 AM »
Rather than breaking the US apart, I'd rather see us re-affirm the Constitution where most of the power resides with the States.
Maybe even go further in limiting the power of the Feds to National Defense and certain infrastructure (think Interstate Highways and the power grid), and I'm not even sure about giving them control of the power grid.  Departments like the EPA and Education would be eliminated or reduced to a supporting role only and available to help the States "ON REQUEST" and without strings.  There are some problems that are too big for a state to tackle alone, or shouldn't have to tackle alone, like border protection and water rights.  Georgia should not be allowed to dam up the Chatahoochee and choke Alabama and Florida.

But I see the odds of either to be about the same as the odds of peace in the Middle East.  We will become a 2nd or 3rd rate county in a world ruled by strong, decisive leaders (eg: China, Russia or some other dictatorship).

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 30, 2024, 05:39:06 PM »
Please elaborate.
Which part should I elaborate on?  The fact that Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts, or my prognostication that there will be battles ahead?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 30, 2024, 03:36:19 PM »
Let the fights begin.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 30, 2024, 02:53:27 PM »
The first thing I was going to do was go donate $34 to Trump (one for each conviction) but the site must be swamped, I can't connect.  I bet millions of others have the same idea.  They might have just handed him the election.  But they're going to try to disqualify him, take him off the ballot, imprison him, or somehow keep him from entering the WH.
Could it be that the site is being blocked?

Is anyone else having trouble with the video?

- The volume is muted.  The speaker icon has an x over it, but every time I click on it, the x goes away, the volume comes on for a second, then it mutes itself again.

- Every time I hit the "pause" button, it pauses for a second, then it resumes.

I have tried other videos and they all work fine but this one is being stubborn.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 23, 2024, 04:52:44 PM »
  Your dictator buddy wants longer range missiles to hit Russian assets within Russia, not just Russian held territories.. This will lead to escalation.
At least that is what Putin wants us to think, but the last thing he wants is all out war with the West.  And the cowardly west is buying it.

  You may want to ask yourself what we as the US has gotten out of dumping $200 billion into this shithole.
The jury is still out on that.  The delay by the Republican party has greatly reduced the chances of us getting anything out of it.
But still, a complete Russian victory over there will be far worse than us supporting Ukraine.

Spin Zone / Re: A piece of advice
« on: May 22, 2024, 09:36:12 AM »
My wife and I have two small plastic containers with the letters we wrote each other when she was back in Florida and I was in Illinois.  We sat down one night to read through some and didn't get far.
Just how far did you get?  Which room did you make it too? ;)

Spin Zone / Re: A piece of advice
« on: May 22, 2024, 09:14:06 AM »
When my mother passed away we cleaned out her house and it was amazing what she kept.  Old calendars from 20 years ago, phone books, teaching materials from when she was a special ed teacher many years ago, all kinds of other stuff.  Like an encyclopedia set from the 1970s.  Small jars of something that went solid.  Things full of memories, I'm sure.  Kind of sad.

That made me much more picky when we made our last move.  What to save, what to donate, what to trash.  We had our regular house, a vacation house (we got the vacation house fully furnished!), and a storage unit all to be compressed into one smaller house.  We set a limit of one moving truck for all our stuff including furniture.  Everything else OUT.  A couple of trucks of donations, a couple dumpsters of "who would want this?"  Actually felt pretty good to get rid of all that stuff.  Even after the move I'm ruthless in discarding old "treasures".  Like that chunk of wire that might be useful some day.  That hammer with a chipped handle.  A box of rocks that are kind of pretty.  Still slowly thinning the bins I couldn't decide on before the move.
I agree with so much of what you said that I am about to embark on an old cable-ectomy of my office.
I have dozens of VGA cables, 30 pin apple cables, RCA and Composite cables, scores of USB and Micro USB cables, computer power cords, RS232 cables, parallel printer cables, tons of cat 5 jumper cables, stereo audio cables and cables I don't even recognize any more.  Even if I were to find a use for two or three of them, I don't need hundreds of them cluttering up my drawers and shelves and boxes.

But one thing I'm not allowed to throw away.  My wife has an odd attachment to her '50s era Encyclopedia Britannica.  I counted it up and we have moved them 11 times, unless I forgot a move.

Last week I went through my file cabinets and cleaned out enough old paid bills, credit card statements, bank statements and tons of old health insurance, car insurance, house insurance, flood insurance policies along with hundreds of old warranty cards and more.  I filled up 4 old copy paper boxes and took them to the business I sold where they have a commercial shredding contract.

Several times I went to the garage to thin it out, but I can't identify more than a few pounds of stuff.  It never fails that if I throw anything out, the next week I will need it, even if I hadn't needed it in the past 20 years.  But perhaps I'll give that another try too.

Spin Zone / Yep. Treason is the right word.
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:22:39 AM »
“Secret talks between Iran and the United States in Oman were making good progress, but have now been jeopardised by the sudden death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister.”

“The talks focused on three subjects: a shared desire for a change in government in Israel; ending Israel’s war on Gaza; and preventing the conflict from spreading elsewhere in the region.” ... aisi-death

In other news, The White House on Wednesday said it has approved $7.7 billion of student debt cancellation for 160,500 borrowers, part of its ongoing effort to provide relief after the Supreme Court last year blocked President Joe Biden's plan for broad-based college loan forgiveness.

He said this was to "free them from the burden of debt"
He didn't say that he was doing this by placing the burden on other people that had no say in taking out those loans.

And yet in other news, I heard that the DNC was "secretly" considering replacing Biden with Kamel-a.  Talk about frying pans and fires.

Spin Zone / Re: Hell Gained A Deserving Resident This Weekend
« on: May 20, 2024, 06:17:33 PM »
Damn.   That guy shows up in Hell.

Now we have him and Saddam arguing constantly.  Osama Bin Laden keeps keeps complaining he wants his 72 virgins, I keep explaining to him it ain't happening.

And we're all dreading when Hillary finally shows up.
Just tell Osamabama that Hillary is one of his virgins.
He won't ask for any more.

Spin Zone / Re: Hell Gained A Deserving Resident This Weekend
« on: May 20, 2024, 01:08:03 PM »
Don't their religious kooks run them anyway?
Yep.  That's why their replacements will be of the same ilk, or worse.

Spin Zone / Re: Hell Gained A Deserving Resident This Weekend
« on: May 20, 2024, 12:24:34 PM »
I'm not sad at all about this, but I keep thinking of the lyric:

"Second verse, same as the first".

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