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Messages - LevelWing

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Spin Zone / Re: CNBC must have just had an epiphany
« on: May 05, 2017, 08:58:02 AM »
The high employment under Obama was fake, but the same thing under Cheeto Benito has to be true.  Whatever.
Correct. I don't think anybody here will argue that point. I think the point trying to be made instead was that under Obama the unemployment rate was factoring in only certain elements which made the unemployment rate look lower than it really was.

Spin Zone / Re: Shine out at Faux News
« on: May 02, 2017, 12:18:25 PM »
I shut off FoxNews in my home, not worth the effort anymore.  They are tilting more and more left.

 Hannity is next to go, and that will be soon.   Tucker Carlson will eventually get axed in another faux scandal. 

There is talk of a new conservative network startup, hopefully it will get off the ground.
I've heard this as well. If it does happen, it'll be a great example of the free market at work (conversely, if advertisers start pulling out of Fox News, realizing they can just advertise on CNN or MSNBC instead of all 3, that'll also be an example of the free market at work). There's a huge demand for conservative media as we've seen with talk radio. It took years before Fox News came along, but they've dominated the ratings ever since. If a new network sets up, the audience who watches the current Fox News will migrate to the new network.

Free markets work.

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 12:12:06 PM »
Trump is looking for more republicans to be elected or the nix the filibuster.  He doesn't need either, he needs to force the shutdown and take control of the narrative.  He needs to get these liberal senators primaried and get a few of them defeated.  I've always said that these wuss republicans would snap in line if they were smacked on the nose, time to smack them on the nose.
I agree with this. He's the President and leader of the Republican party. He was elected because he was a Washington outsider that promised to make "great deals" and get things done. This bill is yet another example of how the Democrats are actually controlling the Congress while being in the minority. I'm not sure why there even needs to be talk of a shutdown when Republicans control both houses.

In reality, Trump's election has exposed the fact that most of the "Republicans" in Congress aren't actually Republicans.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 06:48:59 AM »
The problem we have is previous administrations refusing to follow the laws, foreigners entering our country illegally and wanting the same treatment (or more) of a citizen and liberal progressives attempting to undermine our entire immigration process.
Democrats don't care about anything other than making more Democrats and being the "champions" for the immigrants is the way to do it. By resettling them all over the U.S. under the Obama administration it made it more difficult to remove them because they were harder to find. The hope was that there'd be some sort of amnesty deal and a pathway to citizenship which would've yielded a significant number more of Democrat voters. The Democrats are playing the long game.

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:03:22 AM »
It also doesn't encourage an honest exchange of ideas when the other person is totally bullshitting and making shit up to back their position.

 Those that "get run off" have done it to themselves as they are either too thin skin, or they try to perpetuate an argument that makes no sense, or is simply the latest liberal talking points.

 The libs that fled here after the election did so because they had nothing.  All of their positions were just as flawed as their party and candidate.  They anxiously anticipated a Hillary victory so they could rub our noses in it and when that didn't happen..........
You're justifying people being insulted because their arguments don't add up? Let people have whatever argument they want, it'll either stand on its merits or it won't. There's no need to put people down because they don't think the same as you or anyone else. They didn't run themselves off, they were run off by the insults. It's one thing to call someone out on a bad argument, it's another to insult them.

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: April 30, 2017, 06:50:25 PM »
I hope he decides to stick around. It's nice having a differing viewpoint to actually have a debate about. I wish some of the other members would come back as well.

Spin Zone / Re: Border Wall
« on: April 25, 2017, 12:59:23 PM »
One thing to note from the first article is that this is the first installment of the wall, not the cost of the entire wall. Either way, Paul Ryan is a huge part of the problem with the Republicans right now.

You are very dense tonight.

ALL it takes is a few politicians with spine and the courage to tell the democrat whores to shut the fuck up and the tide will turn.

The deeply deranged democrats are causing the pendulum to swing against them. They have become a party of liars, thieves, communists, criminals and traitors to the point that more and more people are turning against them every day,
Perhaps, but the Republicans are experts at defeating themselves every chance they get. They can't get out of their own way to get anything done. The Democrats have a lot of internal party issues, not to mention their ideological issues, but it's hard to fight them when Republicans are too busy fighting themselves.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 24, 2017, 09:59:42 AM »
Oh I understood you didn't agree with it. :)
I'm hoping SCOTUS grants cert on this case and then overturns the 9th Circuit. It's ridiculous to think that somehow you can only protect yourself in your home, but not in public. An armed society is a polite society.

Let's say we all vote 6PC to be head of the FAA, and he responds in kind by buying each person on POA a brand new SR22T G6.

It would be the biggest government scandal in history... And it will be a whopping 0.2% of the Federal Budget for 1 year.

Because the numbers are so staggering even a little waste or corruption is very visible. And it's wrong, unfair and makes you feel icky all over. And it should be fixed. But ultimately this is not what's going to change your lot in life.
The point is that federal spending is out of control and needs to be reined in. There are obvious ones, such as the Department of Education, that could be cut. Their budget for FY17 is $69.4 billion dollars which is not a lot in the grand scheme of things but all that money starts adding up. Citing the fact that it's such a low percentage of the federal budget is not a good enough excuse to ignore it and let it go.

We'll never be able to tackle entitlement reform if we can't even control simple wastes of money in other areas of government.

Spin Zone / Re: Georgia 6th District
« on: April 19, 2017, 01:51:45 PM »
Ok, go ahead, tell me how you are personally worse off on January 2017 as compared to January 2009.

Are you earning less money? Are you paying a higher % of your salary in federal taxes? What exactly did he do to you?
What about the states that saw skyrocketing premiums, like Arizona (116%)? Some people are earning less money and some people would rather pay the "tax" for not having healthcare than have to spend the ridiculous amount it takes to get basic, terrible coverage.

Quote from: nudnik
You can't expect Trump to marry 326 million people.

Well, minus 1.
This statement seems to imply that Trump has done something to you or others. What was it?

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado cuts teen births and abortion rates in half
« on: April 17, 2017, 07:22:06 AM »
I am somewhat surprised we haven't seen a coup, or uprising in Venezuela yet as things are very bad there.  Of course our media doesn't report so much on the failure of communism in places like Venezuela, and Cuba.  The Hollywood, and media types are too busy idolizing Che Guevera, Castro, and Chavez.  If their murderous, corrupt practices, and ideology was put on display, their little Utopian Bubble would be burst. 

If these places were such utopias of Rainbows, and Unicorns why do so many people want to get out?
The LA Times had an article yesterday discussing the Venezuelan opposition leader:

Venezuela has the opportunity to be prosperous and self-sustaining with all of their oil and potential for tourism. This is what a true socialist government looks like.

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado cuts teen births and abortion rates in half
« on: April 12, 2017, 03:41:57 PM »
How about a compromise:

Don't defund Planned Parenthood, IF they get out of the abortion business, and step up their contraception and adoption efforts.  The amount they now pay for an abortion could probably pay for a lot of long-term contraception. (Actually, I have no idea what Norplant or IUDs cost).
What's your justification for subsidizing someone else's recreational activities? Why should I, or any taxpayer, pay for someone else's birth control?

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado cuts teen births and abortion rates in half
« on: April 12, 2017, 03:19:39 PM »
The best way to turn a poor person into a less poor person is to allow them to control there reproduction.  We have the science to do that, we just don't seem to have the social willpower.  Make long-term contraception more available and you'll cut down the abortion rate.  It really is that simple.  I know there are ideologically driven folks in this site that vehemently object to free anything from the government, and I get that.  But widespread availability of contraception makes really good sense in OUR society.  It made no sense in the society of two thousand years ago because girls married young.  Not so anymore.
Birth control is already widely available from Planned Parenthood and other sources. If you're on birth control, you're actively trying to avoid a pregnancy, thus engaging in sex recreationally. Why should I pay for someone else's recreation?

The liberal Brookings' Institute cites three ways to avoid being poor throughout your life:

  • Graduate high school
  • Get a job
  • Don't have a child out of wedlock

Spin Zone / Re: Republican plans to ban online porn
« on: April 12, 2017, 06:48:01 AM »
Fixed it for you.  ;D

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