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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: TikTok Bill
« on: March 14, 2024, 06:54:41 AM »
This is a Uniparty tyrannical grab for control over social media.  It’s unconstitutional, violates the First.  How did it get this far?

First, the Republicans pushed the idea that it’s nothing but Chinese spyware, sending all our info back to the CCP and turning our young into zombies. They’re not wrong but:

1.  Google, Apple, etc. are already giving our data to anyone willing to pay, Chinese included, and also using algorithms that suppress anything that goes against the “approved” messaging.  The CCP doesn’t need Tik Tok to brainwash our kids or get all of our personal profiles.

2.  Banning any program or “app” as they call them these days, is useless because technology is at a point where we can get around any ban.  There are VPNs, or a company can simply rebrand the thing.  It’s whack a mole, you will never stop the rise of new computer platforms.  Rather than try to control them from the top down, the field needs to remain free and open, allowing the rise and fall of platforms of all types, and allow the market to decide what it wants. Centralized government should not control this just like it should not control what books are published and sold.

And like it or not, east Asia is heavily involved in computer technology. We opened up trade with a communist dictatorship to the point our own manufacturing is largely shut down while we now let them make all our shit and now we’re salty because they made an app that took off in popularity in the west?  Just like all their other shit is shipped over here?  What did we expect?

The Democrat elite were happy to allow this “right -wing” propaganda to sink into Mom and Pop America.  They already had the pro-censorship conservatives on board.  They don’t need the Tik Tok-loving woke kids. But old school Democrats also bought it, because a.) they are fence sitters on the Bill of Rights and b.) older Democrats lived during the Cold War and still have remnants of “The communists are coming! The communists are coming!”  programming from childhood.

Indeed they are coming, but a stupid phone app is not the danger. The danger is that Marxism has soaked into the West by osmosis after the universities and primary schools were taken over by the left and China is literally buying up farmland, inserting spies into the highest levels of government, and outright paying our corrupt current resident in chief to make him their bitch.

This is the Uniparty taking the opportunity to pass a law opening the door to Federal outright, open, “legal” censorship of all social media, as opposed to the Feds covertly censoring Twitter, Facebook, etc.  They were angered when Elon caught them red handed, outed them to us all, and told them to fuck off. (Elon is now a target, just watch.)

Notice the pattern: When the tyranny is defeated in a battle, they learn from the mistake and correct it, smoothing the way for easier wins in the future. They got caught illegally censoring social media and so are now passing a law that will grant them to power to do it openly.  Another example: When they realized Mike Pence had the power to refuse to certify the 2020 election (even though he didn’t exercise it), they were spooked by the close call so preemptively took steps to ensure it can never happen by passing a law turning the certification into an empty rubber stamp.

These people are insidious, evil psychopaths.  They will stop at nothing to stay in power, including dismantling the Bill of Rights piece by piece.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting To Know Each Other - Part Two - The Sequel
« on: March 13, 2024, 04:44:34 PM »
I’m gonna play but really busy now, gimme a while.

Spin Zone / Re: Masks Work or Make You Stupid???
« on: March 13, 2024, 02:18:11 AM »
If you’re not a surgeon currently in the OR, or an immunocompromised cancer patient, you have no business wearing a mask.  Well okay maybe if you’re mowing the grass and have allergies.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 11, 2024, 02:05:46 PM »
Desperate for cash, FJB joins Pornhub

OH GOD....


Spin Zone / Re: DEI in the sky
« on: March 11, 2024, 08:01:39 AM »
for those of us without twitter accounts, how about a summary?

The first was an airline commercial advertising its commitment to diversity and inclusion.  Passengers are being seated while it’s announced that the captain is a “three foot transgender pansexual Native American man who identifies as a six foot tall Korean woman” whose epilepsy is triggered by the flashing cockpit lights. The flight ends predictably.

The second is Tyler Fischer (a comedian) stranded in San Francisco for real, but he’s walking through the terminal bitching about how they had to deplane because the engine wouldn’t start and now he’s going to miss his performances and he’s giving information about rescheduling them, but then says as he was exiting he peeked in the cockpit and saw the pilot was a woman, so wondered if there was a surgeon on board that could quick do a sexual transition and turn her into a man so they can take off.

Then he ranted about wheels flying off airplanes and doors popping out and fat people getting two seats. So he says they need to put fat people in a row with a door so when it pops off the fat person plugs it so the plane can still fly.

Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: March 11, 2024, 05:11:50 AM »
Saw this on that website we don't mention:

On the second mug, shouldn’t the caffeinate come first?

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration.
« on: March 07, 2024, 03:31:23 PM »
It's Article 4, Section 4, Clause 2 of the constitution.

FJB has failed, along with congress.  They all need to be removed from office.

They are committing sabotage. They are undermining the safety and sovereignty of the nation. Criminal charges need to be brought.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration.
« on: March 07, 2024, 01:48:25 PM »
I think it's a shame they have to, but YES.  I think they should be allowed to.

The Feds should either be in there helping or leave.  They shouldn't be obstructing.

I think it's great that States like Florida and Tennessee are sending in their National Guard troops to help.

It’s one thing for Biden and the feds to ignore the border and fail to defend it.  It is quite another for them to actively obstruct Texas’s efforts to defend the border which is not only the U.S. border, but also Texas’s border which are the property lines of private citizens whose lands are being overrun. 

Biden is suing Texas to stop our efforts, federal agents are cutting the wire we put up; this cannot be seen as anything but outright hostility. The Biden administration is behaving like an enemy of Texas. There is no other way to look at it.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration.
« on: March 07, 2024, 06:00:50 AM »
In 1968-69 I worked at an evergreen nursery. Every summer a group of migrants came to the nursery and worked through the summer and then went back to Mexico for the winter. The nursery actually had housing for them.

There is such a thing as temporary work visas. Nothing wrong with that. Other than the competition for wages. Americans demand higher wages and migrants accept less, which is a large part of the problem.  This is due to asymmetry in the two economies.  Minimum wage laws in the U.S., differentials in standard of living, cost of living, and so on.

The American consumer demands low prices, putting pressure on corporations to minimize cost by hiring cheap labor.  The American consumer has also screwed itself in this manner by insisting on cheap Chinese made shit thereby destroying local manufacturing bases around the country. They’re not entirely to blame; government overregulation is also largely responsible.

The American consumer also destroyed mom and pop small businesses on Main Street by transferring all their buying to Walmart, who in turn stopped inventorying American made shit and switched to substandard Chinese crap, thereby ensuring an endless loop of trashing and re-buying the same items instead of investing in a well made piece that lasted a generation.  Of course for that traditional quality American made paradigm to work, you have to have an expanding population, otherwise there’s no market to sell your well made long lasting stuff to and you go out of business. And here we are.  Once again, Americans are screwing themselves by not having babies.

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado Case Argued Before USSC Today
« on: March 04, 2024, 10:47:04 AM »
I never understand how democrats can HATE freedom with such venom while claiming to be protecting freedom by taking away freedoms.

It is the very definition of manipulative gaslighting. If America were a couple, the Democrat regime would be an abusive psychopathic spouse.

I am not claiming this is the primary cause but perhaps it is also contributing. In some sense houses are more sophisticated now and may thus just cost more in real dollars. There is also a lot more regulation and code compliance which likely drives up prices. Many municipalities have actually banned things like the small house movement which was designed to provide more smaller but livable spaces.

That's a very good point. Back when I was a kid, all the houses we lived in and the ones our relatives lived in had only one full bath plus a lone toilet sitting open on the floor of the basement. Everybody had 4 or more kids and we managed with one bath. Nobody used the basement toilet except Dad. That was his emergency exit when wife or kid was hogging the one bathroom. 

Our great aunt out on the farm still had the outhouse in addition to the single added on bath that had been installed in the landing of the front staircase.  (There was no toilet in her root cellar.)  There was a separate staircase in the back that led to an upstairs servant's bedroom. They had no servants by the time we came along and visited but one of our great aunts slept up there and used a chamber pot. The stove was wood fired.

The past two houses we've lived in have a full bath for each bedroom.   Plus another half bath.  And they're just your average 3 bedroom house.  All our other houses had at least 2 and a half baths. (Except our money pit starter home.)  So yes, expectations have changed greatly.

Spin Zone / Re: This Is Causing Quite a Stir on X
« on: March 02, 2024, 06:53:10 PM »
Chemtrails generator malfunction.

There ya go.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: March 02, 2024, 07:30:07 AM »
We will not have a confrontation with Russia.   Right now Russia can do whatever they want because they know the US is weak and will not confront them.

If Trump becomes president, they will cool their aggression and use that time to rebuild their military internally.

The real threat to the US is China, Iran and the US Intelligence community.

Good point, and I agree.  I get the idea from Tucker's interview with Putin that Putin himself does not want a direct confrontation with America.  Iran on the other hand is run by insane Islamofascists who openly call for the destruction of the U.S. and China simply wants to dominate the western Pacific and the world's economy (both involving Taiwan's chip industry) - I think they will ultimately fail, but they are run by insane communists who actually will never take over the U.S. militarily, but ARE in the process currently of destroying her from within. Buying up farmland, contaminating our children with Tic-Toc propaganda, infiltrating our highest levels of government (Fang Fang) buying off even higher levels (Biden and son).  And of course the IC is complicit in ALL of this, themselves now taken over by America-hating leftists and control freak statists.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: March 01, 2024, 05:55:23 AM »
Gotta admit, I'm not really sure what this means.  Someone smarter than me can explain?

Came from this tweet on X:

So far I can’t find what it means.

The guy who was in charge of storing, testing and programming the vote machines in Delaware Cty, PA was suing Trump, etc. for defamation because two Republican poll workers made a scene accusing him of tampering with the vote machines to add 50,000 Biden votes, when they supposedly “knew” the guy had no ability to do that. (The complaint doesn’t explain how they could have known that, or why he couldn’t tamper with the vote count if he was in charge of programming the machines in the first place.)

It seems to me that what should settle this case would be a complete forensic examination of the machines to determine if they had indeed been tampered with but I haven’t found yet whether any attempt to do that was carried out.

It seems the plaintiffs decided to drop the case before it was heard.  Possibly because they were made aware of evidence the defendants were going to bring?  The tweets imply this is proof that fraud happened but I haven’t yet seen where this is actually stated, nor why the case was dropped.

And all of the above is my take from a brief search and I could have got something wrong.

Edit:  Maybe there was a settlement?  If so, that’s not really a win at all.  Need more info.

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