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Messages - Mase

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Spin Zone / Re: No Avgas!
« on: July 03, 2022, 05:23:05 PM »
Remember when Krugman predicted a market collapse under Trump?   ::)
Krugman is a Keynesian fucking moron.

Spin Zone / Re: No Avgas!
« on: July 03, 2022, 08:40:10 AM »
Hit has got hurt to be as wrong and as often as that nitwit, krugman.

He’s an idiot.  His entire economic philosophy is based on a flawed premise.

Spin Zone / Re: 2000 Mules
« on: July 01, 2022, 05:56:20 AM »
The lying motherfuckers wouldn’t have a prayer if it are not for lying mother I mere like pete pretending to be thoughtful and giving them a pass while they shred freedom and watch it replaced with communism.

Pete will have to refresh my memory about his politics.  I thought he said he is an ultra libertarian, maybe almost anarchist libertarian which is (in my mind) the complete opposite of communism, socialism or today’s leftist Democrats.  I would think someone like that presented with a choice between Biden and Trump, if those were the only two options, would choose Trump.  Trump populism is a bit closer to decentralizing power from the feds, where the Dems are now fascists and authoritarians. 

So if Peter would have favored a Trump win, he isn’t assuming there was fraud from wishful thinking, whereas I could presumably assume fraud just because emotionally I really wanted Trump to win.  I’ve considered that possibility and discarded it.  My perception of the fraud is based on looking at the details from the night of Nov. 3 forward, in many counties, districts and states, and looking at them objectively as much as I can.  While still human, as even the most objective scientist is still humanly flawed, I believe there is sufficient evidence to say with confidence that there is a high probability that there was sufficient fraud to have effected a false Biden win.

But Pete will have to speak for himself.

Spin Zone / Re: Gay Pride Month
« on: June 25, 2022, 04:18:19 AM »
This is why

They couldn’t just quit once they achieved equality. They had to go off into crazy land which is backfiring and resurrecting the old style bigotry against them.  Worse, they seem to be encouraging it.  50 years ago gays were thought to be pedophiles.  The truth is they are no more pedophiles than straights; we have pedos in all sexual orientations.  50 years ago there were no equal rights.  No laws against discrimination and they couldn’t marry.  Now they have achieved all of that.  Time to quit and leave well enough alone.

But no.  The lunatic fringe thinks their mission is now thought control and total cultural change.  Erase all criticism and eliminate the slightest negative attitude toward them.  That is not possible.  In the effort to cram radicalism down the world’s throat they are actually validating the original prejudices.  Taking little kids to drag shows looks for all the world like gays are all pedophiles and they are igniting all the old hatred against them.

For 50 years I’ve been on their side.  And I still am on the side of sane, normal gay and trans people.  But this fringe minority brainwashed by the same woke lunatics that did this to blacks, women, fat people, and any other group they claim is still oppressed, are hurting, not helping their cause.  It creates more division, not less, to continue bashing people for the past, especially when those doing the bashing are too young to have ever experienced real discrimination. 

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: June 10, 2022, 08:11:11 AM »
this one won't last long on POA

(and it didn't ....gone)

Spin Zone / Re: 2000 Mules
« on: May 30, 2022, 06:00:00 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: White privilege card
« on: May 28, 2022, 11:06:08 AM »
I assume you don't see the hypocrisy in that.

Agree, both sides do it, but in my experience the right does it on a limited individual scale but the left does it on a massive, organized, collective scale, utilizing a weaponized media, language manipulation and so on.  Maybe N7 or Lucifer will call you a closet Democrat because you don’t necessarily think the Covid vax is more deadly than the disease.  Or Flynn because he holds back saying the 2020 election was stolen until he sees hard evidence.  But all of social media, mainstream media, and the federal government will call half the nation far right extremists for saying vaccines shouldn’t be mandatory.  They are formalizing and codifying it!  So the meme is more applicable to the left but I see where you’re coming from.

Spin Zone / Re: FJB speaks tonight
« on: May 25, 2022, 10:04:53 AM »
Fact:   School gun free zones are safe, target rich environments for sickos. 

Common sense:   Allow teachers to conceal carry.

It resumed yesterday after a week vacation and now Amber Heard is being cross examined.  What a train wreck.  Whether Depp is an abuser or not, he is definitely a mess.  She is a bigger mess in my opinion, and their relationship is completely dysfunctional.  If some of the things she claims did happen, then Depp is guilty of abuse and assault.  However, she has a big problem with credibility.  The overall picture still strongly suggests she is the bigger bully in the relationship and Depp was mostly on the defensive. 

She comes across as rewriting history to fit a new narrative.  For example, in the recording of an argument when he was attempting to disengage from a vicious argument, she has a complete meltdown.  She screams that she will die if he leaves. He only wants to go off by himself for a couple hours to calm down.  But on the stand when asked to explain why she was so hysterical at the idea, she claims that it was because she was detecting that he was in the process of “entering the part of the cycle” where he starts to use drugs and become addict Johnny again.  That sounded like she had read it straight out of rehab treatment literature and prepared the explanation long after the actual event.  During the recording it is far more believable that she was reacting with the fear of abandonment that is a major feature of borderline personality disorder.

Also, it is coming out that while she was publicizing her alleged abusive relationship, she expanded it into themes of general toxic male patriarchal behavior.  In other words, she is participating in the woke, metoo, anti-male cult that is one of the current things up about which it is popular to get riled.

So I get the feeling that her story is being embellished to support a political agenda.  She is an “ACLU ambassador of women’s rights”.   It’s just too convenient that the worse her personal story sounds the more public sympathy raised for the cause.

Spin Zone / Re: Our WOKE Military strikes again
« on: May 15, 2022, 04:23:41 AM »
Thanks Stan.

So much for starting conversation here.   ::)

Well this was a case of me being so mad at it I couldn’t come up with anything to say.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: May 08, 2022, 07:51:15 AM »
Data IS.  Data ARE is just silly.

Actually, “data are” is correct.  “Data” is plural.  “Datum” is singular.

Spin Zone / Re: Ukraine, Putin, and Biden
« on: April 25, 2022, 05:11:20 AM »
Isn’t that exactly what Biden is doing?

  Biden is waging a proxy war right now by sending billions of our dollars to Ukraine, and using our military to train Ukrainian military.  And while Biden has slipped up and said he would send our troops into Ukraine, only to have his handlers walk it back, others in his administration keep alluding to sending troops in. 

  Would Trump have done that if he were president in 1941?

 Trump was not president in 1941.

We have had a failing of leadership in foreign policy for the past 15 or so years.

  Under BHO our foreign policy switched to appeasement and the US became the laughing stock of the world as BHO was bowing to tyrants and praising dictators.  BHO's administration destabilized countries and governments (example: Libya) and fueled several conflicts.

  Trump came along and took a stronger stance on foreign policy, such as requiring NATO members to pay up and stop using the US to fund their defense.  Trump wanted out of Afghanistan but the neocons serving the MIC refused.  Those same neocons beat the drum loudly to get us into more wars, and again Trump refused.  The democrat party flipped from being the party of peace to the party demanding we go to every war that cropped up.   Trump used the big stick method of Teddy Roosevelt and it worked.

 Along comes FJB who has now sunk our foreign policy to even lower than his mentor BHO, and we haven't hit bottom yet.

Pilot Zone / Radial engines!
« on: April 11, 2022, 04:56:47 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: “It's a Woke World After All”
« on: April 02, 2022, 10:22:17 AM »
One generation builds it, the next continues it and the third destroys the company.

The woke left CAUSED the Florida bill. Such conservative reactions weren’t necessary when by social convention you didn’t talk to little school children about sexual deviancy.  Everyone knew that was taboo, you didn’t even talk about ordinary heterosexual coitus other than the minimum necessary to teach basic reproductive biology.  It was universally understood that anything beyond that was the business of the parents.

The radical left forced this to happen with their relentless public hammering about it.  There have always been gay/trans people and society was slowly becoming more accepting, but the woke left picked it up as a militant cause to be forced down society’s throat in ways way beyond what the majority will accept. That resulted in the backlash. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Black Gen Z Mindset nailed it.  Fast forward to minute 13:00 or just read my TLDW summary.  Will Smith was actually laughing at the joke until he looked over at Jada.  She made a face, actually rolled her eyes, and shot him a glance.  That’s when he changed to angry.

That fits with what this guy thinks, which is that Jada is playing Will Smith as the narcissist she is.  He also nails what happened starting at minute 11:00:

This doesn’t excuse what Smith did.  It was wrong and illegal. He should be charged with assault and battery. But it illustrates how females often manipulate males, which is not in the best interest of the man.

The number of female celebrities that praised Smith is disgusting.  Ooooo big man defended his woman, how sexy!  It is HIM who will suffer the consequences whether they be legal or reputation destruction, not you.  Yeah a man being violent to defend you against say, Russia invading, is admirable.  But you can’t take a joke about yourself?  No.

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