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Topics - Rush

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Spin Zone / Consider Islam
« on: October 06, 2022, 01:35:14 PM »
I’m listening to a podcast on the subject of all these school kids cutting off their boobs and junk (gender reassignment) and the general decline of family and parenting in this country, and somebody writes in to invite all American men to Islam.  They said “Christianity is not serving men anymore.  For good or bad, Islam is not going to bend itself for zeitgeist.”

I don’t know that the problem in America can be blamed on Christianity but he has a point.  It’s probably more the decline of Christianity that’s the problem, or religiosity in general.  But neither Islam nor traditional Christianity would put up with this gender crap with our children.

But if his argument is we need to get back to a well defined set of guidelines aligned with Creation (Nature, biology) for how men and women should behave within themselves and with each other, then he is exactly right.

Just sayin.

And before you jump down my throat, first, I’m not necessarily saying I agree American men should go with Islam, second, if I did agree with it, that doesn’t mean I agree with the head coverings and the parts about beating your wife, killing homosexuals, and living under a repressive theocratic regime.

Spin Zone / Russell Brand censored
« on: October 06, 2022, 08:46:27 AM »
Russell Brand is not a conservative by a long shot.  He leans more left than right.  But he is open minded and interviews people on all sides of the political spectrum.  So because he isn't a megaphone for woke left orthodoxy, he is now being censored and probably considered a "right wing extremist".  He is moving to Rumble and says he will have upcoming interviews with Donald and Bernie (last names to be revealed later).  Well if they aren't Trump and Sanders I will be mad at him for trolling me.

Spin Zone / Train hits police car parked on tracks
« on: October 05, 2022, 02:03:40 PM »
I thought everyone in the country knew NEVER TO PARK A CAR ON THE RAILROAD TRACKS.  The stupidity and negligence of every one of these police officers is astounding.  Put the suspect in the car on the tracks and proceeded to dick around searching her car even as the train horn is blasting away.  Wow.

Spin Zone / Beards
« on: October 05, 2022, 09:39:42 AM »
Pressure Mounting For Candace Owens To Grow A Beard

NASHVILLE, TN — With the success of Matt Walsh and the newly-bearded Ben Shapiro, pressure is mounting at The Daily Wire headquarters for popular conservative commentator Candace Owens to grow a beard of her own.

"Our incoming data shows a tremendous popularity of beards among our audience," said Lois Fonecharger, marketing analyst for The Daily Wire. "Beards seem to add a certain level of gravitas to someone's argument. Matt Walsh would be powerless without his beard, and there's no denying the surge of attention Ben's new beard is causing online. Some feedback is even saying Ben could pass for 17 years old now instead of 12! We're inching toward a company-wide directive that all on-camera talent grow beards."

While many of the famous faces of The Daily Wire seem to be embracing beard growth as a new pillar of the media company's future plans, some have been more hesitant. "Candace Owens isn't sold on the idea, mainly because she's a woman and unable to grow a beard," said Owens's personal assistant Savanna Jacoby. "I don't really see how covering half of her face with a beard will be beneficial in any way, but she's always a team player and willing to give it a try."

At publishing time, Owens was believed to be moving forward with the plan, even going as far as to set up times to record promo spots for sponsors advertising beard balms and oils, though it is not known at this time what effect this new initiative may have on The Daily Wire's long-standing relationship with Jeremy's Razors.

Spin Zone / The Hunter Biden Song
« on: October 03, 2022, 02:28:51 PM »

Spin Zone / Civil War
« on: September 28, 2022, 08:22:29 AM »
Fantastic analysis.  Not saying I agree with it completely.  The comment section has some pretty concerning disagreement that the military will mostly side with the right.  Overall his prediction is very plausible.  It supports my theory that it will be an urban vs rural split more than by state.  I also agree that the left could provoke a dangerous overreaction from the right.  Also agree that the trigger event could be the election of a Republican president.  If Trump wins in 2024, I think the left will explode in rioting that makes 2020 look like a Sunday picnic.  It will be game on.  Be that as it may it’s better than the Dems winning and continuing their disastrous policies.  I am still hopeful a convention of states can resolve this, but I’m doubting more and more we can come together at all.  We are too culturally divided, not eating the same food, not dressing the same, etc. although I disagree with some of what he lists.

Oh and he talks about the Philly suburbs, Anthony.

Spin Zone / Draft dodging
« on: September 27, 2022, 05:11:33 AM »
Question:  If you were a young man in Russia today, would you leave to avoid being sent to Ukraine?  So what is the difference between that and fleeing to Canada in the 60s to avoid Vietnam?  We condemn those who did that.  Somebody explain to me the difference.  You cannot use “Russia is a communist shithole and the U.S. isn’t.”  The reality is in both wars you are fighting a highly motivated enemy on their homeland for a cause you don’t understand.

Spin Zone / How Hungary reduced abortion
« on: September 26, 2022, 02:36:04 PM »
If you have 4 children, you pay ZERO income tax for the rest of your life.  If you have one, 25% reduction and so on.

Hungary noticed people weren't reproducing enough so came up with this incentive.  Apparently it's working, they're  having more babies, and less abortions.

Here's my source, it's very long but EXTREMELY WELL WORTH IT.  **SPOILER**   One reason young people in Quebec are turning conservative is that Quebec had arguably the most draconian covid lockdowns in this hemisphere.  It woke young people up to the fact that centralized control is a bad thing.

Great education on Canada politics, Quebec in particular.

Peterson talks about the massive amounts of liquid natural gas Canada has.  Germany came and begged them for it and Trudeau said "No."  Because it's not "good business".  But that's because of onerous government regulation on ramping up production.  Canada could be energy independent and export enough for the world but won't because of the greenie left who are going to destroy Canada if they keep going.

Peterson outlines the best governmental structure. Not a dictator, not anarchy.  Keep power and decisions at the lowest most local level possible, from individual to family and so on up the structure, have a multilevel structure in between where each level only has what power is necessary.  He articulates it better than me.

Spin Zone / Lefty gun hypocrisy
« on: September 25, 2022, 08:15:17 AM »
I LOVE when Styx points out lefty hypocrisy.  Nobody can say it better.

Spin Zone / Illegals in Martha's Vineyard
« on: September 19, 2022, 01:01:16 PM »
Good analysis, nails the irreconcilable differences between urban and rural.  Wants convention of states.  What she says about why Texas and Florida are sending illegals to Martha's Vineyard is spot on.

Spin Zone / Trump vs Desantis
« on: September 17, 2022, 07:13:42 AM »
Still not completely decided which I’d vote for if Desantis runs in the 2024 primary but this analysis is very compelling.

Spin Zone / This hits too close to home
« on: September 16, 2022, 02:47:41 AM »

Spin Zone / When Californians move to Texas
« on: September 13, 2022, 05:47:28 PM »

Spin Zone / Eco-lunacy unintended consequences
« on: September 12, 2022, 06:50:01 AM »
Plastic straws destroy the environment, so use metal ones.  They can only kill your child:

Fortunately this kid lived.  If I were the parents I'd sue the hell out of New York, because of the plastic straw ban.

Also, look at them all wearing masks because of a mild endemic common cold.  New York needs to fall off the continent along with Kalifornica.

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