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Topics - Rush

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Pilot Zone / Controller shortage
« on: August 06, 2023, 05:09:07 AM »
Pilot asks pax to apply for the job:

Spin Zone / U.S. Census
« on: August 05, 2023, 05:36:58 PM »
I got the long form census and they asked a ton of questions but check this out. I am SO offended! How dare they assume I am binary. Where are the other 97 genders??!!

Spin Zone / Why I despise feminists (and like Nate the Lawyer)
« on: July 29, 2023, 08:33:56 AM »
Nate digs into facts.  As it happens the facts usually go against the left.  The arrogance, hubris and sheer sense of entitlement of these nasty females is beyond belief. They voluntarily signed a low risk high security contract and rejected the high risk low security contract, which the men took.  Higher risk is higher pay BUT no pay at all if you don’t play.  During Covid the men didn’t play at all and got nothing.  The women got paid for doing nothing.  That year they in fact got more than the men.  Now they want their cake and eat it too. They want to go back and get higher pay for playing AND pay for not playing. 

Spoiler alert, the judge said, “no, you signed the contract. The men signed a different contract. You didn’t have a gun to your head you stupid bitches.” I might have paraphrased that last sentence a bit.

But the worse point is how the media lied about it. Just wait til you hear the last guy at the end rant about misogyny.  Outright lying to the public and creating hatred toward “men in power”.  Unbelievable.

Pilot Zone / Twitter tuned into X
« on: July 25, 2023, 03:55:49 AM »
I don’t know how I feel about this.

Spin Zone / Report suspected terrorist activity to the DHS
« on: July 23, 2023, 04:42:22 PM »
Poking around the DHS website just for fun I found this interesting tidbit:

Spin Zone / Jack Dorsey regrets banning Trump
« on: July 09, 2023, 05:28:12 PM »
I have to give him credit, he seems to be coming around. I used to be disgusted by him but he is redeeming himself a bit.  Here he confirms the pressure Twitter was under by the deep state.

Spin Zone / Anthony
« on: July 07, 2023, 12:52:08 PM »
Did you hit the wrong button again?

Spin Zone / Chef bans vegans from his restaurant
« on: July 03, 2023, 04:52:50 PM »

Spin Zone / Twitter is broken
« on: July 01, 2023, 10:37:29 AM »
Elon has implemented temporary but drastic restrictions on how many posts you can view or reply, etc. in an effort to weed out bots that are “scraping” the platform, whatever the hell that is.  Try to do something and you get pop ups telling you that you are “rate limited”.

I can only READ 600 posts a day?  You can hit 600 in no time just scrolling. This is nuts.

Spin Zone / Russia coup attempt
« on: June 24, 2023, 04:10:42 AM »
No, Prigozhin is not better than Putin. Better hope it fails.

Spin Zone / Tripping pipe
« on: June 14, 2023, 07:06:14 AM »
Living in Texas for several years now and know nothing about oil rigs other than we have a lot of them, so I decided to edumacate myself.

They’re basically just a big drill.  The bit is on the end of a length of pipe called the “string” made up of sections (called “stands”) typically around 30’ long, that join together at joints.  As the well gets deeper, you have to add stands one by one. Some stands are joined in advance in two to four joints before being added to the string, to cut down on the time it takes to complete the dig. 

The stands are stored vertically in racks, where, at the top, a “derrickman” moves them one by one over to a pulley block which has an elevator that clamps onto the pipe securing it at the top, and then the derrickman maneuvers the pipe so the floor crew can grab the bottom, and insert the threaded end into the female end of the previous stand.  (The first one is disconnected from the “Kelly”, basically a driveshaft).

This derrickman can be as high as ten stories up, and just dangles himself on safety lines over thin air to position the pipe for his work mates below.

The threads are doped, the stand spun to screw it in place, and then “tongs” applied (basically a large wrench) to tighten down the joint. A brake had been applied to the string to hold it for the new section, this is removed, the section lowered, and the process repeated.

Wells can vary a great deal in depth. Many thousands of feet, and this process of adding sections to the string can require hundreds of repetitions.  When the bit is worn and needs to be replaced, the process is reversed and the entire string pulled back out section by section, then re-installed again with the new bit.  When the well reaches the desired depth, the whole string is removed once again, testing equipment is lowered to confirm that they did indeed strike oil and it’s a good dig.  Then a whole new process of installing permanent pipe with concrete casing happens and the well can begin to produce.

In this video they are actually removing the pipe for whatever reason. A string might need to be brought back out if a section is cracked or some idiot drops something down in it or whatever.  As it is removed it must be put back up into the vertical rack, or alternately, may be stacked lying down on the ground which I assume is the final removal when drilling is complete. After the pipe is disconnected (using the tongs again) he applies a cap to the end to protect the threads and places it on that slide thingie, (remember the elevator is holding the top) then the elevator lowers it down, the elevator is removed and applied to the next section to pull out.

That mud you see is lubricant.  They call it “mud” but it’s not really mud, but a special gel like substance specifically designed for this purpose the weight of which must be controlled or bad things happen. During active drilling it is continuously pumped down through the pipe and moves back up around the outside to be sent to a holding pond (mud pit?), filtered and recycled back.

I love the offscreen guy throwing caps at the roughneck, and he flawlessly catches them every time.🤣🤣
I also like the way he grins at the mud then it splashes at him.

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