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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 21, 2017, 09:03:08 AM »
I hope Mark is jealous.  :)

Ha ha!

I had just read hotprops incredible story over there on PoA the moral being you should respect the President whether he is the one you voted for or not, and the thread was locked for precaution, not for any actual reason.  So ironic, when the whole reason PoA was created was to escape the heavy handed censorship on the red board. So it all came over here and guess what?  The world did not come to an end because somebody said "fuck".  Or because somebody suggests you should respect the office of the President. 

How I wish somebody would smack around these snowflakes like hotprops's father smacked him around.

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 21, 2017, 08:27:34 AM »
Go fuck yourself.

Not that I necessarily think you should have said that to him, it is so refreshing to have a forum where that isn't filtered, censored, deleted, thread locked and banned.




I can say this.    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Spin Zone / Re: OMG, the trigger words.......
« on: January 20, 2017, 06:27:59 PM »
I was working during the majority of the speech, and got a break when it was almost over. I only got to watch the end of the speech, when Obama shook Trump's hand and said "Good Job."

A true class act.

I did read the speech while on break. Trump makes a few good points, though I'm surprised any conservatives stand by it. He won't accomplish any of those things without some (sometimes major) form of government intervention.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Yeah, he sounds like a protectionist Democrat when talking about bringing back jobs. He IS the guy for the blue collar working man now.  He took it from the Dems because the Dems forsook them and now focus on gays and illegals and Muslim refugees and animals and trees and "the planet", anything BUT the ordinary working American citizen.

The good points you agree with might be the same ones I do, that it's time to return control of the country to the people rather than the wealthy and powerful elite class. This election wasn't about liberals vs conservatives. It's about us the people vs a governing class that has become completely out of touch with us, on both sides.

Agree about Obama and Michelle during the transition. Apparently they've been gracious to the incoming couple.  But we all need to remember, Trump is NOT a conservative. He's been on the liberal side of some issues before and supported some liberals, he can befriend liberals and work with them, so I'm not surprised there seems to be some warmth there.  Not saying he won't follow through with his conservative promises to lower taxes and reduce regulations, and build a wall and build back the military, but I think he can cross over on many other things more easily than say Cruz would have, which is what earned him the hate of some Republicans.

I'm still cautiously optimistic.

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 20, 2017, 10:31:47 AM »
Having moved an hour left, I missed it.  Turned it on just after the swearing in. :(
Still not used to this time zone.

Spin Zone / Re: OMG, the trigger words.......
« on: January 20, 2017, 10:30:26 AM »
All the focus on the little people is exactly what traditional Democrats were all about.  If the left weren't hypocrites, they should love Trump. But today's leftists don't care about little people, they just care about staying in power.


It is my opinion that you will always have a certain percentage of people who will work the system, not plan for their own future, and take any excuse they can find for those choices.  I am not sure there is anything that would motivate them to do better, strive for a better future, or think beyond the moment.


It seems built in.   Any societal systems that address writing government checks to individuals should take this into consideration.

Who is this Becky?  You think just like me.

It's evolutionary. There are genes that run through the human race where people have learned to survive on the margins of society and they will always be with us, because in times of acute crisis it is often these people who more successfully pass on their DNA to future generations.  There's a human "gene" that has you surviving by gaming the more prosperous parts of society, and there's no reason it would go away, just like some animals eat carrion that some other animal took the trouble to kill. As long as some animals do the work of killing, there will be others to take advantage of this to steal a free meal.

But we mustn't admit this in humans, no no, it's RACIST. (Although it exists across all races.)  For some reason we're to pretend homo sapiens sapiens is exempt from this kind of natural selection, so no, we will never take this into consideration.

But we should.  I believe in charity. I've given a lot of money directly to those in need for whatever reason.  Maybe they gave me a charming smile. Maybe they convinced me with brochures. I've no problem with people "gaming" me or society in this way.  My problem is when a government forcibly takes my money, takes a huge chunk for themselves, and gives the rest to people not of my choosing.  That's when this inherent trait becomes encouraged and grows to malignant size, until it sucks the life out of the whole economy.

I think I heard Neal Boortz say they should only be allowed to buy dry beans with food stamps.  I don't go that far, but I agree with the sentiment but only as a knee jerk emotional reaction.  In reality, it would accomplish nothing and might have unintended consequences, like more riots. 

The real problem is the lack of jobs in the inner cities and as Anthony pointed out, a couple of generations that know no other lifestyle. Even if there were jobs, who knows if they'd take them when you can make so much more money being a drug pusher. The war on poverty is a failure and the war on drugs is a failure, and only created a black market in drugs to feed to prison industry.

I'm not optimistic that even Trump can bring manufacturing back to the inner cities. The idea to educate these people with the hope that they'll all become doctors, lawyers and engineers is an equally false pipe dream.  The exceptional individual may climb out that way, but not the majority.  When desegregation took the ambitious and intelligent out of the inner cities, it took the main source of cultural stability and small business employers. Those who remained could survive with factory jobs but when that left, they were left with only two choices: push drugs, or be on the public dole.

And I'm not picking on black ghettos; white hillbillies have a similar situation. Manufacturing or industry processing plants that existed in rural white areas, such as furniture, textiles, logging, mining, food packaging, have evaporated, leaving young whites in these areas with the same two choices. It's easy to say to either of these, "Well move somewhere where there's a job," but that's easier said than done when you've been raised in an atmosphere of despair. In reality, these young people cannot escape unless luck provides them with a mentor on the outside to reorient their whole outlook.  This is the "hand up" you're talking about Lucifer. But it requires the existence of a job somewhere, as well as someone willing and able to be this savior. Both are in way too short supply.

It's easy to preach about individual choice and moral accountability when you aren't part of these demographics, but they really are products of society and the system.  (Having said that, I will shoot any criminal who threatens me or invades my property, I don't care if society is to blame for his behavior.  I'm not with the SJWs who use this fact to excuse behavior. It isn't his fault, but he is a monster nonetheless, and I've a right to defend myself.)

Given the incredible stress of these lifestyles, the sugar soda probably provides a needed dopamine high.  Any who avoid the drug and gang scene probably need it, or think they do. My opinion, it would be crazy to try to solve the massive problem of poverty by silly rules like no soda with food stamps.  It would be like sticking a Band-Aid on a hemorrhaging amputation.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 10:23:10 PM »
I don't want help from HRC or Trump or any of them, I just want them to stay the F out of the way.

Yes.  This is the kind of "help" I'm hoping for from Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 10:20:32 PM »

But you see, the thing is, while I agree that HRC would make millions, I'm not so sure she would help the rest of us.

This is the difference.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:03:21 PM »
I no longer care if any politician is ethical or not, or has a conflict of interest and profits somehow "unfairly" from his position, as long as he fixes the economy to profit ME.  All I care about now is maximizing my old age comfort, or rather, minimizing the Hell.  If I can climb up one more rung here in the middle class, so I can afford a slightly better retirement situation, what do I care if Trump has filthy billions or filthy billions plus X?  He's welcome to it, if he can improve MY situation.  It's time for me to be selfish. I've spent my whole life being moral and ethical, and caring about other people, and caring whether a politician I vote for is honest and upright.  I may be slow but I do eventually learn, and I've finally figured it out:  NONE OF THEM ARE.  So I'm done giving a damn. The alternative to Trump was a piece of shit so deeply corrupt with a whole entourage of corrupt friends that have already done untold damage to the country, my wallet and my happiness.  If Trump too is a corrupt piece of shit, fine. He's an amateur, he can't begin to equal the damage done by the Clintons, Obama and the Democrats.

Spin Zone / Re: Someone please take Trump's twitter account away
« on: January 12, 2017, 06:29:51 AM »
Seems the anti-EC crowd won't absorb the brilliance of it.

Witmo, awesomely cogent and concise arguments have been laid out here and all over the documents relating to our government, showing how the EC is actually more representative of the citizenry than the popular vote. What the heck is your problem, dude? Your "arguments" are starting to sound like whining, not thinking.

As I said elsewhere, the EC in just under one generation has saved us from Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Thus it almost can be considered divinely inspired.

I fully admit Trump is an unknown. But when Door #1 is the zonk, you pretty much have to go with an unknown, no?

They won't absorb it because it tends to work against them, that's all.  If it worked in their favor they'd be all for it.

The left is so full of hypocrisy.  If it's a third world nation and poor villagers against a rich ruling family, they're all for the poor villagers. But not here at home, because they've grown to hate "flyover country".

I keep two 38+P revolvers and a shotgun on hand for home defense.  All my 1911s and our rifles are in the safe most of the time.

Spin Zone / Re: First Presser is Terrific
« on: January 11, 2017, 06:36:44 PM »
Strange euphoria setting in ... a president who loves America, is smart, listens, responds, actually works hard on our behalf. Picks highly qualified people, thinks Constitution is important.

I've got a "strange euphoria" this January.  Complete opposite of my normal post-holiday depression.  Maybe it's due to big, sunny, warm south Texas instead of cold, grey Appalachia.  Maybe it's that our finances are finally turning around. Maybe it's the Grandbaby.  Nah. It's none of that.   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Hmmm, think I'll go rob that gun store....
« on: January 10, 2017, 08:24:10 PM »
Darwinism.  Don't try to rob a gun store, LOL!

What is the LEFT's fascination with an oppressive, violent, and totalitarian regime like Cuba that abuses its citizens regularly, and keeps them in enslaved poverty?  Why do they love the Castros so much?

It is the left's blindness to reality and to nature.  This blindness allows them to believe that man is on a "progressive" course to some utopian ideal.  They've constructed a belief that the way to achieve this vision is wealth redistribution by a centralized authority.  So they keep trying, and when it fails, as it always does, they must blame anything other than themselves. The oppression, violence, etc., is either a necessary step in the journey toward perfection, or it is a result of outside meddling by others (usually white males). Their obsession results from their rage that their experiment is obviously a failure, and their scramble to rationalize why it's the fault of anything but their unnatural ideals.

Conversely, adherents to free market capitalism can also suffer from utopian idealism.  But in general, as an economic system, capitalism works far better than collectivism.  The truth is reality is fluid and capitalism recognizes that reality; collectivism does not. Society will always change around with the flow of time. The nature of man as a living organism is to behave certain ways and make constant micro-decisions for individual and group survival. Capitalism takes advantage of this reality. Collectivism tries to kill it.

Because the left doesn't understand these realities, they're doomed to constant frustration as the world keeps insisting on working the way mother nature made it, that is: individuals seek to trade at a profit to both parties.  It's the most basic of human behaviors and the left's economic theories go straight opposite of it. Because they refuse to see humans as just another working part in the whole of nature (including such horrors as killing and eating other things with faces) they suffer from internal dissonance. They can't reconcile reality with their intellectually constructed notions.  By God they will prove that their theories work if they must torture and kill every human on earth in the process.

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