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Messages - bflynn

Pages: 1 ... 311 312 [313] 314 315 ... 321
Spin Zone / Re: Whoops! DOJ Just Destroyed Women's Sports
« on: May 11, 2016, 07:18:53 PM »
It is a Democrat War on Women!

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 11, 2016, 07:05:13 PM »
How that becomes 'rudderless', 'unprincipled' or 'everything is open' is beyond me.

With quotes like this one:

They're going to want to negotiate. But that's a floor. That's where we're starting.

Add in the fact that Donald has spent his entire business career compromising and the fact that he has never stated what he will not compromise on and you get the source of the idea that he is rudderless, unprincipled and everything is open.

Spin Zone / Re: USMA- Free Speech or Unlawful Political Gesture
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:21:39 AM »
Allegedly it has this alternate meaning

Were the cadets protesting unequal hiring and participation in the Olympics by African Americans? 

They were giving a sign of solidarity against the "system".  Sad that some may start their active careers with a mark on their record.

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:02:23 AM »
This movie is making more and more sense -

Spin Zone / Re: John Kerry wants a "Borderless World"
« on: May 09, 2016, 02:57:13 PM »
The US competing in a borderless world is just another way for Democrats to hold onto power by forcing the middle class to compete with cheaper foreign workers and become poorer in the process.  The United States is a bubble in relative terms of the world economy.  This does not end well for American workers.

We know what happens when bubble pop.  In this case, it will mean that many people who have been upwardly mobile will suddenly begin competing against people who do everything for less.  I work in consulting today and we see this with firms like Infosys and Cognizant, two companies that get the majority of H-1B visas.  These guys undercut our prices to the point they are asking for an hourly rate less than our cost for college graduates.  Now never mind that they deliver bad service, that doesn't come around until later and a company can keep doing that for 10-20 years before the market catches on.  Never mind that H-1B laws state they must pay a competitive market rate to their employees, that would ruin their operating model.

Extend this out to everyone.  An Indian guy will take your job on the assembly line and do it for less.  Or if you're "lucky", he'll take your buddy's job and you'll take a pay cut to stay employed.  That is the economic result of a borderless world when you are an economic bubble.  In the US it will mean a massive jump in poverty families and a lowering average wage.  Once indexed for inflation, you should expect to see it decline even more and for that decline to encompass more and more people.

Just remember that it's Democrats that are pushing this on you.

Spin Zone / Re: USMA- Free Speech or Unlawful Political Gesture
« on: May 09, 2016, 02:45:21 PM »
Well I guess it all depends on how the photo is interpreted.

Well, the statement I made is true regardless of how the picture is interpreted.  However the raised fist is a racist symbol for black power.  I cannot interpret it in any way except as a racist political statement because it has never been used in any other way.

Spin Zone / Re: A not the Donald vs the doormat thread
« on: May 08, 2016, 07:36:32 PM »
Not sure where the Dunham youtube post is, but he pointed out - Cruz called Trump a  "pathological liar," "utterly amoral," "a narcissist at a level I don't think this country's ever seen" and "a serial philanderer."

These are exactly the things that make him qualified to be a politician.

Spin Zone / Re: USMA- Free Speech or Unlawful Political Gesture
« on: May 08, 2016, 04:54:57 PM »
If such conduct isn't prohibited by the UCMJ then it would seem to me that the cadets are free and clear.  But I'm no JAG.  (I doubt that "some other law or regulation" was violated.)  However, does the Academy have some specific code of conduct regarding political statements while in uniform?

The military does have some specific code of conduct.  It's a regulation from the Secretary of Defense, DoD Directive 1344.10 which prohibits political conduct.  Then link to the UCMJ Article 88, Contempt toward Officials.  So, a military member who makes a political statement or gesture in uniform or claims military status or backing commits contempt toward the Secretary of Defense and by extension, the Commander in Chief.  Pretty heady stuff...

Spin Zone / Re: USMA- Free Speech or Unlawful Political Gesture
« on: May 07, 2016, 05:10:57 PM »
why would it?

UCMJ Article 88, Contempt toward Officials
DoD Directive 1344.10

Service members may and perhaps are encouraged to have an opinion but they are prohibited from implying in any way that their military branch supports their idea, whether it's done while wearing a uniform or just a statement like "I'm a US Solider and I think..."

Think about something - if an American general were elected president, would that be an election or a military coup?

We do it because 1) corporations are too cheap to train people and 2) Foreign workers have no compunctions about lying on their resumes to get hired.  Because of intense competition, it's practically a cultural expectation for them at home.  Every time I have to work with them, it's apparent to me that they're trying to learn on the job.

We are seeing it all the time right now.  Customers ask why we're so expensive except that we've actually lowered our rates, just not enough to compete with Indian firms operating in the US.  A very high number of them are breaking the H1B laws and we know this because their offered hourly rates are about the same as our cost of hiring college graduates.  The only way they could do that is by paying well under the going market rate for resources.

Fortunately we are very large and able to pivot to other areas but we won't be able to do that forever. 

Spin Zone / Re: Now Kasich is out
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:35:16 PM »
I think Kasich was only hanging in to try to play Kingmaker at the convention.  With Cruz dropping out there's no value in that anymore so he has nothing to hope for. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:33:08 PM »
Well...let's recap.

He's flipped on min wage, he's now in bed with insiders like McConnell, Boehner, now Rove is in his camp.  Yep, good thing that all the Trumpkins disavowed the "establishment" that Trump help build and pay for!

I keep telling everyone that you're not understanding him.  He is a deal maker.  From his own mouth, you're not going to believe the deals he makes.  Nothing that he says can be taken at face value, it is ALL on the table for trade.  He will trade one policy off in order to get another policy implemented.

Whatever pet project of yours you think he is favor of, try again.  He is in favor of having your support so that you make an issue more valuable on the trading block and that allows him to make more deals.

Spin Zone / Re: Downballot feeling the effect
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:25:16 PM »
Those that are in danger of losing their congressional or senate seat deserve to lose because they are incompetent or inept.  If they can't retain office on their own merits why should they depend on a presidential nominee to do it for them?

That's a nice fantasy but the reality is that a de-energized electorate does not go to the polls.  Very few people are excited about voting for Donald.  Slightly more are excited about voting for Hillary.  That's her and the Democrat's edge.

I will be voting because I view it as a duty.  But I can only say that I will not vote for Donald.  I don't think I'll vote for Hillary anyway.

Remember - the key phrase is "Madame President" and you did it by making Donald the candidate.  Congratulations. 

Spin Zone / Re: Muslim suing Muslim
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:20:44 PM »
Your reading is missing so many vital elements including the fact that there were a group of them and they'd been there 45 minutes. They were then given a BS reason they should leave.

I think you should check your prejudices at the door.

First - do you think that being asked to leave because you're being rude to the employees is a BS reason?  Come do that at my work place and an armed security guard will deposit you outside the back door.

Second - do you think that a Muslim woman calling the police to arrest other Muslim woman who are being abusive has any chance of coming off as racist?

I can't follow your logic, other than you seem to misunderstand the situation. 

Spin Zone / Re: Interesting Case in NJ
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:11:14 PM »
Obviously the officer made a mistake.  But I don't think an officer's mistake necessarily rises to a civil rights violation.  You retrain the officer, use the incident to point out to everyone else how the mistake was made and why it was wrong and prevent it from happening in the future.  If I had to sacrifice 2 hours of my life to prevent this from happening in the future, then for the good of the community I'm ok with that.  But only if I know the training is going to be done.

If the police cannot act responsibly as I described above then I say fry them.  That would appear to be the only language they're going to pay attention to.

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