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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 421 422 [423] 424 425 ... 546
The real danger for Trump isn't collusion, its obstruction of justice.  He fired Comey to stop the investigation.

LIAR. Trump fired the incompetent, partisan Comey because he was advised to fire him by the same piece of shit that then turned around and hired Comey's good friend as special prosecutor.
You are too delusional to be trusted teaching young minds, perfeeser.....

Spin Zone / Re: NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 13, 2017, 12:34:34 PM »
I don't think Stein gar's communist masters allow him to read about such treasonous facts.
It might poison his triple digit IQ with facts.

Spin Zone / Re: Lack of weed makes NV declare state emergency
« on: July 13, 2017, 06:28:13 AM »
This as transparently greedy as every other democrat tax scam.

Remember cali-mexi-fornicate wants to legislate high MPG vehicles but then punishes owners if they fail to buy enough gas to keep the gas tax dollars at the same level.

If stupid were a bird, most democrat politicians could fly to the moon.

Spin Zone / Re: NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 13, 2017, 06:25:53 AM »
Y'know, I have the walk back the AG thing.  That's what it sounded from the outset, but it wasn't that bad.  One the other hand, if all these supposedly erudite folks were meeting with her to get dirt on Clinton, why would they bother if they didn't see her as "connected"?  I doubt they would have comet see me en masse had I emailed that I had dirt on Clinton.

Still, a far, far cry from Trump's claim that there was no collusion with Russia whatsoever, which he has maintained repeatedly.  I'm certain that matters not a whit here.  No matter what happened, Trump is innocent and vindicated, and anyone who says anything bad about him has either made it up or is on a liberally-inspired witch hunt.  You guys apparently don't mind begin lied to so long as the liar in chief does it.

For a clown that claims to be so much smarter than everyone else, you certainly spend your days in total denial of the facts and ignorant of the truth.

Spin Zone / Re: NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 12, 2017, 10:22:15 PM »
Now that the Russian lawyer is being connected directly to obama and the DNC, how fast will this fake scandal disappear?

Spin Zone / Re: NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 12, 2017, 10:54:25 AM »
He sure does.  He tells them that man caused global warming, er, uh, climate change.

To be fair, I have no doub that he blames republican AMERICAN consumers for his FAKE mmgw scare, then. Reminds them of his triple digit IQ.

I wonder how many correctly score his IQ at 000?

That's trip[le digits, right?

I can understand why Steingar would make false and idiotic claims about the newest Russia scandal. More ignorance from gullible, dishonest and pathetic snowflake, progressives about made up facts and fake news would turn him on.

After all, Donald Trump, Jr. met with a lawyer from Russia he knew from the Miss America Pageant, that DIDN'T and DOESN'T work for the government.

No secret information was exchanged.

When the lying pigs from the FAKE NEWS rag NYT began their corrupt coverage of the lies, he DID NOT use bleach bit on his computer or smash the hard drive with a hammer.

To head off the lies of the pathetic lying pigs at #FAKENEWS CNN he released all the emails in the email chain that prove how transparent it all was, even though even if the lies of the snowflake, progressive, FAKENEWS cartel was, he had done nothing illegal.

He didn't even get any multimillion dollar bribes for his FAKE charitable trust from Russia in exchange.

Surely anything this clear and transparent is proof to idiots, liars, scumbags and progressive democrats... but I repeat myself here.

Spin Zone / Re: NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 11, 2017, 10:21:55 PM »
The mango Mussilini has been clamoring this whole time that the Russian thing was naught but smoke and mirrors.  Now it turns out that his son was actively trying to get dirt on Hillary Clinton from Russian government sources.  Lots more smoke, and maybe a little fire too.

You have a serious issue with hatred of people based on their skin color.
It comes out of you with such blind ease and disgusting predictability.
Without this insane skin color bigotry, do you have any of actual value to offer?

Trump Jr. himself released the E-mails, so I would have to give that a yes.

This is at least as pathetic as your claim that Sarah Palin said she could see a Russia from her house.
Seriously, you discredit yours of and your profession more everyday.

The pathetic DNC controlled media are simply making shit up this week.
It is so delusional that even liberals aren't really buying a word of it.
What part of the newest make believe Russia story are you believing?

Spin Zone / Re: Internet flooded with new Trump vs CNN memes
« on: July 09, 2017, 06:44:53 AM »
If progressives had the ability to be adult, they would get tired of causing themselves such embarrassment.
How many times will they invite the entire world to kick them in the crotch before they learn anything???

Spin Zone / Re: NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 09, 2017, 06:40:09 AM »
When your currency is lies and that is all you have, all you have to offer is lies.
That pretty clearly sums up the entire progressive movement.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: July 06, 2017, 09:33:46 PM »
Now you're just being racist with the white skin remark. I self-identify as an F-16, thank you very much.

That one is pretty good.

However the Democratic Party is awash with racists pounding the airwaves and internet with anti white bullshit, so you need to point your rifle at your side of the aisle and avoid hurt feelings.

« on: July 06, 2017, 08:05:38 AM »
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee this week sent out an email to supporters field-testing a new bumper sticker slogan -- "Democrats 2018: I mean, have you seen the other guys?"

The DCCC asked subscribers to vote on that and a few other slogans, like "Resist, Persist" and "make Congress Blue Again." (Wait, isn't Congress already blue? Oh, they mean full of Democrats, not melancholy.)

So, a top 10 is in order:

10: Hey, Join Us, Cuz' We Got A Socialist Who Owns Three Houses.

9. Time For A Native American: Vote Elizabeth Warren.

8. We Love The Castros Brothers (No, Not Julio And Joaquin -- Fidel And Raul!).

7. Pelosi/Waters 2020. We May Be A Combined 150 Years Old, But So Are Our Ideas.

6. Remember Hammer Time? Stop. Biden Time.

5. We Care About Flyover Country (Wait, We Mean 'The Heartland.')

4. Republicans Are Going To Kill People. Stop Them Because Violent Rhetoric Is Bad.

3. Democrats 2018: We Win Moral Victories, Not Elections. (h/t NRCC)

2. Free Everything For Everybody -- Forever!

And the No. 1 slogan is:

1: We Promise Not To Run Hillary Clinton. Ever. Ever. Again.

My personal choice would be:
Democrat Party 2018 - Our Lies Are INSANE!!!

It is legally almost impossible to repeal the entire obamacare abortion because of the way democrats wrote it.

ANY repeal/replacement/alteration of the bill has to be approved by the Senate parliamentarian and any bill can be failed at her sole decision.

The pigs of the left made it so she decides without input whether every word directly affects the budget. If she thinks it doesn't she can kill it without discussion.

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