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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: lovesick ex-boyfriend
« on: January 18, 2016, 10:48:02 AM »
I love the sense of humor on display here, especially when compared to the blow hard, make-believe moderation over on POA. It got so you couldn't tell the difference between the moderator and the idiots some days, so when I deleted the link, I never looked back.
If they miss us and just HAVE to come over and whine about how evil we were... well.... have a nice day.

Spin Zone / Re: What were they thinking?
« on: January 18, 2016, 10:40:49 AM »
It is SO EASY to see why liberals spend their entire lives attacking conservatives.
When you see the best of their best out there competing to become the next president, you see an old communist, who is one inch from an old folks rest home, and an old criminal, who wouldn't give a straight answer if her life depended on it.
We all remember the make believe you-tube that Hilary Clinton used to blame her criminal behavior over the Benghazi murders. That man is still in prison, and the beast is still lying her ass off and getting a pass from liberals too busy attacking conservatives to look at the disgusting ineptitude of their party, and their own bench.

Spin Zone / Re: Final Thoughts on the Spin Zone
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:30:24 PM »
To get America back working, we have to stop believing that government has any of the answers. Once we free ourselves of the delusion that the federal government is anything but a really clever system of bribe taking, and outright stealing, we can dismiss them as a bunch of crap and get back to work.
Think about it...
Take the federal government completely out of education and local schools are run by local school boards who have children who attend the schools they are trying to better.
Take the fed out of health care and health care goes back to being int he hands of doctors and patients, without assholes interfering for political reasons.
Take the federal government out of taxation by creating a flat tax system and collections skyrocket along with commerce.

Spin Zone / Re: How the Spin zone Died
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:21:41 PM »
I think Hilary Clinton might have trouble with the dangerous and troubling aspects of this video.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:16:07 PM »
As much as I hate to be a "me too," person, I think the new normal is for small minded, weak people to make up for their small an weakness, by demanding everyone else cater to their made up offenses.
It is really nothing but self congratulation.

Spin Zone / Re: Yes, Please!
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:25:35 PM »
The most embarrassing thing about being a modern democrat has to be that with the entire party to choose from, all they can come up with is the hil-da-beast, and the old communist of Vermont.

Spin Zone / Re: "Florida Man" has all the fun...
« on: December 14, 2015, 03:56:48 PM »
I guess we've reached the point where anything manly, masculine, witty, silly, or just plain nutty is too "real" for the pansy contingent.

Spin Zone / Re: Registered Republican
« on: December 14, 2015, 03:55:38 PM »
If I recall correctly, in 1980 the establishment did not want Regan, ans whined about his inability to win in the general.
The tendency of the elite GOP insiders is to put their power ahead of their oath.

Mark my words.
The "wife" was the leader of that duo, and he was a stooge. The baby will turn out not to be his, and likely not hers, but just a prop to complete the charade of the average American couple.
This was a sleeper cell at work.

just like the Boston Marathon Bombers

Somewhere in the White House the President is moaning, right now, "Did you see those 14 murdered Americans? Damn that Man Made global warming!"

What a moron.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Puts Rosa Parks at the back of the "H"
« on: December 03, 2015, 05:42:42 AM »
Hilary Clinton, like Barack Obama, never really did anything, so she (and he) have to pretend, by stealing the valor of people who did. It's pathetic, but true.


Apparently you haven't been paying attention to the courts.

But I have.  With the exception of some freak high school kid wanting to use the girls locker room so he can shower with the girls because he "identifies" as a girl even though he's got the genitalia of a boy, what big mainstreaming successes have come for transgender freaks? 

Further, a successful case does not create acceptance - it imposes it by force. That some anti-freedom democrats flood the courts with like-minded jurists just furthers my point - what liberals can't get by legislation (the voice of the people) they will take by the sword (figuratively - I don't want you to think once again that I'm taking something "seriously".)

The ACLU promised to "use the courts to circumvent democracy" and they have.

Spin Zone / Re: Ahmed "Clock Boy" Finds A Lawyer...
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:49:45 PM »
Laughable are your posts about make believe racism and white privilege. But you know that.

This will offend progressives, who live and die with the lies about mmgw. The entire charade is a fraud designed to limit freedom, enlarge government, and enrich progressives.

A German scientist has accused the National Aeronautics and Space Agency’s (NASA) Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) of altering temperature records between 2010 and 2012 to produce the illusion that the Earth has been warming since 1950.

Spin Zone / Re: Ahmed "Clock Boy" Finds A Lawyer...
« on: November 30, 2015, 04:12:35 PM »

The President probably introduced him to a crooked lawyer, and promised to have the DOJ "steer" the case to a sympathetic judge.
Ya know, people come up with schemes like this, thinking the other guy would do such and such, because that's exactly what they would do if given the chance.
I don't know you sir, but you seem to be a very bleak-hearted individual.  Sorry, but that's the nicest thing I could muster this morning.  I don't want to get into a back-forth with you over it as I'm sure you're going to attack me personally, but all I'm saying is that your distain and hatred is really unbecoming.

That's uncalled for.  This kid and even more so his opportunistic dad played a game on the school's security stance.  He got called on it. Obama grabbed it as a cause celeb, exploited it, and it is not inconceivable that this $10 million lawsuit for hurt feelings was at a minimum cleared at the highest level.

Open your eyes, sir.

You spout nonsense, wrapped in platitudes, and covered in make believe.
President Obama is a crooked, corrupt, dishonest, weak, and dangerous, egomaniac. His pet projects are all about destroying freedom, liberty, and anything other than government corruption, dominance, and personal gain.'Attacking me is a knee jerk reaction because you are projecting racism into it since Obama is half black and you feel some vague, nonsensical urge to pretend you and him are brothers in the struggle, when all you are to him is another lemming, marching to their orders.

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