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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 541 542 [543] 544 545
Spin Zone / Re: Democratic Primaries Starting Soon, Too
« on: November 02, 2015, 02:49:28 PM »
When I think back to the Obama phenomenon of 2008, I remember being very suspicious of his primary win record. Only seeming to do well I states with caucuses, and the running very well I states with little, r no voter law oversight seemed to be the only things that got Obama past the hildebeast in the primaries.

Spin Zone / Re: NEW SZ Rules
« on: November 02, 2015, 02:42:51 PM »
Will Pilot Spin prove that people can group up, discuss things, disagree, yet thrive?  Stay tuned!

Nice to se you here, Becky.

So you have a problem with people actually doing the thing they were hired to do?  Why would that take an Executive Order? or any other cajoling for that matter?  It appears to me that they system worked as designed and I haven't heard anything otherwise to convince me differently.

I have a HuGE problem with the government picking and choosing who to attack based on the political leanings of the guy (illegal alien) at the top.

Spin Zone / Re: Science is Settled
« on: November 02, 2015, 02:36:44 PM »
Nice straw man. Right out of the box.

That wasn't my intention. My fault for being vague. Let me clarify:

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting that man has influenced climate change. You can argue about how involved the government should get, what moral obligations we have to try to affect it, and other matters of opinion, but simply denying it is ignorant.

Ahhhh. The "you are ignorant for daring to doubt the socialist experts," defense.
Poorly presented, fallaciously defended, and rediculously conceived.
Goo start.

Spin Zone / Uh... Ohhh... I had cole slaw tonight
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:34:14 PM »
Someone had to do it.
I broke the invisible barrier and had BbQ with a generous helping of cole slaw tonight.
Does that make me a bad person?

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:28:23 PM »
When a liberal is beating the drum for oppressive government intervention, violent reactions, and over reactions, I am always reminded of all their "peaceful" revolutions, except there weren't any that didn't turn toxic, brutal. Degrading, and violent.

Spin Zone / Re: Hollywood or D.C.
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:24:44 PM »
Does that apply to all those game shows as well?  Probably even mores, since I imagine there are more reasons to watch Ellen deGeneres than to see her give away stuff.  If nothing else, she's way better looking than Drew Carry.

Are you equating participation trophies (Ellen DeGeneris) to people who actually EARN what they get?
Hope not but it wouldn't surprise me.

Spin Zone / Re: Hello - By the way...
« on: October 29, 2015, 09:13:03 AM »
I think it was a learned reaction, but I almost always check POA in the morning, yesterday I started to click the link and deleted it instead.
Every skyward kept inviting people to go away, so I chose her option and don't regret it a bit.

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: October 29, 2015, 09:04:24 AM »
I can never understand justifying child abuse just be cause it happens at school.
What danger did the child cause by being a jerk, and does anyone think that if it were anyone but government employees doing the abusing, would it be excused under similar circumstances?
Not long ago a police sergeant in Clearwater Florida dragged a woman out of her car and arrested her for..... Wait for it.... Taking too long to get her order properly delivered at a fast food places while he was waiting in line behind her.
The city manage actually defended his behavior as appropriate for the circumstances.
The government has become the greatest danger to the public by excusing violent reactions that are totally over the top, inviting even more abusive behavior not to mention formenting the hatred we are seeing of the police.

The problem with anonymous is the amuntof credibility anyf their disclosures receives, simply because they are released. It's like people who believe anything and everything to be gospel only after reading it on snopes.
Snopes is a couple who look things upn theinternet and have zero actual investigative experience and identify as hard core democrats but to read some of the posts on POA you would think they were infallible, all-knowing, and completely unbiased.

Spin Zone / Re: Feel Free to continue as you were!
« on: October 28, 2015, 11:17:12 AM »
Welcome. It's good to have you among us.

Spin Zone / Hello - By the way...
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:08:19 AM »
HELLO to all the new - founding - members.

To our benefactor,

THANKS for starting this forum, so we have someplace to gather without interference by moderators still upset that people think they have freedom of speech.

Spin Zone / Re: Plymouth Rock
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:06:34 AM »
I don't think we are allowed to mention that. It has to be racist to tell the truth, or remember historical events that contradict the mantra.



I think, scientifically, the people that are getting dumber by high Co2 levels are those that believe the science is settled, and the debate is over.

Whenever someone pushes the government line on anything that limits personal liberty, you know you are being conned. That's why so many progressives wet their pants every time a new "scientific" finding is introduced. They LOVE anything that limits personal liberty, freedom to make one's own decisions on anything except abortion, and progressives seem to be obsessed with having someone to tell them what to do, think, and say.

Pilot Zone / Re: Planes are really cool
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:02:28 AM »
If I offer you a hankie, and my heart-felt sympathy, will it help?

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