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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 409 410 [411] 412 413 ... 714
Ahh, I see.  I didn't see that it was put up with private funds, though if it is maintained by the state then the state is participating in the establishment of a religion.  If its maintained by private individuals then that argument is moot.

No, the first amendment does not mean the US has to be free of religion.  That honor goes to China.  It does mean that the government can't choose favorites, though.
What part of “Congress shall pass no law” is confusing to you?

Ignorance of the Establishment Clause is why shit like this ever makes it to court.

“Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”

Full stop. That’s it.

It does not say the US must be free of religion, nor free of being offended.

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Hires Hot Conservative - Staff Losing Minds
« on: February 21, 2019, 10:39:45 AM »
My other thought on nationalized health care is companies would no longer have to offer insurance plans to employees if it came from the government. Hence the only money they would have to spend would be on salary.  I would think that businesses would be way on board with a single player plan for that reason alone.
Single payer with single price vs consumers being able to pick the best plan for them from the best company?  Yea, what could go wrong.

Competition lowers prices. Did you not take economics? 

Look at the government takeover of the student loan business. Students either have to deal with FedGov, or not go to school. They can’t work with their local bank any more, with rate competition. They have to pay FedGov rates, and like it.

No thank you.

Spin Zone / Nike gets Kaepernicked
« on: February 21, 2019, 10:35:31 AM »
You just can’t make this up. Duke star player injured his knee when his Nike shoe literally splits in half.

Spin Zone / Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 21, 2019, 09:27:41 AM »
She would not qualify for POTUS. Cue leftists to call Republicans racist women haters for following the Constitution as a lame excuse to keep the first brown female from becoming president.
I guess I’m mistaken!  Apparently if you have lady parts there is no age limit, at least according to AOC.

 “Although we’ve been joking that because the Equal Rights Amendment hasn’t been passed yet, the Constitution technically says he cannot run unless he’s 35. … So what we’ll do is we’ll force the Republican Party to pass the Equal Rights Amendment by threatening to run for president.”
“That is awesome,” the photographer reportedly replied. “All the people who say a literal interpretation of the Constitution is the only thing you should be paying attention to.”

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 20, 2019, 07:15:41 PM »
In a few critical ways. Fundamentally, insurance covers unexpected, non-routine, not-insignificant losses. Health insurance regularly covers small, expected, and routine things. It is fundamentally unlike most of the insurance we know of.
Well it certainly is different than other things, but it’s still insurance. My auto insurance won’t cover maintenance or repairs, but I can buy an extended warranty that will cover those things if I want them to.

But I get your point. I think that consumers have gotten into the habit of not paying out of pocket for medical matters, and the doctors and hospitals have followed suit.

I don’t have dental or vision insurance, and they look at me odd when I say I’m just going to pay the bill.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 20, 2019, 06:54:51 PM »
One problem is that health insurance as we know it today isn't insurance.
In what way?  I think mine is.

Spin Zone / Re: RGB is back at work
« on: February 20, 2019, 06:15:31 PM »
I could have sworn I posted a reply to this, but it seems to have disappeared.    The gist of it was that I too was somewhat surprised.  But pleased.

If the court is ruling on Constitutionality, most decisions should be unanimous.  If they are ruling on right or wrong, then you can expect partisan divides, but SCOTUS is not supposed to be ruling on right or wrong.  They are supposed to be ruling on Constitutionality.
That four US Supreme Court Justices felt that there was no individual right to keep and bear arms in Heller continues to scare the fuck out of me.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 20, 2019, 06:12:30 PM »
Someone finally said something to make me consider universal healthcare and it was Jordan Peterson. (The guy that the left hates because he’s a racist conservative.) He pointed out that it’s easier to start a small business in Canada because they don’t have to worry about providing health insurance to employees. That’s a great point. Tying health insurance to employment is a disaster. You are absolutely right if it weren’t for your job you wouldn’t have coverage. When my husband lost his job and his coverage the COBRA payments were unaffordable. Fortunately I have coverage through my retirement and so he got on mine. 

How health insurance got tied to employment was government meddling in salaries and tax codes. So the right solution is to untangle that. But I don’t know if this country could do that - it seems no one even knows how it got this way much less cares to reverse it. To most people the only way out is a government takeover. I am far from believing that would be anything but another disaster but I agree the way things are is not sustainable. The population as a whole is getting older and sicker, with fewer young healthy people to fork over premiums.
Rush, aren’t those really two separate and distinct things?  I totally agree tying insurance to employment is a ridiculous.

But why can’t insurance companies still do what they do - sell health insurance? 

Today I can get life insurance from:
-AICPA (American Institute if Certified Public Accountants)
-My Credit Union
-Any life insurance company.

All of those alphabet groups puts me into a group whereby risk is diversified, and insurance can be had affordably.

Why can’t the same thing happen with health insurance? 

That literally could happen with insurance companies if the government would get the fuck out of the way.

I remember on POA or here (not sure) where I got a lecture from Steingar about how the ACA insurance mandate was necessary to bring young healthy people into the pools so insurance companies could diversify their risk.

SHAZAAM!  The insurance companies has NO IDEA how to do diversify risk before Obama came along and taught them how to do insurance.

The only guarantee in life is that the government will be inefficient, expensive, and painfully bureaucratic when they try to do something that’s always been done by the private sector. Look at the FedGov takeover of student loans.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 20, 2019, 05:32:10 PM »
Back door way to get Pelosi in there...
Theoretically that could happen, exactly. But I can’t imagine democrats really wanting Pelosi in there.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 20, 2019, 05:08:56 PM »
Does anyone find an age requirement for the VP.
There isn’t one. However, a VP who doesn’t meet the Constitutional requirements to be President would not be eligible to be elevated to that spot.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 20, 2019, 03:06:15 PM »
Here's a Constitutional question. Limbaugh was saying he thought Sanders would choose AOC as his running mate.  Let's say Sanders was elected and croaks of a heart attack, can AOC be sworn in as the President? She does not meet the age qualification.
She would not qualify for POTUS. Cue leftists to call Republicans racist women haters for following the Constitution as a lame excuse to keep the first brown female from becoming president.

Spin Zone / Re: RGB is back at work
« on: February 20, 2019, 02:18:46 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Hires Hot Conservative - Staff Losing Minds
« on: February 20, 2019, 01:22:55 PM »
They do have a few - my favorite being David Brooks. But overall, I would say they have a distinct left-leaning bias. Same with PBS - in fact with PBS it's worse than just "leaning". Their *news* correspondents like Lisa DesJardins and Yamiche Alcindor constantly interject opinions and analysis into their reporting, and the analysis is always from a liberal or progressive point of view. Alcindor drives me crazy by constantly "fact-checking" Trump inside her *news* segments.

I will grant you that both NPR and PBS are less overtly progressive than, say, CNN... but that doesn't make them neutral reporters of fact, far from it. Many of the in-depth segments on PBS Newshour focus e.g. on people detained by ICE at the southern border, a transparent attempt to make the administration's immigration policies seem cruel and inhumane. To their credit they sometimes interview officials from the administration and have conservative pundits on their roundtables (in addition to Brooks who is more centrist). But the overall impression is a progressive one.
I stopped listening to NPR 15 years ago. It was over the top hostile to every conservative invited to be interviewed.

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Hires Hot Conservative - Staff Losing Minds
« on: February 20, 2019, 01:16:39 PM »
Did they hire her only to make a public spectacle of later firing her? You know, we’re fair and balanced, we tried, and then she tweeted xyz!!!
That’s a realistic possibility. However I see them turning her into a “Republican who hates Trump” just like all of the other former conservatives who are now batting from the  other side of the plate in order to remain employed on CNN and MSNBC.

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