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Topics - Rush

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Spin Zone / Squirrels in your car
« on: January 07, 2023, 06:38:03 AM »
My sister's car wouldn't crank so she opened the hood and a squirrel ran out and all her wiring is all chewed up and there are squirrel nests all in there.  She's getting it towed to get an estimate on fixing it and calling her insurance company.  This just happened to two other neighbors.  How do you prevent this?  Any ideas? 

Spin Zone / Hey guys
« on: January 04, 2023, 12:25:49 PM »
You're welcome.  ;D

Spin Zone / The case against DeSantis
« on: December 31, 2022, 04:26:50 AM »
For those of you who’ve abandoned Trump, would you like to rethink it?  This is a long read but worth it.  I disagree with some of it but overall he makes a lot of sense.  DeSantis would be a “return to normal”.  Meaning, normal establishment Republican.

Here is the soul of the difference although there are many more important issues at play:

Even on something as ostensibly anodyne as the left’s war on plastic straws, in which DeSantis yet again sided with liberals in vetoing local prohibitions on paper straw bans, [sic, he means plastic] matters a lot in our day and age when every public act carries political import. At a bare minimum, especially when contrasted with Trump’s totally off-the-cuff (and deeply relatable) anti-plastic straw ban remarks in a political speech, it demonstrates DeSantis’s inability to connect with the American people in a way that only Donald Trump can. The war on plastic straws (and DeSantis’s corresponding failure to take the right stance on this issue), though maybe trivial from the perspective of a DC consultant, means everything to normal Americans.

Spin Zone / Political spectrum updated
« on: December 29, 2022, 05:50:00 AM »

Spin Zone / Juvenile thug gets turned around in Texas
« on: December 21, 2022, 07:35:58 PM »
This video blows my mind.   Juvenile offender given a chance because some corrections officers believed in him.   He turned his life around and started a nonprofit to get gangsters out of the lifestyle and is a comedian and very interesting character.  Is not a Democrat incidentally.

Spin Zone / How to teach your son to be a man
« on: December 09, 2022, 07:50:51 PM »

Spin Zone / Austin city council meeting
« on: December 04, 2022, 07:50:44 PM »
He had me going for a minute, hahahahahahahahaha!!

Spin Zone / Acquired genetic mutation
« on: December 04, 2022, 09:43:05 AM »
@Steingar or anybody who knows the answer:

Given that genes consist of nucleobases A, C, T, G, which are made up of elements which are made up of molecules and atoms, do spontaneous mutations occur because atoms are exchanged/replaced on a regular basis, opening a chance for mistakes?  Or do they “break” for unknown random reasons?  (Excluding known causes such as radiation.)

Asking for a friend.

Spin Zone / What drag story hour is really about
« on: November 29, 2022, 06:55:03 AM »
Wow.  What an exercise in mental masturbation.  This is what happens when an intellectual spends their time overthinking something instead of just getting a real job.  The “sexual perversion hierarchy” exists for good reason.  It needs to be left the hell alone. 

Bringing that shit into the light of day and imposing it on children(!!!!!!!) is going to backfire so bad.  If you win, society will implode, there will be so little reproduction no one will be making your food and electric power.  If you lose, the conservative backlash will double down on persecution of everything not heteronormative, sweeping up harmless fetishes along with destructive perversions alike, reversing any progress toward acceptance you ever enjoyed.  Why the fuck couldn’t you have just left well enough alone?

Spin Zone / Well so much for “them”
« on: November 29, 2022, 04:59:05 AM »

Being non-binary doesn’t always mean you’re a felon, but when it does, it doesn’t reflect well on you being best qualified for the job.

Spin Zone / China erupts in revolutionary protests
« on: November 27, 2022, 05:02:46 AM »
What’s new is openly calling for Xi to step down and openly opposing the CCP, not just protests against local police and local lockdowns.  This is big.

It must really gall CNN to have to report on anti-CCP sentiment and pretend it doesn’t support censorship and persecution of citizens by big government:

Spin Zone / Elon Musk fired me
« on: November 23, 2022, 11:22:42 AM »
This is hilarious.  It’s actually parody but it’s so good and on point you can’t really tell.

Spin Zone / Question for the guys
« on: November 22, 2022, 06:36:46 PM »
Self explanatory.

Spin Zone / Woke vs unwoke entertainment
« on: November 19, 2022, 03:26:01 PM »


Most of the people in 1745 Scotland are white.  By the time they get to America in 1770 there are black slaves and Native Americans, portrayed in demographically accurate proportions.  There IS homosexuality, woven into the story organically and accurately for the historic times.  One bad guy and one good guy.  Homosexuality itself isn’t emphasized or held up as some kind of virtue.  It serves the plot, not the other way around.

“Night of the Living Dead” 1968

The main character is a black man.  The reason it is a black man is because the actor performed the best in the audition.  You can tell he was the best qualified because his performance is outstanding. 

“Alien”  1979

Main character is female.  There’s no snotty in your face emphasis of female empowerment.  It is completely seamless, no big deal made of it.

“My Name is Earl”

Darnell Turner.  Seamlessly integrated into the character lineup and the stories.  Eddie Steeples is PERFECT in the role, there can be no replacement.  Joy and Darnell’s mixed marriage is integral to the story and drives many plot lines.


Most contemporary shows and ads chock full of so many diversities you would think only 10% of the U.S. population was Caucasian, no one marries within their race, only half of the population is straight, and females dominate all heroics. That would be fine if all of these actors were the very best qualified for the part, and if the diversity served the plot rather than the other way around. Instead, it is gratuitous virtue signaling at the cost of excellence. 

I can’t stand a contemporary show with a female in charge of slaying the monster, but I loved Ripley in “Alien”.  Why?   Because they didn’t have to make her female.  The role was written for a male and Ridley Scott just happened to decide to cast a woman, and Sigourney Weaver was a superb choice.  Today, the hero must be female, or black, or Asian, or gay, or some combination thereof; anything but a straight white male.

Spin Zone / Twitter Trump poll - 5 hours remianing
« on: November 19, 2022, 12:34:29 PM »
I am seriously considering making a Twitter account just so I can vote on this.

He has let Kathy Griffon back on, Jordan Peterson back on and Babylon Bee back on!

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