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Messages - Kristin

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Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 18, 2021, 12:49:18 PM »
You are not canceled.  You are free to post as much as you wish.  There may be vigorous opposition to what you say, but you are not canceled.  If that were the case, the illustrious moderators of this site would ban you and erase all threads that you participated in.  Like PoA does.  That is not the case here.  But is very much the case where democrats ban all speech they disagree with.  Or think they might disagree with in the future.

So how do you define "canceling"?  There are certainly folks here trying to intimidate me to leave.

Sure.  Just call it a "preemptive impeachment".  Why ban Trump from office?  For something he might do in the future?  Just drum up a charge against anyone who is running for office, say that they might do something bad someday, do the impeachment and ban them from office.  Easy.

The Constitution did give it a name, but it is part of the Constitution.  I take it you do not like this part of the Constitution.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 18, 2021, 12:46:00 PM »
What are you going to do when the real revolution begins?

Who do you see revolting?  What do you see these revolting people doing?

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 18, 2021, 09:37:11 AM »
It follows the democrats' playbook.  Don't like something, get it banned.  Don't like the conversation, shut it down.  Don't like someone, get them banned from even running from office.  What is to stop the democrat house and senate from passing a law that bans someone from office?  Really... It looks like X is running.  Let's pass a law that prevents X from fundraising, from rallies (for the sake of democracy!), from holding office (for the sake of the children!).  Let's get the banks to withhold loans or services from anyone who might cause trouble in the future (like they are doing now).  Let's get the media platforms to ban anyone who might cause trouble in the future (like they are doing now).

This "this person might say something bad someday" banning is very very bad.

I won't ask you to show me in the Democrat's platform where it says to ban people from running that you don't like.  It isn't there.  But taking the broader view, cancel culture is more associated with people of the left wing persuasion, but you can see elements of it here, in this bastion of self-proclaimed conservatism.  All you have to do is look at the responses my posts generate and you will find all the evidence of attempts to cancel that you might need.

As for the substance of your post, what keeps politicians from barring people with whom they disagree from running for office, it is the Constitution.  The very same one that makes a narrow exception for impeachment which is limited to crimes and misdemeanors, not opposing policy choices.

Odd, that was what President Trump wanted as well.  ::)

I think Trump is a sociopath and a criminal.  I never said that I didn't agree with some of the things he has done.

Ok, who are you and what did you do with Kristin?

I think the "Path to citizenship" should be a tough one.  However, I do have sympathy for kids that were brought over by their parents and have played by the rules since then.

But if we go down that road, we need IMMEDIATELY make it clear that that path does not apply to anyone that enters from here on out.  Anyone that enters illegally going forward needs to be deported (or worse) asap.  Otherwise we will see a virtual invasion.

I don't know how we could actually close the borders.  Perhaps armed drones, but I doubt that would go over well.

Ideally, we would have a desk in those countries that would accept and process applications to enter the US.  Those people would remain in their country until they are approved.  I'm aware that a system like that exists, but it needs to be put on steroids.  We need to end the stupid lottery and set standards, not quotas, but at the same time we should increase the allowable number of legal migrations while reducing the number of illegal entries to zero.  If you want to come here, first identify yourself, then demonstrate a reason we should accept you.

I could go on with conditions and restrictions, I don't have the time.  I'll just add that I am all for legal immigration and I think there should be much more of it and there should not be so many barriers.  But I have little sympathy for people that enter illegally.

You might be surprised at some of my views which are considered generally to be conservative.  I also have a number that are considered quite liberal.

I believe that the most effective deterrent to illegal immigration is to make it pretty much impossible to make money if you are here illegally.  The politicians have been too hesitant to do that because some make money off that the illegals.  The price of California produce might go up as a result, but I am willing to pay that price to cut off the flow of illegals.  There is no way to completely seal the border.  I agree that potential immigrants should have to go through a consulate or embassy to apply.  If they are accepted, then they can march up to the border, take a plane, or whatever, and show their approved documentation and they are in.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 18, 2021, 09:20:11 AM »
I wonder if people understand the difference between rioting (including destruction of property) and protesting election fraud.

wait, what was I thinking...  some people do understand the distinction but refuse to acknowledge it.

Substantial election fraud is a religion, defined as a belief system without factual support.

Do you understand the difference between BLM protests and anarchists looting after dark?  Breaking windows in the capital and beating police officers is not protesting.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 18, 2021, 09:17:07 AM »
Even if I agreed with that, I have a bigger problem with the fact that they killed so many other blacks and destroyed so many black-owned businesses, in the name of "Black lives matter".

Yes, Black lives do matter.  So why do blacks kill so many other blacks?

I have a problem with that violence too.  My point is that an attack on our republic is an attack on all.

I would disagree that the looting was done in the name of BLM, but rather anarchists and some right-wingers used the cover of the demonstrations to loot and burn.  As for the larger question of why it is historically that blacks kill blacks at such a great rate, I can't answer but it is very troubling that they primarily destroy themselves when they profess to be mad at whites.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 18, 2021, 09:13:08 AM »
Wow, wishing death upon someone you disagree?

 Many here have disagreements with others, but no one until you have come in here wishing death on someone.

I don't know whether I agree or disagree with 7 as he never posts anything thoughtful.  He just sprays his hate around.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 18, 2021, 09:10:30 AM »
Isn't that what elections are for?

That too, but it is in the Constitution that impeachment and conviction serves two purposes.

Hopefully, we can get a more comprehensive immigration bill passed.  I can live with a path to citizenship for the illegals already here, but I want some concessions.  I want a system to keep illegals from getting jobs.  That would cut off much of the immigration.  i want asylum rules tightened so that being from a shithole country is not enough to get you in.  I want more immigration courts so that people who do knock on the door are processed, examined, and deported or let in, all in a couple of weeks so that we don't have to do catch and release.  I want an end to birthright citizenship.  To me, those things seem a fair trade.

I can't see where it explains when Biden's $15/hr minimum wage is expected to be implemented.  Florida has already voted to increase the State minimum wage to $15 over the next 6 years, but I believe it retains the allowance of reduced minimum for service personnel that accrue additional tip income.  It appears Biden's plan is to do away with that exception.  That means tipping will pretty much go away.

Whatever Biden's plan is, it will need to get through Congress.  Given that the Dems have some moderate and conservative members as well, and the margins of the Democrats control is razor thin, it is not for sure that what Biden proposes will be what Biden gets.  Even less will it be what Sanders and AOC want.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 17, 2021, 02:16:47 PM »
Kristen is a troll and as such needs to be ignored.

Except that you can't help yourself.  You anger and misogyny forces to pay attention.  I have to stick around in hopes that your angst eventually causes you to burst a blood vessel some place fatal.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 17, 2021, 02:14:57 PM »
False because CNN declared it so?  The courts have almost in universally punted and did not examine the facts. That happened in PA, and it happened in Wisconsin, where Justice Hagedorn said that the Trump campaign should have challenged irregularities before the election, and presumably before they occurred, but because they challenged it after the election, they were too late to overturn the vote, so they elected not to address any claims brought forth.

Trump's lawsuits largely challenged procedure and did not actually allege fraud.  To allege fraud, a plaintiff much plead with specificity the who, what, where, and how.  IOW, it requires names dates and places.  At least in PA, no suit was filed that alleged fraud.  Likely the attorneys could not do so because they didn't have facts to back it up.  An affidavit from someone who says that they saw something fishy looking isn't going to get it.  So at least in PA, all the complaints were claims that the process was incorrect.  When that is the only argument made, then affidavits that may relate to fraud are irrelevant.

It was patently clear that the only reason Trump is complaining about the process after the election, and only in the districts which had heavy Democrat turnout is because he lost.  It is even more damning that none of the Congress critters who won with that same, allegedly defective process, were suggesting that their wins should be overturned.

This whole stolen election BS is a massive lie on the scale of the one the German's told to themselves after WWI, namely that they didn't really lose the war.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 17, 2021, 02:06:37 PM »
Try to keep up, and let me know where in the Constitution is says that Congress can impeach a private citizen or former president. I’ll wait for your answer.

Oh, and let Alan Dershowitz in on your way of reading the Constitution. Obviously he doesn’t possess your legal bona fides either.

First of all, Trump as already been impeached and he is still in office.

Your problem is that you think that the Constitution is a body of laws.  It is principles and prohibitions.  You also seem to think that Dershowitz, one of Trump's lawyers, is actually a neutral voice.  Regardless of what he believes, he has to advocate for Trump's position.

Lets look at Article I, Section 3, Clause 7: "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."

This makes clear that there are two potential punishments for being convicted following impeachment.  The second is still in play, and just because Trump is out of office, preventing a trial would thwart this part of the Constitution.  Admittedly, trial after leaving office might be considered to be in the gray area -- like a lot of other things about the Constitution -- but there are only nine votes that count on that question.  Do you want to bet on how the SCOTUS will vote on that?

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 17, 2021, 01:52:22 PM »
If the Feds were easier on the "white crazies" it was only because they were taken by surprise.  Nobody expects white people to riot.

But they sure are going after them after the fact much harder than they did for the summer rioters. And the preparation against the "white crazies" for the inauguration is significantly larger than any for the summer rioters and looters.

But actually, I'm not faulting blacks for the summer rioting.  They probably felt just as, if not more, justified than the capitol rioters.  What I do object to is all the lives they took and all the property they destroyed.  What good did it do to kill all those other black people and destroy all those black owned businesses.  If I were them, I would have gone after "whitey". Not other innocent blacks.

That's what I think.

Actually, I agree with much of that.  At least here in MN, I don't think they were expecting the violence that they got either.  Law enforcement has been going after the rioters in MN that they can identify.  One prominent arsonist turned out to be a right-winger, Boogaloo, IIRC.  However, there were plenty of anarchists and just plain looters.

I think that one of the reasons that so many of the capitol rioters have been arrested as so many were streaming and videoing what they did and bragging about it.  There are also a lot more surveillance cameras in DC than there were on Lake Street in MSP.

I do think that there is a substantial difference between looting a Target and seeking to prevent the certification of Biden's election by occupying the capital.

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