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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 413 414 [415] 416 417 ... 714
My next car will be a used Miata.  I don't care if it is a "chick" car.  I want one, and won't need a loan to buy it.  The Civic Si's are the BOMB.
Are you short, or just a sadist?  I sat in a Miata once. Convertible. Could literally not close the door because my leg could not get under the steering wheel. I’m 6’2”.  Plus, my eye line of sight was looking over the windshield.

Spin Zone / Re: SPIN ZONE POLL: Death Penalty - Yeah, or Nay?
« on: February 12, 2019, 01:30:10 PM »
It’s funny, but there are leftists who claim that anyone who voted for Donald Teump is a sick fuck and needs to be put down. Worse, they are absolutely serious. I had one tell me that they were going to volunteer to start the showers.

You think this because of your moral code. They think that way because of their moral code. To them, voting for Trump is just as bad or worse.

This isn’t artificial. The only way you can justify this is to apply judgement and then to disapprove of the person enough to kill them.   Ditto for them.

Convince me I am wrong.  If you can’t, then what does that say?
There is nothing a Trump supporter can or should do to convince a leftist that they are the equivalent of a baby raping sick fucks. None. Nothing. Zip.

On the other hand, it would be helpful for people who claim to be the thoughtful people in the middle like you to tell those leftists that they are out of their fucking mind’s, and should grow up. 

I am so fucking sick of people thinking that I should have to apologize or “prove” that I’m not a racist/homophobe/Nazi/fascist/misogynist/Science denier because I voted for Donald Trump.  Yet that is the prevailing feeling, and your post proves it.

Spin Zone / Re: Green New Deal
« on: February 11, 2019, 09:24:34 AM »
“To a small extent” is true ... but most of us interact with thoughtful questions and comments. Sometimes we even agree with liberals. Some liberals, like asechrest, interact thoughtfully.

If you’re truly honest with yourself, you can see that most liberal policies are awful. Indefensibly awful, even. So are some conservative policies, which we roundly criticize! We tear politicians of all stripes to shreds!

But with Steingar, for example, when questioned, it’s always back to Trump Trump Trump, grade school style insults, and vanishing. I’m still waiting for answers to thoughtful questions posed to him recently and in the past. If he would answer them thoughtfully, we would understand liberals better.

I would love to understand liberals better. Unfortunately, for the most part they seem unable or unwilling to try and enlighten me in reasoned discussion here or anywhere else.

Insult hurlers are a part of life. They suck, but I ignore them so the gist of the discussion can carry on.

Pilotspin exists because liberals at POA couldn’t stand the heat of actual discourse.

Change my mind.

I’d especially like to hear (I asked him weeks ago) why Steingar says he “hated himself” for giving students the poor grade they themselves earned. If he would answer that, I might understand liberals better. I sometimes feel there’s a conservative inside Steingar struggling to get out. Otherwise, why would he venture here, where discussion can happen?
Spot on Becky. This is how I view this. The difference between asechrest and Steingar and their willingness to listen to others and engage in real debate are like the difference between night and day.

Spin Zone / Re: Reparations for illegals
« on: February 10, 2019, 08:26:10 AM »
Reparations:  Giving away more taxpayer money in order to buy or sway a group of people into voting party lines.

The dims are panicking.  They need something, anything in order to increase their voter base. So they are throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.
^^^^^ I think that’s it. I think the recent 180 degree reversal on border walls, the radical embrace of literal infanticide, the push for outright socialism in the “Green New Deal,” the desire to raise taxes, the desire to stifle political speech, and now giving reparations to immigrants all lead to identity politics and vote buying.

Nor SNL. This is a hilarious example of how laughing at ourselves makes us see more clearly. I guarantee you will laugh, or the next round’s on me!

  ;D ;D ;D
Eddie Murphy was perfect in the art of highlighting Black and white stereotypes, such as with Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood on SNL.

Also, do you think this would ever pass the Snowflake Censors?

Spin Zone / Re: Green New Deal
« on: February 10, 2019, 07:51:18 AM »
That is why many do not come here. They can not defend their positions with logic, facts, nor evidence.  Orange man bad!  Why?  Where are the facts and evidence?  Crickets.
Worse is “Orange man RACIST!”  Not a single solitary example has ever been shown, yet that feeling is ubiquitous and pervasive. Worse, it’s also attributed to those of us who support him because...RACISM or something.

If Steingar or anyone else can show me proof that Trump is racist, I’d love to see it. No such evidence exists.

Spin Zone / LA Now a “City of Sanctuary”
« on: February 09, 2019, 01:45:55 PM »

I think we need to spend $100 billion to wall off Criiminal California from the rest of us.

Even the original Star Trek. "A charming Negress."

And Uhura says, "Why should I object to that term? In our century we've learned not to fear words."
God, isn’t THAT the antithesis of THIS century?  Words trigger over half the population into irrational, unhinged behavior. In a world where “Make America Great Again” is treated with revulsion, we are truly screwed, and need to go back to square one. And I think square one means never, ever any longer allowing the snowflake minority to dictate the terms of a debate by how they characterize the person saying something deemed offensive.

The great TV comedy classic “Cheers” couldn’t be made today, either. And many more I’m thinking of ... the list is long.

The thing is, as a species we are more likely to change and grow when we laugh at ourselves than than we’re lectured to.

The left would like to do away with laughter, perhaps.  Because grim SJW compliance makes more lemmings.
Off the top of my head, the following shows would fail if launched today:

WKRP in Cincinnati




All in the Family

Married with Children

That 70’s Show

Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: February 09, 2019, 11:00:15 AM »
Democrats going to come after me? I'll point my finger at them like a gun and they will fall over in fear pissing and shitting themselves.
Absolutely correct!  They’re all tough guys when they act as a group, or sit behind a keyboard.

It would be great to get this run on college campuses again. That alone would melt enough snowflakes to make the seas rise.

From his desk chair in his ivory tower, yes he would. On scene, I’d hope he would act responsibly and separate them.
That’s the problem with liberals though Becky. The law of unintended consequences doesn’t exist in their world, as they are only judged on their intentions. Whatever problems come from their policies is not their concern, including the 13 year old girl who will be sold into sex slavery or worse. It simply doesn’t matter to them, as long as they get congratulated by their fellow SJWs for thinking about “the other guy”, even if their policy results in extreme cruelty and grotesque consequences for throw-away victims.


Honest to God, if that MS-13 member walked up to the border dragging an unwilling 13-year old girl, Steingar would turn his back on her and say its right to keep a child and her “daddy” together.

Trump, himself, on television said he was separating children from their parents to be hard on them for entering the country illegally.  You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
Facts, like the ones you ignore about the horrors incurred by the children being used and abused?  Glad to know you turn your back on sex slavery and human trafficking. Your university should know your inclinations.

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