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Messages - Old Crow

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Spin Zone / Re: Democrat Double Standard
« on: October 02, 2018, 03:36:40 PM »

Spin Zone / Democrat Double Standard
« on: October 02, 2018, 03:31:39 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 05:34:54 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 01:48:01 PM »
Lindsey Graham has found his balls.

Spin Zone / Re: "dregs of society"
« on: September 23, 2018, 11:20:11 AM »
I don't agree that historically important statues should be torn down either, but chanting "Jews shall not replace us" and other racist slogans vs. protesting racism and anti-semitism on the same moral plane? Seriously? We must live in parallel universes, you and I.

My impression was that the protests got violent when a large group of neo-nazis surrounded a smaller group of student counterprotestors who were standing near one of the statues. I have no idea who threw the first punch, but to me, a larger group surrounding a smaller group is clearly a threatening move. And James Fields, who allegedly drove the car that killed Heather Heyer, was I believe part of the Unite the Right demonstration.

At the risk of being grouped with the neo-Nazi's etc, I would like to point out a few things. Unite the Right applied for, and was given a permit for their rally. Notwithstanding their platform, speeches, or the values they hold, if the city of Charlottsville is going to have a permit process for freedom of speech, then it's on them to abide by the rules of the judge who sided with the rally supporters and did the right thing within the letter of the law.

The counter-protesters never bothered to get a permit(it would have been denied anyway) for the same day, time and location. Therefore - if the rules are to be applied without bias, it was the counter-protesters who were in violation of multiple city ordinances. The counter-protesters should have been dispersed, or arrested, but the city decided to make a political 'statement' and not enforce the rally/permit/gathering ordinances against the liberal counter-protesters. What did they think was going to happen?

The city, and police want a totalitarian authority over free speech then take control of YOUR representative public and exercise appropriate authority and disband the counter-protesters. BTW, aside from the MSM events, most of the reports from those on the ground at the rally site the counter-protesters with throwing trash, feces, and plastic bottles. They also linked arms around the statute that they wanted torn down(yes, they really did) when they were confronted by the Unite The Right who wanted to preserve it.

Again, I'm not supporting the neo-Nazis, however I think they had the US best interest in preserving our history. As those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So, let the loud-mouth idiots have their rally, if the opposing side shows up without a permit, exclude them, or as needed, arrest them for disorderly conduct. Notwithstanding the position of both sides.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 20, 2018, 12:52:47 PM »
So here's the game:   Prof Ford's handlers will "agree" for her to testify next Thursday, under certain terms.

So guess what happens next week?  Yep, about Weds she will give another excuse, and request to move the date again.

 So fuckin' lame.

 But I found this to be funny:

"Local police, how can we assist you?"
"Umm... I'd like to report an attempted rape."
"Yes, Ma'am. When did this take place?"
"Oh, I dunno, maybe 36 years ago. Maybe 37."
".... 36 years?"
"Yeah. Maybe 37."
"Uh, okay. So where did it take place?"
"Umm... at a party."
"Where was the party?"
"Umm... I don't really remember."
"Were you drinking?"
"One beer."
"And you don't remember where it was?"
"Well, okay. Who attacked you?"
"That lying, sleazy Brett Kavanaugh."
"The judge?"
"Wow, that's quite the accusation. Can you come down to the station and swear out a complaint?"
"No? Why not?"
"You guys need to do a complete investigation first. Then I'll give you a statement."
"You want what?"
"I want you to investigate it, top to bottom, and start to finish. Then I'll think about signing a complaint."
"Ma'am, have you been doing drugs?"


Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:20:15 AM »
He's definitely a systems thinker. My takeaway from the second talk was that liberals and conservatives both act from moral perspectives, but prioritize different aspects of innate human morality. We need to appreciate that and understand it in order to be able to talk to each other. As someone who no longer identifies as liberal, I very much appreciate that perspective. For me the transformation began when I moved to a state where firearms have been a part of the culture for hundreds of years, that is being displaced by leftists who came in, like me, from elsewhere, intent on transforming the state into something more like Canada, with strict controls on gun purchases and ownership. Yet firearms are used in criminal activities here very rarely, and the per capita violent crime rate is also one of the lowest in the nation. Didn't make sense to me, still doesn't (even after the near mass shooting at Fair Haven). Then came the 2016 election, which I've been trying to understand ever since, both the popularity of Trump and the extreme reactions from some on the far left.

So at this point I'm a female ex-liberal with libertarian leanings, trying to find common ground between left and right to resist the polarization that seems to be tearing this country apart. From what I've seen so far, I like this guy a lot.

Spin Zone / Re: McCain still shitting on conservatives from the grave
« on: September 05, 2018, 11:50:14 AM »
Good god. All I see here is pissing on the grave of a dead man. For shame. :(

My university held a memorial service for McCain last night. I didn't always agree with his politics, but I'm grateful to him for his years of sacrifice while in the military, so I went. It was a "silent muster", preceded by a bugle call and ended with taps and Amazing Grace on bagpipes. The entire Corps of Cadets was there, and all of us stood in silence for about 15 minutes. Impressive service, and IMHO wholly appropriate. I'm glad I went, though as far as I could tell I was the only faculty member there. Even here, most of the faculty are liberal/progressive.
Relax. If you were a dick when you were alive, you don’t get to avoid being considered a dick after you die.

To make matters worse, he dictated dick things to happen after he died, like who was not invited, who was asked to give a eulogy knowing they would turn it into a political rally, and other things. The premise of the OP is accurate.

This was his politics, and his politics sucked. He turned from a selfless officer at the Hanoi Hilton to a selfish, vindictive, career swamp dweller in his elected life.

If I was in Annapolis I would stand at attention at his funeral and fully respect the sacrifice he gave as a POW.  For that he deserved such a send off.  He didn’t deserve the political royalty treatment he received in death.

Spin Zone / Re: Stupid feminist questions
« on: August 23, 2018, 11:02:46 AM »
Before I was married, I did some pretty dangerous things. That's not bragging, but it is a fact of my history that I have spent time in things where people have been killed, and maimed, and I've lost my share of pals from that kind of behavior. Given we are on an aviation board, and notwithstanding that others here don't believe me, I did compete at the lower level of aerobatic pilot. There are other things, times and places that will remain unsaid.

I've had the 'eye roll' or even more from several women I was with, who after some period of time together felt they should express their own opinion about my chosen way of life and enjoyment. Those women are no longer with me of course. This is something that unless one is a blood relative, guys just do NOT do to each other, ever. Now, after the fact insulting, and after the fact eye rolls from another guy are part and parcel of the culture of 'boy - you was a stupid shit for that' kind of camaraderie. What the guy was mansplaining in part of the video.

There's a famous scene in the movie Jaws, where the two guys are sitting down in the cabin drinking and showing each other their shark scars. Sometimes, after plenty of grog, this is the kind of stuff guys do. But - like the chief in the movie, you don't get to do it, if you haven't been there(he looks at his appendix scar, and decides to shut up) and done that.

We go do guy things. Some of those guy things may not be completely, or even marginally for the advancement of kids, family, fido, mortgage, and health. Some guys go a bit too far, and kill themselves, and their families and dog are left adrift. The alternative is living a life under the watchful eye of some hen. It's not black and white, but there are definite lines that aught not to be crossed.

There's another semi-famous deal where a guy misunderstands when his woman says; 'go ahead, do whatever the fuck you want to do', which they interpret literally, rather than the actual meaning of; 'if you do that, I will make you regret it for the next xx years you miserable shit'. If we thought, for even a short time that the concern was over our male well-being, rather than the more likely concern over the meal ticket, I guess it would be somewhat ok. But in most cases, the woman has not only her and fido and kids to think about, but also how it will look to the other women if her man goes out and actually does what he wants, and is somehow knocked out of the running for keeping up with the Jones'es. No woman wants to be wheeling her man around in a wheelchair and mopping up his slobber/drool after he's shown his manly ways, and things went pear-shaped. And for that, I can't blame them. 

When I got married, there were a lot, a lot, a lot of things I gave up. And - for the most part it was worth it. Almost 20 years I didn't so much as touch an airplane. Sure, I looked at them, and once in a while stopped by the local strip and moseyed around, and stuff but I did the right thing and stayed away from temptation until my familial dues were pretty much sorted out. This is semi-responsible guy behavior too, and I admit - some guys don't get it. All I can say to the women in a situation like this is - either put up with it - SILENTLY or get out while the getting is possible. I've been married > 30 years. Made a few mistakes along the way, and paid my price, and things are still pretty good. Fortunately for me, I still have my balls, because I made relatively smart choices, and when I didn't, the mistakes were mine, and I owned up.

Spin Zone / Re: Stupid feminist questions
« on: August 23, 2018, 09:06:40 AM »
I am REALLY reluctant to jump in the middle of this. And have managed to refrain until today. But curiosity is getting the bettter of my good judgment. I in no way at all thought of Becky's Osh thread an example of the kind of women that guy is railing against. Whatsoever. Am having trouble connecting those dots, so I tried to go reread that thread but can't find it. Becky did you delete it? (Do we even have the power to delete threads?) From memory all I can think of is that Becky was concerned for his safety or something and asking for help in dealing with those feelings. Those feelings are in no way invalid but I didn't see her trying to force him not to go. I recall saying, buy plenty of life insurance on him then let him do what he wants. But that's got limits. I would not for example "let" my husband go camping on a grizzly bear trail. (Timothy Treadwell). If my man insisted on that, I would find another man.

As in all things there is a reasonable zone. What I love about this guy's video is he is pushing back against extremist feminist stupidity. But his own position could become extremist in the reverse. Some of these guys in the growing Mansphere are going too far in the other direction. It's actually biologically normal for females to want males to take the dangerous risks for them in jobs and defense for example. Because females, evolutionarily, are continually vulnerable with pregnancies and nursing young. Birth control has changed that drastically but reliable birth control has only been around barely a century. It's going to take millennia for our instincts to catch up.

This particular guy does not seem to be saying he minds taking the dangers for his woman, on the contrary, he is saying that what he minds is women berating him for it, for being his macho daredevil self which is his biological program. And not appreciating men for this, and most of all he is saying the romcoms nurture a complete fantasy about it; that men should do these thing for the woman alone rather than for the family unit in protecting his own issue. Big difference.

And he is saying men should rightly receive more financial compensation for it (not just danger but simply working more and being more productive) because that is the correct supply-demand price point, where as these feminists want to take his rightly earned money and give it to them for what - just because they are female. And that is to elevate them to a higher value than a man - a thing very unnatural and wrong. These feminists don't want equality, they want to oppress men.

Romcoms might be creating unrealistic expectations and causing problems when we have to deal with real life, where "love" doesn't carry us happily through a lifetime of living under each other's feet, and I dare say women buy it more readily than do men. This is a real problem as we are swimming in fiction - not just romcoms- another pet peeve I have is the female physically combatting a larger male as if well matched in skill and strength, in fiction and video games. This irks me no end it has become so pervasive that young women nowadays go around claiming they don't need any protecting, as if they actually believe they could defeat a male assailant in a hand to hand struggle. That mindless stupidity only encourages further erosion of the 2nd Amendment. Women in total denial of their own weakness relative to men, thoughtlessly implanted into their subconscious by shows and video games depicting females with strength stats indistinguishable from males'. Nuts.

I might be getting off track so but yeah I never saw Becky as one of these fruitcakes. It is true that women have an overall tendency toward physical caution greater than men, on average, and that translates to exerting some pressure on their men not to do things too risky but I see that as biologically normal and not a problem within bounds, and I didn't sense Becky going out of reasonable bounds. And like I said, women actually want and like their men to be macho and take risks... to a point. Like many things in marriage you come to a compromise. Marriages with either the man or the woman wielding all the power are problematic, it works both ways.

The problem with the feminists is that they are hypocrites. They stop their men from doing the things men want to do (take risks and hence advance technology, kill food or fight enemies) while simultaneously expecting men to automatically do all these things on demand, and berating them for it at the same time. Feminists view men as despicable slaves to be used but also despised for the very traits they're being exploited for. This is a minority of bitter women that truly feel this way but their ideas are brainwashing the young generations. Unless I'm missing something I don't see Becky fitting either of those profiles??

Spin Zone / Re: Quartz thinks millennials aren't all leftists
« on: August 03, 2018, 09:49:39 AM »
When the LEFT says they "want to have a conversation", or "want to have a discussion", they are actually saying they want to lecture you, and demand that you comply with their views, and their wishes.  They only want 100% capitulation.

William F. Buckley — "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."

Spin Zone / Re: Trump offers to meet with Iran
« on: July 30, 2018, 01:49:17 PM »
Trump continues to amaze me. I voted for him feeling like a Hail Mary pass, a last ditch desperate attempt to turn the country around and with a lot of doubt he would actually do any of the things he promised. I actually disliked him and personally, he is far from someone I'd want to befriend.  But never in my wildest dreams did I think so much would get done so quickly and nearly all of it good for the country and for me personally. ISIS is gone, Kim elnutso blinked, the EU blinked, China is beginning to listen up, unemployment is way down, taxes, oh my God, our 2018 taxes are going to be thousands less because of Trump. Pennies to Pelosi I know but FUCK YOU BITCH and that's all I have to say about that.

What else, oh yeah, environmental regulations being rolled back, other regulations and on and on. Lovin' it.

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