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Messages - Old Crow

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Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 20, 2024, 10:52:56 AM »
Let's say 99% of illegals are just looking for a better life, are good people, want a job, and will end up paying taxes and eventually assimilating.

And let's say 1% are criminal psychopaths, which is the actual estimate in the general population. Assume for the sake of argument that the rate of psychopathy among illegals is no higher than that among U.S. citizens.

Almost 7.3 million illegals crossed the border just during the Biden administration, as of February, 2024.

7,300,000 x .01 = 73,000.

So we have 73,000 newly arrived criminally inclined psychopaths just in the past 3 years.

So the argument that illegals are simply looking to escape poverty and be accepted with open arms is technically correct 99% of the time, but doesn't hold water if you are trying to defend the idea that we should just let them all in. A process of vetting would weed out those with a violent criminal history, ties to terrorist organizations, or no discernible job skills meaning they'd just be a parasite.  Without control over who enters our country, we aren't a country; no point in even having borders.
I also like to point out the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to illegal aliens vs gun control.

They say that illegals are "mostly peaceful" and looking for work to improve their lives.  Only a few of them are criminals.  You shouldn't punish the majority because of a small minority.

But when it comes to gun control, even though most gun owners are law abiding and peaceful, the left wants to take guns away from everyone because a few are criminally inclined or mentally ill.

The only difference is that gun ownership is  constitutionally protected and legal but illegally entering the country is not.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 19, 2024, 02:29:56 PM »
China and Russia appear to be the only powers on the planet that pose any credible military threat to the US. The southern border presents a lower priority threat.

Totally disagree!  The hot war threat from China and Russia is dormant. They aren’t actively invading us. And their nuclear capabilities, along with ours, make them a theoretical future threat more than an immediate actual one because of mutual assured destruction. Yes it could happen but odds that it will on any one day are very low.

The invasion on the southern border on the other hand is currently active, it’s already happening and there are known terrorists and criminals among them entering the country that have no such restraints as MAD.  The likelihood that they are planning a set of multiple 9/11s is very high.

  "Military aged" is a meaningless scare phrase.   That cadre has been entering the US for work since the Mexican Revolution.

Not by the millions. Not even close!  And historically they’ve all been Mexicans. Hard working Catholics for the most part. Now they are from all over the world including radical Muslims and Chinese on an unknown mission. Erosion of our culture including our form of government can very easily happen from within with this massive invasion.  This is a much bigger immediate threat than missiles from Russia or China.

I am for immigration. We need young men. But we must vet them and they must come legally.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Government Hates You
« on: April 19, 2024, 05:01:16 AM »

Just watch the first ten seconds.  I don’t know what the rest is yet but the first statement hits the biggest, worst problem we have. The one thing that will irreversibly change our country.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:01:31 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: April 17, 2024, 06:42:58 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Six-Month Federal Budget Deficit: $1.1 Trillion
« on: April 17, 2024, 06:27:24 AM »
CR, after CR, after CR.  It will never stop. The control of the purse has been wrested away from the House and is currently in control of the Senate. Everything requires more spending and more Federal employees thus more spending.

  Unconstitutional, but like everything else, they don't care.   If it's not apparent now, the government including our elected "representatives" hate us.    The largest government in the world, and much of it unconstitutional working against the good of the citizens.

 The FISA vote shows how much they hate us.  CR's are never going away as it makes it too easy for the congress and senate to rob the treasury in broad daylight.

  Just imagine if we cut out discretionary spending and only allotted money that was needed (defense, etc).   No more earmarks.  Also, real spending cuts.   Get rid of unnecessary agencies such as Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, EPA, TSA, etc.

  The economy would boom.

 We desperately need an Article V convention of states.

Spin Zone / Re: “Trump Owns The Working Class Vote”
« on: April 15, 2024, 07:22:41 AM »
The problem is that the working class is shrinking.  More and more gimme gimme gimme parasites

Spin Zone / Re: Six-Month Federal Budget Deficit: $1.1 Trillion
« on: April 14, 2024, 01:01:14 PM »

  Our country doesn't have a revenue problem, we have an out of control spending problem
Our spending isn't really out of control.  It is under the control of the politicians we have collectively elected.

Republicans would have a good chance of winning in November, but they are bound and determined to abort that opportunity.  Pun intended.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: April 11, 2024, 05:27:42 PM »
An oldie but goodie:

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 08:04:39 AM »
The EV crowd can’t allow the truth about the false god they worship to impede the leftist agenda and the crowd of useful idiots line up too babble the party line without a shred of honesty, integrity, or intelligence.

When you examine how much energy is wasted in the manufacture of EV’s and the ecological damage their creation causes, you begin to understand how fake the idiot environmental mental cases have become.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 07:35:09 AM »
  The leftist communist are making rules through a federal agency (EPA) to force the transition to electric.   These rules although administrative have the force of law behind them and are unconstitutional.   But the regime doesn't care, just let the executive keep making laws and imposing them while the legislative looks the other way.

The EPA needs to be completely abolished!  They’ve ruined my washing machine, and my dishwasher, FUCK THEM and may they be damned into Hell!

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:31:39 AM »
Just because it is so simple and easy to charge an EV, it doesn't mean people will need to do it every day.  A 200 mile charge will last me over a week.Funny how the anti EV crowd has suddenly become a bunch of environmentalists.

I have no problem with EVs if you live in a city and never go nearly far enough in a day to need a charge. More power to you!  My beef isn't the environmentalism; it's the impracticality of using it for anyone not limiting their travel to 15 minute runs around the city, and the fact that the left is not keeping it voluntary but pushing mandates that we move to all electric. That's anti-free market authoritarianism, and it's based on a climate change hoax and the goal of the elite class to control all the rest of us.  That is a huge problem.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:28:28 AM »
So technically "most" (i.e. >50%) housing units likely have power outlets available to charge an EV at the owner's home parking spot.

how many carports have a power outlet capable of charging an EV?

how many garages in apartment complexes (presumably that would include "housing units") have power outlets for each parking space?

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:23:53 AM »
Our neighbor works for a public utility district. He works directly to maintain our grid. He says it is not robust and they struggle to maintain it, much less expand it. Our area is one that is growing very quickly in population because we had a good thing going before the creeping liberal rot made its way from Seattle to us. But it is here. He says getting parts to maintain equipment and finding good employees have gotten more difficult. Vaccine mandates didn’t help. We saw during covid what even a small supply chain disruption could do.

Idiot governor Inslee is waging war on both natural gas AND internal combustion vehicles. New homes can’t be built that use natural gas. He is imposing ridiculous requirements with lofty, virtue-signalling and totalitarian policies that force everything (EVERYTHING) onto the electrical grid.

I ask you. Wouldn’t competent leadership move into using different sources of energy gradually, instead of forcing too-quick dependence on ONE source? In fact, ALWAYS having a variety of energy sources would be the best. But that’s exactly what “leadership” is not doing.

Someone is profiting from the manufacture of electric cars and batteries, and there is a corresponding and very tempting conduit of control that the electrical grid provides to those who want to control us. That’s not a conspiracy theory. The slavering quest for narrow energy dependence, because it IS unwise and crippling for human flourishing, is one of the big reveals of the rigged and corrupt system we’re living under.

Provide multiple energy sources, innovate, and let people decide which to use. Joe gets his EV and Jose and Maria get their 2002 Honda Accord. The web of transportation is stronger. But don’t skew hundreds of millions of dollars over onto making spots for a diminishing number of people (EVs are not practical and sales are declining) to plug cars into chargers. We have more important needs in this country.

My husband and I both worked for electric utilities, my husband up until he retired two years ago.  This country has a LOOMING electric grid reliability problem.  Not just the grid but ALL utilities and all forms of energy and all transportation and all infrastructure.  This is because the people who uphold and maintain all of this are largely older generation MALES, and they are retiring in droves. Yes women are majoring a bit more in engineering and sciences but not in nearly enough numbers to replace the old guys, and not in the boots on the ground work (skilled labor).  The young men are first of all, way fewer in numbers as the birth rate has crashed, and secondly, experiencing an epidemic of mental problems rendering them unable to do much but play video games in mom's basement or major in "journalism" in college.

There is such a brain drain in the energy industry that my husband was offered almost $250,000 a year to come back in an engineering management position but they wanted a 3 year commitment and he said fuck that, no way. 

Getting parts is a huge problem, because we simply don't make them in the U.S. anymore, we don't make our own steel, we don't make our own electronics.  There were big advantages to globalism like taking advantage of cheap labor overseas but the price we pay is loss of control over our own supply chain. Quality control is a HUGE problem. Anything made in China is suspect.

Plants and equipment are aging out and not being replaced.  The cheapest most efficient ways to generate electricity are being phased out by incredibly destructive leftist policies based on eliminating fossil fuels or hobbling nuclear generation with crushing regulatory requirements. The latter was a long term problem starting in the 80s or before.  I know, I worked at a nuke plant. It was like 90% suck the dick of the federal government and 10% actually get something accomplished.  (Excuse my graphic analogy, I've been listening to too much Styx, lol!)  If not for that we'd have a robust base of nuclear generation.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 11, 2024, 05:14:52 AM »
Y'all don't get it.  You are not supposed to be driving.  You are supposed to be on the bus and the train.  No worries about chargers and batteries.

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