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Messages - PeterNSteinmetz

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27 ... 47
And if not, would anyone even have cared about it?
Good question!

Back to the OP. When you think about this in terms of signs and symptoms, prior to the ability to sequence a virus, would omicron even have been recognized as the same pandemic?

As for PB and PS not being publicly visible to nonmembers, that is a good feature, not a bug, in my opinion.

It definitely decreases the number of new users. What do you see as the advantages?

Can you describe your setup?  Do you work from a desktop, laptop, Ipad?  Unix/Windows?  Do you go back and forth and do the performance problems follow you? How old is your router?  Have you tried using different browsers?  Are you running anti-virus?  Which one? (I am SURE you would not have TWO AVs running; right?)  Replacing my 5 yr old router cleared up a lot of various performance issues for me. 
Thanks, I would also rather see PS performance improved, and am willing to contribute the funds necessary.

These are good questions to try and debug the situation. I will track for the next week what appears to be happening, perhaps at a few locations and on a few devices and then provide a more detailed report.

I note that I just now waited over a minute for this reply to page to load.

Well my preference would be to up the performance here at PS. But oh well.

I get that from time to time.  Restarting my browser fixes it (the classic offon computer fix).
That also seems to help sometimes. However, that sort of thing would not be acceptable if a large number of posters started using PS instead of PoA. Indeed, it might get worse with higher load.

Spin Zone / Re: RFK, Jr. vs. some doctor
« on: January 02, 2022, 04:25:56 PM »
While I share many of his concerns about our regulated drug industry, I have little respect for RFK, Jr. he is a known propagator of falsehoods regarding vaccines. I will not buy his book as I don’t want to reward that kind of behavior.

Spin Zone / When has SARS-Cov-2 mutated so much it is not the same virus
« on: January 02, 2022, 04:22:11 PM »
I’m not sure I follow.  Isn’t the Purple Board a general aviation board? 

I for one appreciate you posting more aviation threads. If you aren’t getting responses, it might be because we are a smaller group, and some participants may not be active pilots. 

Yes, PB is. My point is that with the delays I experience here, I am not willing to invite people over from PoA on either political or aviation subjects. Since my primary interest on these boards is aviation, I am experimenting with PB to see if it would be suitable.

It is not all the time. It will go through phases. Which again makes me suspect caching issues.


You have problems with the board performance?
Yes. All the time. Takes 1 or 2 minutes to produce a reply to page.

So far as I can tell it must have to do with caching. Because I have a Nagios instance monitoring the load time of a thread with a lot of posts and the problem does not show up there often.

My suggestion would be to move off of GoDaddy to a virtual server at Linode or something similar. Or better instrument the database performance on the back end. But as I say, so far no interest in such upgrades.

Spin Zone / Re: RFK, Jr. vs. some doctor
« on: January 02, 2022, 01:21:38 PM »
Although without links and references it's hard to follow up and verify the truth of what he said.

Thanks for the summary. That is the problem with that type of presentation. I absorb scientific information at least 10X faster by reading, so stick to that.

It's still possible.  Heck, I get called a liberal pussy on this board.  But relatively speaking, they may be right.  On some other boards I'm called a far right Trumpster.
Part of it is that there really is no management on this board.  Most people came here to get away from the heavy moderation that usually develops on many general aviation web sites.
I actually prefer the light moderation here. A few explicit rules but otherwise open.

However, the performance on this board leaves something to be desired and so I am reluctant to steer people here with the long delays. I have actually offered to fund upgrade since I like this board and the group rather well, but no interest.

Many presumably useful hits when using search terms "virus naming convention". Among them is this one which may partially answer your question:
Thanks. Apparently “The matter is, for many, not yet settled.[2]”.

I am just curious in the case of SARS-Cov-2 when it will no longer be called that and Covid-19.

Sounds like they will cross that bridge when they come to it. Perhaps a major change in the S-protein binding site would do the trick.

Be careful.  If you ask too many questions you will be labeled a "science denier".

BTW, been wondering where you've been lately.
That is pretty funny if people try to label me that!

Been moving most aviation related posts to Purple Board. It does not seem at all clear to me that management here wants this expanded into a more general aviation board.

Spin Zone / Re: RFK, Jr. vs. some doctor
« on: January 02, 2022, 12:20:07 PM »
I just don’t watch videos about scientific information. It takes too long and it is very hard to find references.

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