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Topics - Rush

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Spin Zone / Biden’s BIZARRE messaging
« on: April 01, 2023, 02:54:03 AM »
We have truly slipped into an alternate universe.  Here is the Biden administration’s message right after a transgender individual murders children and innocent adults, and an organized LBGTQETC terrorist group openly calling for “vengeance” invades the Capitols of at least three states:

This is absolute gaslighting: Psyops.  This message is only one of many he’s been putting out since the shooting. Openly praising and defending the monsters that are calling for more violence against Republicans, conservatives and Christians.

Spin Zone / Tornado in Little Rock
« on: March 31, 2023, 02:18:57 PM »
This is right where the business is that I contract with.  It went by our building by about 50 feet.  The employees were all on their way home or live nearby. One had his roof torn up, another's mother was in her truck when a tree fell on it and she is at the ER.  Power out, downed lines everywhere, a broken gas line near one employee's house, trees all over the streets, many people stranded, one employee had to abandon his car and walk home, local hospitals on mass casualty alert.

Edit to clarify:  I’m not actually there, I work remotely. 

Spin Zone / Buffalo hat man released
« on: March 30, 2023, 12:46:29 PM »

Pilot Zone / JSX
« on: March 28, 2023, 11:25:31 AM »
What do you all think about this?

Spin Zone / Nashville school shooting
« on: March 27, 2023, 02:44:58 PM »
Was driving in the car when I heard they said it was a female shooter and that’s all they knew.

I said to myself, that’s a trans.  Either a male, or a female on testosterone.  Looks like I was right.

Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / A good landing
« on: March 18, 2023, 01:54:48 PM »
Wonder why the engine lost power?

Spin Zone / The Batmobile case
« on: March 18, 2023, 11:50:24 AM »
You’ve probably heard about the guy in Illinois that got busted by California LEOs for fraud because of a business dispute where the customer called in a favor from a friend/sheriff.

So here’s the result of the investigation resulting from the public outcry.

My concern:  This man’s bank accounts were frozen for weeks.  It’s alarming that police can freeze your accounts without you having been convicted of a crime.  This man’s livelihood was shut down, and survival for most of us depends upon access to our money.

Spin Zone / Proofread
« on: March 18, 2023, 06:26:35 AM »
I just can’t stand it.  TF is wrong with these people unable to correct their phone’s autocorrect? 

“The growing unrest, combined with rubbish piling up on the streets of Paris after refused workers joined in the action, has left President Emmanuel Macron with the gravest challenge to his authority since…..”

It’s REFUSE not refused!!  What we call garbage here in the U.S.  Refuse workers. Jeeezus.

JP is pulling together an international coalition to fight (in an intellectual non-coercive way) the biggest existential crisis we face:  The false religion of climate change, its devastating effect on young people and the future of humanity, its promotion of Marxism, and its threat to drive billions deep into poverty.

His solution sounds much like Brand:  Decentralized power. Bring it back to the nuclear family and local communities. But make nothing coercive. Very libertarian, bringing left and right together, (the classic liberal left that cares about the environment, not the Marxists), so we can find solutions that do not destroy civilization by forcing expensive impractical technology and authoritarianism on the people.

I cannot do this justice.  It's big, and I think is going to put a target on JP's back.  It's the first effort to my knowledge to bring international minds together to push back against the global elite, and their use of climate change fearmongering to bring about another totalitarian "utopia".

Spin Zone / Maybe it came from the Wuhan lab!
« on: March 11, 2023, 10:53:11 AM »
An excellent summary of the “conspiracy”.

Spin Zone / Tulsi Gabbard
« on: March 05, 2023, 06:44:30 PM »
Wow!  Fantastic discussion WELL worth the time.  This interview alone is making me take Tulsi seriously.  I’m kind of thinking she’d make a good running mate for Trump, but can she do that if she’s not a Republican?

Spin Zone / Cop gone wild claims she was “groomed”
« on: March 05, 2023, 11:30:39 AM »
I’m sorry.  This is going way too far.  You can’t hold men responsible for your own “vulnerable” mental state just because they keep asking you for sex and you finally give in.  Now that she’s been fired and made an international laughing stock all of a sudden none of it is her fault.

Her affair with Powell sounds like if anything it damaged him more than her, like he felt manipulated by her. Don’t get me wrong he’s not innocent in this, but she’s certainly no innocent victim herself.  You can’t whore yourself around like that for months and then claim you had no agency of your own when you were a grown ass woman.  Nobody raped her.  They respected her “no” when she said it.  That’s it, end of story.  You don’t “groom” adult women like a pedo would a five year old.  It’s not the same at all and it is quite offensive for adult women to co-opt that term when for whatever reason they allow men to talk them into sex and then happen to regret it later.

I see no claim that her job was threatened.  She admits she was messed up in the head because of marital problems which left her “vulnerable” to these men’s advances.  Okay fine, that does not absolve you of responsibility for your decision to respond to them, and anyway, you already had an “open” marriage so your baseline morality is infidelity in the first place, long before these officers came along.  Now you want to drag them through court looking for a payout I imagine.

Spin Zone / Whiskey mold
« on: March 05, 2023, 05:06:52 AM »
Wow.  The company claims that an air filtration system won’t work and that this mold is a normal result of making whiskey and also “eats” other things, so they’re kind of shirking responsibility.  Apparently it wasn’t a big problem prior to 2018.  It’s worsening as they add more barrel houses.  The company claims it doesn’t hurt people.  It sure is hurting their property values!

What’s the answer?  Maybe they need to move the whiskey distillery to a hot dry climate?  Which presumably would crash the economy in that town as Jack Daniels is a major employer.

Spin Zone / Kathryn’s again
« on: March 02, 2023, 06:21:42 PM »
This time there’s this:

AnonymousFriday, February 24, 2023 at 5:10:00 PM EST
What's going on with KR? Seems like there's nothing new again for quite awhile

AnonymousSaturday, February 25, 2023 at 7:46:00 AM EST
Kathryn is vacationing outside of the US. She will be returning in Spring 2023. Only 23 days, 9 hours, 40 minutes, and 5 seconds until Spring. Not that I'm counting... 💮

I wonder if the second anonymous is Kathryn.

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