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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: ESPN - the impact of promoting far left ideology
« on: April 28, 2017, 07:03:42 AM »
My wife dragged me to see Dave Chappelle, it was abominable. Not funny, unless calling every man nigger, every woman a bitch, and left leaning/right bashing tickle your funny bone. I wasn't amused, but most in the house thought it great. *shrug*

Yep. Dave Chappelle was one of the Netflix shows I tried to watch. Couldn't make it past the first few minutes.  I gave him a chance in the first place because he had said some sensible things when the recording of Trump's locker room talk came out.  At least he sees some things realistically, but he still held his nose and voted for Hillary, according to this.

I can't remember what turned me off to the show but I couldn't watch it. It may have been the N***** word.  It offends me when whites use it to slur blacks but it also offends me when blacks use it all over the place in reference to themselves and then claim whites cannot do the same even in jest and friendship. It's a double standard and it's hypocritical.

Spin Zone / Re: ESPN - the impact of promoting far left ideology
« on: April 27, 2017, 09:13:07 AM »
Musicians and comedians do it all the time. It's taken the enjoyment out of going out for some entertainment.

As far as I'm concerned comedians have destroyed their art with their constant left leaning blather. I don't watch them anymore. With a new comedy routine you can almost bet money it's going to bash Trump/Republicans/Conservatives and/or be heavily focused on feminism/racism etc. etc.  I open a new Netflix comedian and hear this crap within the first few lines and I just shut it down, I'm not listening anymore. Even the TV trailers for late night acts like Samantha Bee and Conan usually have an anti-right cut in their 30 second ad. I'm sick of it. It's driving me away from TV in general.

It's creeping into movies and miniseries, even historical ones.  Some female heroine in the supposed 1700's going around spouting feminist nonsense. You cannot have a black character without hyper focus on racism.  The whole entertainment industry (except a few independent filmmakers) cannot tell a story without it being through a 2017 leftist lens. 

Intelligent Moderate?  You think about your positions?

A thought on the original topic - Socialism is doomed to be defeated by the forces of economics.  Under socialism, everyone is basically equal, so every person has an equal claim on resources.  However there will never be enough to go around, so not everyone can have what they want.  The result must be shortages and therefore misery.

Ergo, socialism is an inferior system.

Intelligent moderate, maybe.  I do think about them, in fact, I endeavor to apply logic, facts and reality before I decide on my position on an issue, and it can change if I get new information. For example, I used to be for capital punishment. Then I found out about corrupt prosecutors and a high rate of innocent people being put to death in my state as a result of those prosecutors, so I became against it, in that context.   But in principle I am for it.  It's just that I figured out that, like in so many things, government can be stupid, corrupt and wrong when it tries to do something, and I feel strongly about protecting the innocent from wrong convictions.

Actually, I am in favor of capital punishment at the point of the crime's commission. In other words, by the would-be victim. And it should apply to any crime of personal assault of body or property.  For example, that flash mob train robbery the other day. The riders should have been armed and should have mowed down those thugs, rather than turn over their wallets and cell phones. So I have no problem with death as a penalty for crime. But whether I would vote for or against the death penalty in the context of our criminal justice system, would all depend. Is DNA technology significantly advanced that the conviction of innocent people has drastically been reduced?  Are there safeguards against corrupt prosecutors?  I don't know, I'd have to look at it when it was put before me.

So what do you call that?  You can hardly call it "moderate" when I advocate blasting to Hell a 14 year old trying to grab my purse, as my ideological position. That's pretty extreme. But since I cannot tell you how I'd vote on the issue, would you say I'm on the fence, or technically moderate on the issue?

I agree with your statement about socialism.

So where will y'all go to find that political satisfaction?  I can understand it when your choice of Party/President doesn't turn out as promised.

The President isn't disappointing me at all so far.  As for the party, I've never really been a Republican ideologically. I vote with them because in general, they are less destructive to the country than the Democrats.

Libertarian?  Maybe they don't have cookies, but do have pot!  ;)

Yes the Libertarian party probably aligns more closely with me than any of the other major parties. But lately I've not liked calling myself a libertarian.  For one thing, I disagree with the party's position on some issues, and for another, a lot of people calling themselves "libertarian" are socialist libertarians which is a contradiction in terms, and really just another version of communism.

Possibly a centrist Republican/Democrat?  That way you can criticize both sides (and take heat from both sides)??

Both sides are richly deserving of criticism. 

But I don't like the term centrist.  There are two ways to be a centrist and they are completely different. Say there were only two issues.  You could be a centrist by being undecided, or apathetic, or completely compromising, on both issues. Or you could be a centrist by being extreme right on one and extreme left on the other, and taking the average would put you in the center.

My position on any one issue could be anywhere.

Agreed. I'm done with the Republicans.

Spin Zone / Re: Hannity Goes After Debbie Schlussel
« on: April 25, 2017, 07:04:53 AM »
A great monologue by Hannity tonight.

Dang I'm sorry I missed that. Hannity can be fantastic sometimes.

Spin Zone / Re: BULLSHIT
« on: April 25, 2017, 06:59:15 AM »
Untrue. In Texas it is legal to shoot someone for robbery, burglary, and other thefts of personal property. You may shoot them in the back as they're running off with your hubcaps.

I love Texas.

Spin Zone / Re: BULLSHIT
« on: April 24, 2017, 03:54:06 PM »
But they're CHILDREN.   Can you imagine the outcry if someone had used a firearm against them?  We are supposed to just let them get away with robbery.  They are ENTITLED as a matter of fact, to be SAFE while they commit their crimes. That's today's PC world.

“Republican leaders and President Trump don't give a sh-t about the people they were trying to hurt,”

Just one more example of projection.

I don't think there is a way to achieve this. Our civilizations are always in flux and always seem to peak with excellence then go downhill until they are destroyed and replaced by something else. I don't mean to sound so pessimistic myself, but people are simply too STUPID to do those things.  Seriously, people in general are deeply stupid and cannot understand for example, why minimum wage laws lead to job loss. And they are not getting any smarter, if anything we are getting more and more stupid by the generation.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 24, 2017, 08:47:15 AM »
I'm not saying I agreed with it, I'm just saying how they ruled. They ruled based on the issue at hand.

Oh I understood you didn't agree with it. :)

That's spelled T r u m p.

T - to
R - ramp
U - up
M - man's
P - prosperity

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 24, 2017, 08:13:59 AM »
For the most part, I am safest in my home.  I have locked doors, and windows, a security system, and other things to protect me.  I also have the advantage of knowledge of my environment.  When I leave my home, I am more at risk, even in my vehicle, which if used properly can keep you safer, and even act as a deterrent.  However, when leaving home, we are more at risk.  Do I live in fear, and have paranoia about travelling, or leaving my home?  Not at all.  I often travel without a firearm due to work realities, travelling to other states that don't have reciprocity, airlines, etc.

The Constitution does not limit the right to bear arms to your own home.  Only liberal/progressive courts have done so.     

Exactly, it is not logical.  I think they do it because of emotion - fear of being around someone armed - or the political way to gradually erode our 2nd amendment right.


How about we find new, and innovative ways to effectively accommodate people on this Earth instead of killing them?  Do you not believe in Human intellect, nor Human inspiration, and innovation?  The problem with the Left is that they believe humans are the entire problem with Earth.

Probably the best way to curb the explosive population growth is to free up economics so all nations prosper. People tend to have fewer children the richer they get.  I think it's got something to do with meaning. Very poor people don't get meaning and purpose from a career, but if you can't do anything else significant, you can always have children.  I didn't come up with this, there is research to support it.  They don't just do it for the welfare checks.

Maybe liberals are working from the wrong end, trying to push abortion and birth control programs for the poor. Maybe they need to support free market enterprise, loosening regulations, etc., everything that brings back small business and upward mobility.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 24, 2017, 07:28:02 AM »
They said nothing about concealed carry. This case is about whether or not citizens should be allowed to carry concealed weapons in public places.

According to this line of thinking I have a right to defend my life inside my own home but when I'm out and about I shall be prey. Never made sense to me.

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