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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 [85] 86 87 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 18, 2019, 05:21:52 PM »
I keep hearing this type of complaint.

It doesn't matter what the US does, some people are going to keep claiming the US reputation is crap (or worse) because of [insert whatever the US does or doesn't do]
Including many Americans who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 15, 2019, 09:23:08 AM »
We had the win.  ISIS was contained.  The terrorists were in prisons.  We were training people for the long term.  Now we have a lot of useless deaths and Trump has thrown away what they died for.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

If the battle is won, then why keep our 2,000 men in theater?  Are you saying the 50,000 Kurds and Syrians that they trained can’t handle keeping ISIS down?  How long should we stay there?  18 years in Afghanistan and no end in sight.

Can you let me know when Congress authorized war in Syria?  I missed that designation.

It’s wild that moderates and liberals who were screaming their fucking ass off about “no more war,” “No more nation building,” and of course the classic “no war for oil” are now the hawkest of the hawks, willing to sacrifice our men to stand a post in the middle of hostilities that have been around for 1,300 years.

At least most conservatives have learned our lessons about the folly of meddling in the ME.

It’s almost as if the policy preferences of the moderates and the liberals depends on the jersey of the man in the Oval Office. Weird.

Spin Zone / Re: Fuel-burning hobbies a ripe target?
« on: October 14, 2019, 04:13:29 PM »
Filing jointly give the couple a higher tax rate.  Why would they have wanted to pay more?
Ding ding ding ding!  We have a winner.

The married filing jointly rates were implemented as a social engineering move to benefit the family with one working spouse.

If you don’t have a family and both spouses work, you are likely disadvantaged. Of course, YMMV depending on the facts. 

Pilot Zone / Re: New Pilot Forum
« on: October 14, 2019, 04:09:47 PM »
Read the document, it has some stuff that looked very bad for the left and shows why this Ambassador was shown the door.
You’ve got to be shitting me. That article is about as agnostic as it comes. Just because an investigation (actual investigation, not what the MSM does) leads to partisan dirt doesn’t make the site “propaganda.”

Yea, count the days for that site.

Nice tip of the hat to Lucifer for referring people here.

Spin Zone / Re: Good Riddence
« on: October 11, 2019, 08:16:07 PM »
He's been on Fox News since the beginning in 1996, and at a Fox affiliate before that.  It's odd that he would just pull the plug, and not fulfill a very lucrative contract, not that he really needs the money.  My guess is he will end up on one of the networks like Megyn Kelly. 

I think he's a talented news presenter.  However, he let his far left bias bleed through into his news reporting which I thought was unprofessional.  I also found him a bit smarmy, and self righteous, but whatever.
I got his number when he became a drama queen during the coverage of Hurricane Katrina.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary is gonna go for number three
« on: October 10, 2019, 01:00:15 PM »
And Far Lefties like Steingar keep saying he Media isn't BIASED.  All the networks and cable channels except Fox and OAN are certainly left wing biased.  They were all deeply saddened and visibly so on election night when it was clear Trump would.  I loved watching them cry, whine, and look utterly despondent.
One of the greatest election nights of my life.

Let’s repeat it 2020.

Pilot Zone / Re: New Pilot Forum
« on: October 10, 2019, 09:58:32 AM »
Yep, not sure he'll last long.
Are you kidding?  He’s like a cockroach. His frequent vile rhetoric was permitted at least by POA because it came from the left.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump's promises
« on: October 08, 2019, 04:58:21 AM »
The average has been about 65%.

He is arrogant and not only thinks that he is the smartest person in the room, he believes that he is the only one who should be thinking. He doesn’t ask people for advice about topics that he doesn’t live every day.

Take the recent Syria announcement as an example. The military chiefs were shocked by the announcement. That means they had no idea it was coming, but who is a bigger expert at military matters than the people who run the military day in and day out?  Well, apparently, the president.

As a a result, I think he doesn’t understand the consequences of his decisions. He isn’t making optimal choices for the people of the United States. Ergo, he is not a good president.
You really have zero idea of his level of consultation with others. It has become clear that you are just parroting the anti-Trump screeds by CNN et. al. 

Are the military “chiefs” allowed to hit the airwaves with their disappointment of not being consulted?  Did the Joint Chiefs hold a walkout or something?  No.  But perhaps you’re upset that John Brennan and the former light colonels who are feeding at the MSM trough weren’t consulted about something that is none of their business any more.

Arrogant?  Show me a president that wasn’t. I’ll grant you Jimmy Carter.  It takes a very arrogant man to run or woman for President. It takes balls-out arrogance to be a lifetime politician believing you are truly “the ruling class.”  I’ll admit Trump has failed at this career politician thing.

Check out Rush’s list above. Your objections are noted. Stupid and invalid, but noted.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 07, 2019, 03:41:48 PM »
Stability in the region that breeds terrorists.
I seem to have heard that argument about 18 years ago. How did that work out? 

I supported Gulf War I and II. GWI was fought appropriately, if not ending prematurely. It was fought with the goal of winning.

GWII on the other hand has been a American-slaughtering cluster fuck because the leftists got involved dictating ROEs that TO THIS DAY get our boys killed by driving along IED highways and walking down streets lined with known enemy combatants.  The concept of “winning” via superior firepower, with the goal of ending it, doesn’t exist. It never did.

So fuck the “stability in the region” excuse. If they get out of line, bring in the B-52s, B-1s, and whatever else we can bring to bear.

I’m sick and tired of not going for the win.

Spin Zone / Greta
« on: October 07, 2019, 03:22:58 PM »
And this is exactly what I mean... other than (perhaps) which I've never heard of, they're all highly partisan sites that push propaganda rather than facts. Hardly what I would call reliable.

Again... not that it matters. I have no doubt that some leftist groups are paying for some of her activities, most 16 year old girls wouldn't have access to all that money. Her parents could possibly be sponsoring some of it, but likely not all. So maybe Soros is involved, maybe he isn't.

Once again... so what? No proof she is delivering any message but her own.
Can you name a real, unbiased investigative journalist?  I don’t think they exist anymore, unless you are looking for dirt on a political opponent weeks before an election, in which case they are all investigators, but certainly not unbiased.

My point is if the MSM chooses not to investigate something, that doesn’t mean that “something” doesn’t exist. Media bias is more hideous with the media deciding what the WON’T cover than in how they cover known events.

So if things may exist but you aren’t hearing it from ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBC, should you just presume it’s a non issue? 

No. You look for alternative sites. Your presumption that these lesser known sites are just propaganda pushing sites and are not “reliable” demonstrates your own bias. I’m not saying some aren’t that, on both sides of the spectrum.  But it is intellectually dishonest to lump them all into that category.

It appears your criteria for what is “reliable” depends upon confirmation by the MSM. Sorry, but that will rarely happen, because they don’t want it to happen.

Those of us that have to search alternative sites for information aren’t lemmings willing to latch on to the latest conspiracy theory. We may shockingly be as smart as you when it comes to politics and world affairs. Shocking, I know. It would be good for you to not be so quick to discount the alternative media.  Sometimes that’s all we have.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 07, 2019, 09:08:09 AM »
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

Sounds completely the opposite from when Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.
Since we are still in those places 17 years later, 13 years longer than the Second World War, I’m not sure I understand your definition of victory.

So I’ll ask again, what is the US National security imperative for getting involved in this?

Pilot Zone / Re: New Pilot Forum
« on: October 06, 2019, 03:10:55 PM »
Could someone go over there on that thread and advertise Pilot Spin?

Include the fact we don’t moderate and everyone is free to join and participate.
Will do!  I just registered. Gosh, I hope I’m accepted.

Spin Zone / Re: Greta
« on: October 05, 2019, 06:44:16 AM »
Wow. C'mon folks, she's a 16 year old girl. I blame the adults in her life. And actually, from the interview PBS Newshour did with her a couple of weeks ago, my impression is she's pretty intelligent. I could just as easily predict that one day soon she'll learn enough about the subject to realize there's no basis for catastrophic thinking here. In any case, she's too young to know yet what direction her life is going to take her.
Azure, will she claim any responsibility for the massive rise in climate-change mental health problems and suicides due to the doomsday scenarios that she and others are projecting?  I recall reading about a UK study on this phenomena. 

Same with 28 year old AOC. This immature bartender, within her first three weeks as a Congressman, said that the world will be ending in 12 years.  In turn, grown men and women on the left began using that rhetoric as well, of course with the intent of alarming and frightening our youth, some of whom may tragically take their lives because of it.

Being 16 and irresponsible is almost universal. But being 16 and fomenting global panic is quite another. Shame on her and yes, her parents and handlers.

Pilot Zone / Re: New Pilot Forum
« on: October 04, 2019, 11:09:05 AM »
I wonder when it is ok to tell someone that they are wrong.

What about when someone is completely wrong?

Or when someone is wrong and should know better?
Shut up. You’re wrong. RACIST!!!!

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