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Messages - Mase

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Spin Zone / Re: Question for the guys
« on: November 23, 2022, 03:33:56 PM »
I was recently interviewed by a nurse.  "Are you vaccinated??" She asked.  I thought for a minute and then

I said, "Against what?"

She cleared that up with, "Covid."

I replied, "Three Pfizers."

Hahahaha!  I would have said, “Yes, polio, smallpox, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, shingles, and those are the only important ones I can remember.”  She would have said “I meant Covid” and I probably would have said, “Well technically I’m not sure that’s a vaccine, it doesn’t seem to work very well.”

« on: November 10, 2022, 04:41:47 AM »
Actually, Trump started that ball rolling.  Their powder is in the flash pan.

I’d have to hear him say that with my own ears.  Not saying he didn’t say it, I’m saying I want to hear it myself to get the tone and context.  I don’t know why he would make preemptive attacks on DeSantis other than to intimidate him into not running in 2024, but DeSantis has made no signal he is going to run.  I want to know exactly why Trump thinks DeSantis is sanctimonious.  And why does he say such things if he says there is no tiff going on between them?  And he backed him and got him elected as governor of Florida unless I misremembered.  What did DeSantis do that made Trump turn on him?  None of this makes any sense unless I’m missing a critical piece of information.

« on: November 08, 2022, 09:17:53 PM »
Fox just called it for JD Vance. Ryan conceded. Pickup.

Spin Zone / Re: The Left is in Utter Panic
« on: October 31, 2022, 09:09:20 AM »
I’ve never before needed much in the way of caregiving from my husband but I’m so helpless right now I need a lot. He seamlessly has stepped in and is doing a wonderful job. N7 is right I think. Good men know what is right.

Spin Zone / Re: The Left is in Utter Panic
« on: October 30, 2022, 07:43:41 PM »
Awww that’s sweet.

I was one of the few boys who had a car. It was early May and graduation was coming up fast. My ticket to the service was already punched and I was seriously gliding toward the runway.

Maggie was disadvantaged and her disability was not elegant, or pretty. She was heavy, with mismatched facial features from her never ending treatments and operations. Her mother tried her best but her dress looked like it was rescued from a dumpster and she never complained at all.

Her dad helped me stow her chair and showed me how to properly reassemble it. We even posed for pictures. My bosses sister helped me pick out a courage and I decided we would walk in like we owned the joint and this happened all the time.

Maggie was petrified about being hazed by the cool kids. I made a fist each time she shared her fears.

When I walked in pushing her specialized chair the overall noise level dropped considerably and one of the retarded asshole jocks started to say something really cutting to ruin Maggie’s night.

His girlfriend slapped his arm so hard eveyone heard it and her posse just glared him into silence.

One of the wealthy girls with big boobs grabbed the chair away from me and took her off to the Ladies Lounge (nice venues called the ladies room a lounge in those days) and when they returned she had fixed up Maggie’s hair and applied just touch of makeup and lipstick.

That kind of broke the ice and we figured out how I could maneuver her wheelchair enough to simulate dancing.

She died about six years later, I heard. There was never going to be a happy ending for her, but I looked her up a year later when I was home on leave, and she cried telling me how much going to the prom meant to her.

So fuck the jocks, the assholes and the cruel kids. My gang of friends did our part against bullying.

I told the woman who became my wife all about the prom and Maggie on our first date. I suspect that sealed the deal, right there. Poor woman heard it all over and over from my old friends when we were back for the 25th reunion, which was my first and only.

We were so young….

Where did all those years go?

Spin Zone / Re: You just can't make this up..............
« on: October 24, 2022, 01:51:50 PM »
If I was a parent of a student at that school there, there would be a massive lawsuit against them. Criminal charges need to be brought against the employees of that school.

Spin Zone / Re: UN: Ukriane War "A Blessing"
« on: October 15, 2022, 06:18:54 AM »
It is and goes back to the ear;y days of his show.
IIRC, the feminazis went ape shit over it.

What's wrong with addadictome?  The left has NO sense of humor.

Spin Zone / Re: UN: Ukriane War "A Blessing"
« on: October 15, 2022, 06:02:50 AM »
No idea.

It is and goes back to the ear;y days of his show.
IIRC, the feminazis went ape shit over it.

Spin Zone / Leftist Scientific Method
« on: October 14, 2022, 12:15:06 PM »
1. Cherry pick data
2. Assert correlation is causation
3. Label findings as "settled science"
4. Berate opposition
5. Everything is racist or sexist

I don't take credit for this.  I got it off a website.  No name to credit.

Spin Zone / Re: Waiting For Ian
« on: September 29, 2022, 11:27:30 AM »
From Joe Bastardi:

2,000,000 without power.
“gentlemen, start your Teslas”

sorry couldnt resist

Spin Zone / Re: Italy wakes up
« on: September 29, 2022, 04:50:42 AM »
In his defense he is one and we are ten ganging up on him.  Doesn’t mean we ten are wrong.  I would like Michael to defend his position and explain why he thinks Meloni, Trump, and all MAGA supporters are “fascist”.

First we must start with the definition of fascism.  Originally it was a “totalitarian political movement linked with corporatism”, especially as applied to Mussolini.  Later racism and xenophobia were added as supposed features and I suspect this is what Michael thinks is the main definition and that it applies to anyone not far left.

Fascism is nationalistic in that it puts the importance of the state over the individual.  This is supposedly the opposite of socialism (communism) but we know that in practice socialism and communism also put the state (collective) over the individual.

In the second half of the 19th century the vast empty western territories were up for grabs by the railroads, who competed to be the first to reach California.  Two railroad moguls, General Palmer of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway, and William Barstow Strong, of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, were bitter rivals who hated each other, both racing to lay tracks over the Raton Pass at the border of Colorado and New Mexico to go south of the Rockies and on to the west coast, and to lay a track through the Royal Gorge along the canyon of the Arkansas river to access silver mines beyond.  It was only wide enough for one track.  For years these two men fought literal wars over these ambitions, at the worst point involving armed militias, as well as manipulating what legal authority there was in the territories to outmaneuver each other. 

In the entire history of the United States there are probably no two men who hated each other more.  But the reason they remained such well matched enemies is because they were exactly alike.  Cut from the same cloth, they kept guessing each other’s moves, reading each other’s minds, showing up to thwart each other’s plans just in the nick of time.

This is communism(leftism) and fascism.  Both are a system of privileged ruling elites putting themselves in centralized control of a population.  The two are not opposites of each other but two faces of the same totalitarian evil. The current worldwide conservative-populist movement is what is opposite of them; it is opposed to centralized control, and favors returning power to more local levels.  The left uses “fascism” as a pejorative to falsely paint this movement as something it is not. 

I suspect that Michael and the left think the right in the U.S. is “fascist” because of their recent actions on issues like abortion and gay/trans.  On these social issues they are correct, the right has overreacted to the left’s overreach on these matters.  The right has proposed national bans on abortion, defense of marriage, that sort of thing, because the woke left pushed the issues into lunatic land.

What led to RvW being overturned was the left pushing to legalize abortion in the 9th month.  What led to bathroom laws where you have to use the one you were born as, and don’t say gay laws, was the left’s absolutely insane forcing the issue affecting a tiny minority on all the rest of us, making us change our pronouns - lunacy!

The left is creating an authoritarian right backlash on these issues.  If that’s what Michael means then he is correct but has only himself to blame if he votes for these insane far left Democrats.

But on economic issues the right is nowhere near totalitarian control of the economy, but on the contrary wants to loosen centralized control.  Allow Keystone, allow drilling, cut regulations so the economy doesn’t suffocate, cut taxes to empower the middle and lower classes.  All of this is the opposite of both far left communism and far right “fascism”. 

Spin Zone / Re: Italy wakes up
« on: September 28, 2022, 08:48:12 AM »
Only here could the election of a facist be regarded as "a sign of hope"
What makes you think she’s a fascist?  What has she done or said that makes her a fascist? Are belief in God, family and country now fascistic?  Please educate us.

And don’t use the fact that the left wing global media is using that term means she is what they say she is. That’s how mobs are formed.

Spin Zone / Re: Kali Back to the Stone Age
« on: September 26, 2022, 06:19:49 AM »
I'm embarrassed to admit I used to live there.

it would be far more embarrassing to admit to moving there now.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA deleting announcement of new FlyersForum
« on: September 21, 2022, 06:17:35 AM »
No doubt they clicked on it and probably read your “Advantages” post and got offended at the criticism of their centralized control method of moderation.  Or maybe they have a problem with Jim or Peter, or me or Becky, since we were the only ones who had posted there up to that point. (Texas Tailwheel has made a post since.)

Centralized control in any human endeavor tends to lead to its demise.  That was the fate of the AOPA forum.  Back on the yellow board there was very little moderation of any kind and things got out of hand.  But instead of implementing something like your user controlled moderation they went with centralized.  After the switch to the red board it grew tighter, first confining “spin” type subjects to a subforum, then banning spin type topics altogether, and finally banning all subjects not aviation related.  Now it doesn’t even exist.  It seems PoA is also getting tighter in a somewhat different way. It still has good traffic but is that because it doesn’t have competition?

The same thing is beginning to happen with Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.  Their centralized authoritarian censorship is causing the rise of other platforms and the migration of content to those more free platforms is resulting in the decline of the former ones.

The same applies to economics.  Communism (centralized control of the economy) has failed everywhere it’s been tried.  After mass starvation occurs, you end up allowing some capitalism (putting economic control back in the hands of the people) so you can survive as a country.  But those who love power just can’t quite give it up so they retain cultural control in those countries and living under those regimes is miserable.  That’s the core issue with centralized control of any kind; their proponents like power over others too much.

No control at all (anarchy) doesn’t work for the broad population.  Society needs order.  We saw that with the yellow board, things get too out of control. It works here because this forum is not public and so the group is limited and has settled into a stable dynamic.  But of course any forum not publicly visible will stagnate.  That’s why Jim and Peter created a new publicly visible forum.  Their idea of putting control into the hands of the end user is to empower the individual.  I thought everybody was for that.  Maybe some only give it lip service.

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