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Messages - nddons

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I agree. But I think being a bartender is more of her handlers telling her what to do over her lying about her "struggles" growing up and where she lives.
Or “Schtruggles” in Michele Obama-speak.

With that kind of backing I see her being put up to run 2020.
She won’t be old enough, but could technically be VP. But she will be old enough to be potus in 2024.

I think the job as a bartender was all an act. It made her story better for getting elected. Sort of like a community organizer.

I still can’t square this aggression for getting elected with her complete and utter stupidity. You need to be semi-literate to pull off getting elected, even if you have handlers pushing the buttons.

Spin Zone / Re: Green New Deal
« on: March 05, 2019, 10:17:37 AM »
This is exactly what worries me. Ironically they're using Trump tactics straight out of the book. Start from an extreme position and negotiate your way to get what you really want.
Exactly. She exposed herself when she
Got on her soapbox exclaiming “...YOU do it.  But you’re not. Until you do it, I’M THE BOSS.” 

As if “IT” is something that must be done when it does not need to be “done.”

Spin Zone / Re: Blacks leaving Dem Party not acceptable in Virginia
« on: March 04, 2019, 05:02:41 PM »
Racism much?
Becky, I really haven’t been paying much attention to the Blexit phenomenon except through your posts. I didn’t know that they were having rallies.

Can you give me a sense of how big this is, how big the rallies are, and if there are similar Blexit movement activities around the country? 

I would love for that to happen in Milwaukee which has been under Democrat or Socialist control since 1908. 111 years.

Spin Zone / Re: Final tax bill
« on: March 04, 2019, 10:44:41 AM »
If I recall correctly, if you owe anything at all, or it could have been more than a certain amount (very low amount, something like $500), then you must make quarterly estimated tax payments the following year and being short in ANY quarter triggers a penalty. I don't know if that's still true though, it's a vague memory from when my Mom was deep into this stuff. Wrote her own software to do people's taxes on the side in fact, in the days before Turbo Tax.

Anyway I do the same thing as Nipple Boy because I've found it very difficult with the online W-4 calculators to get my withholding right (I have interest and rental income as well). I was withholding way too much for over half the year in 2018, and eventually calculated that if I just filed a new W-4 with zero extra withholding (sometime in September), I would still get a refund, so I did that. Figuring my taxes at the end of the year, it looked like I would actually owe a few hundred, but not sure if it's enough to require estimated tax this year. Now that I have the actual paperwork, I need to actually figure them... that's for spring break though (next week).

Right now I'm withholding about $100 too much according to the online calculators, but I'm leery of cutting it down because of this.
There is no specific requirement to make quarterly estimates tax payments. However, whether you do or don’t depends on how much you owe on your returns.

There is no penalty for underpayment if estimated tax if you:

1.  Owe less than $1,000;

2.  Pay in at least 90% of your CURRENT YEAR tax liability; or

3.  Pay in at least 100% (or $110% if your prior year AGI exceeded $150,000) of the PRIOR YEAR tax.

So if you don’t have enough withheld to meet these exceptions to the penalty, you can either increase your withholding, OR pay
quarterly estimated tax payments.

And yes, you can earn a penalty in any quarter if you underpay your withholding and/or estimated tax payments.

Pilot Zone / Re: A Few Aviation Questions
« on: March 04, 2019, 10:28:26 AM »
I met him a couple of times.  He took my wife up in our Cessna and gave her some tips on engine management (since she is more willing to take tips for SGOTI than from her own husband).  I thought he was extremely knowledgeable about aviation, and many other things.  I really do think he was smarter than the average POAer, even if not the genius he thought he was.  One time I spent a few nights in LZU and he arranged a free tie-down space for me, even though I didn't ask.  I respected him a lot more than a whole bunch of other POAers.

A lot of his outlandishness was just to pull people's chains and watch them go erratic.
Well he yanked enough chains to be the guy to close down most threads. Not from breaking the ROE, but from acting superior to every other mortal on this sphere. I found his ego and lies to be insufferable.  His anti-semitism and blaming the Jews and Rothschilds for every ill on earth told me he was an ignorant bigot at best.

I’m glad others had good experiences but I had no need to get to know him. He could have been at one of Jay Honeck’s North 40 parties, but I never met him there. 

It all falls back to the Heller decision, in which the justices said that governments couldn't forbid the possession of firearms "in common use", their phrasing, not mine.  I think I understand the proviso, I don't think anyone wants highly destructive military weapons in the hands of the general public, at least that's what I'm assuming is behind the phrasing.  But what's "common use"?  An governmental entity can try and regulate the possession of any firearm by saying it falls outside of "common use".  And therein lies the danger.
The AR-15 is the most common rifle in the USA. It is in common use and thus should be protected from any prohibitions under Heller. Yet the leftists still push “assault weapons bans.”  Why?

Spin Zone / Re: The Hard Left and Treasonous Repubs never sleep
« on: February 28, 2019, 10:30:11 AM »
Michael does not remember when Reagan walked away from the table with Russia.
He wouldn’t acknowledge that even if he did. The leftist position is that Reagan didn’t do squat. They contend that the USSR was a collapsing regime anyway, so it would have happened even without the Cold War. I shit you not.


Now, I'll wait for the perfesser to come along and tell us how bad this deal is, and how Trump got "played" by VN.
I’m getting tired of all this winning. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Hard Left and Treasonous Repubs never sleep
« on: February 28, 2019, 09:40:46 AM »
Every time Trump attempts to negotiate with a foreign power, the libs immediately say Trump will be/was played because he either didn't get everything he wanted, or he didn't give anything up.  How did he get played if he didn't give up anything.

Or do you think it would be better if he didn't negotiate with them at all because they are just the junior varsity (as Obama said and did about ISIS)?  How did that work out?

Clinton and Obama gave up a ton of shit to NOKO, and got nothing in return, but nobody said they got played.

You and your liberal cohorts would prefer Trump fail to win anything rather than see him make progress that will help America.  Why is that?
Mikey would probably be happy if Trump showed up with pallets of billions of dollars in currency to give away to the Norks.

Spin Zone / Re: The Hard Left and Treasonous Repubs never sleep
« on: February 28, 2019, 09:36:51 AM »
It's a negotiation, and like any negotiation you need to know when to walk away.  It's a tactic and it's working.  It's hardly a failure.  When selling anything, if the buyer accepts your asking price right away then you asked for too little.
Exactly right. Steingar can’t see success because he’s so filled with hate.

No, it isn't.  Has anyone tried to tear down your Church?  Is the state closing in on your house of worship?  No, not in the least, and it never will.  Hell, America might be the Great Satan in some Muslim lands, but Muslims have greater liberty to practice their religion here than any of those nations.  Everyone can practice their religion.  All we want is to keep Govco out.  Yes, its in the Constitution.

I suspect you guys are looking for government approbation of religious practice.  That's what state sponsored religious paraphernalia is. If you really want to live in a theocracy you should try Russia, the Russian Orthodox church actually has a big hand in running the place now.  Enjoy yourselves.
Hey, dipshit. The point was the destruction of monuments of the past, not our current churches of today.  My factual assertion stands. Educate yourself in the things that you pretend to know, but clearly don’t have any idea.

The tearing down of statues and renaming of landmarks, buildings, etc is so reminiscent of what the communist do when they take over..     Coincidence?
Same with the Taliban and ISIS. It’s the path of tyranny. 

Forth or Fourth?
English language are hard.

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