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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 420 421 [422] 423 424 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: January 21, 2019, 05:25:43 PM »

Must travel many moons to go on Spirit Journey.  Liawatha think stage coach bad, Wall Street good smoke peace pipe.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau gives Squats with Unions opportunity for big wampum from extorting businesses for politics and profit. Almost like Jesse Jackson.

Nancy will ultimately suffer defeat over this. 

The dims are starting to question giving her the Speaker's gavel. 

BTW, notice Chuck is being somewhat quiet today.
Nancy is so frightened of the new Socialist activist members of her party that she’s doing everything in her power to out-Wacko them, which ain’t easy with Ocasio Cortez.

Spin Zone / Re: Is almost everyone here conservative??
« on: January 21, 2019, 04:43:25 PM »
Wasn't Trump formerly a democrat??  Just like Reagan?

If true on both, it's seems as if they liked the democrat ideas, but saw that the implementation was rather absurd.

I believe Mr. Username made a similar point.
Are you presuming Username’s gender?  Sorry, you’re banned for 1.8 seconds. Ok, ban is over. Welcome back. I hope you learned your lesson.

Ha.  Welcome to SZ. What causes you to be a NippleBoy? 

Spin Zone / Re: Is almost everyone here conservative??
« on: January 21, 2019, 12:03:06 PM »
^^^^Good idea.  Here are soime Democrat positions.

Man Made Climate Change - The Dems are for a "carbon tax", and a cap and trade program run by government.

Illegal Aliens/Border Security - The Dems are for Amnesty for illegals, which to me is the same a Open Borders.

Repeal Trump Tax cuts - This one baffles me.  They want to effectively raise rates even though we are seeing record Fed tax revenue.

Further restrict the extraction of domestic fossil fuels - Dems don't like drilling, fracking and they hate coal even if it is just for export.

"Free" college - yeah good luck with that.

"Free Health Care" - Single payer, government run healthcare.  Yeah good luck with that.

More gun control laws - We already have 22,000 gun laws on the books.  Most are unconstitutional, yet the Dems want more with the eventual ban and confiscation of most of them like the UK, and Australia have.  Criminals don't follow these laws, and if you disarm the law abiding they will be even more emboldened.

Can any of these be defended reasonably, and logically?  Other Dem talking points, strategies, or policies?
Regarding repealing the Trump tax cuts, the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher knew of this back in 1990:

“All levels of income are better off than they were in 1979. But what the honorable member is saying is that he would rather the poor were poorer provided the rich were less rich. That way you will never create the wealth for better social services as we have. And what a policy. Yes. He would rather have the poor poorer provided the rich were less rich. That is the Liberal (British Socialists) policy. Yes it came out. He didn’t intend it to but it did.”

Spin Zone / Re: Is almost everyone here conservative??
« on: January 21, 2019, 11:43:13 AM »
In comparison you probably are.  Today we have a Democrat Party hijacked by the FAR LEFT so even moderates are far right in comparison. 

I would encourage opposing views on this site, however, I don't see anyone really able to defend a Democrat position, or policy with anything but emotion, and name calling.
When you consider your opposition to be the literal embodiment of evil, and your position is reinforced by the willing accomplices in the media, then there are no lengths that are out of bounds if used to try to defeat evil.

That is how you get the violent, disruptive, uncivil attempts by the left to not just ignore but SILENCE the right or conservatives, by whatever means necessary and possible.

Spin Zone / Re: I was thinking....
« on: January 18, 2019, 08:56:05 AM »
What, just for THINKING? I’ll get the President to halt their transport.  :)
You don’t think the democrats consider re-education an essential government function?   Well, that plus killing babies.

Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: January 18, 2019, 08:51:57 AM »
Just wait until one of the MSM networks offers her $1miilion+/year contract.
AOC will turn 35 on 10/13/2024.

After 3 terms in the House of Reps, want to take money on the presumptive presidential democrat nominee for the 2024 presidential election? 

Spin Zone / Re: I was thinking....
« on: January 18, 2019, 08:45:52 AM »
You gentlemen will now be escorted to the political re-education camp, being run by Commandant Ocasio-Cortez. That black helicopter now hovering in your front yards is your ride. Enjoy the re-learning!

Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: January 18, 2019, 12:04:56 AM »
Sandy isn’t into power, she’s into celebrity.  Look for her to start hangin’ with the Hollyweird crowd.

I give her two terms, max.
I don’t think so. The salary of $174k is better than bartending. We need to prepare for a long haul with her. As ignorant as she is, the press gives her unlimited attention.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump hits back at Pelosi after a day of silence
« on: January 17, 2019, 09:36:53 PM »
Super good timing, too ... he waited until they were on the bus heading for the plane.
It was just ..... perfect. Man I love this guy. People think they can out-Trump Donald Trump. I’m not sure it’s possible.

Can you imagine the laughter in the meeting when it was proposed that Trump ground Pelosi and Schiff? 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump hits back at Pelosi after a day of silence
« on: January 17, 2019, 04:45:10 PM »
Love it.

What happens if she just ignores it and goes anyway?
I would imagine some full bird colonel will find he’s permanently based in Greenland.

This is so rich.

Dems can boycott SOTU. Half of Congress missing would really look good!

Or they can attend and look like pouty baby zombies while Trump unloads on them to all of America.

Then they can respond with canned pablum laced with liberal Kool Aid.
Fill the empty seats on the Democrat side of the aisle with Angel Moms. (Parents of children killed by illegal immigrants.).

Or give the SOTU from the border, with border agents as the audience.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump hits back at Pelosi after a day of silence
« on: January 17, 2019, 01:22:40 PM »
EPIC.  Mic drop. 

Much of Science seems to have become corrupt, and all about money and funding.  Scientist are now greedy, and biased in many instances.  Ethics have taken a back seat to greed, and personal gain.
THIS is what concerns me most. Last night I took a red eye back home, and driving home from the airport I listened to Coast to Coast AM with some host named George something. He had a physicist with a Ph.D. In nuclear chemistry or geochemistry. I think his name was Marvin Herndon or something. Anyway, the discussion was on geoengineering and I shit you not, chemtrails.  He had all kinds of information on some chemical from coal fly ash which is used to manipulate weather that was found in children, blah blah blah. He spoke about the “deep state perfect storm”, implying that government (military) manipulation of the weather is a direct cause of the CA wildfires, etc. 

So here’s the problem. Just as some pilots are vastly better than other pilots, some PhD scientists are vastly different from other PhD scientists. Throw in government political motivation for a desired outcome, government research grants potentially impacting objectivity, and media into the mix, and you get at best something that we ALL should be skeptical about.

So Steingar ridiculed the scientist that
Is the topic of this thread. I ridicule the lunatic scientist on Coast to Coast. Steingar’s measure for incontestable proof is “peer review”, but punctuated by what he feels or believes.  He used those terms above I believe. Yet are those peer reviewers pure as the wind driven snow, or are they potentially biased as well?  Is Steingar at the top of the genetic scientist heap, or is he at the bottom?  We don’t know, but I’m put on guard when he completely dismisses and ridicules the scientist in this article, or  climate scientists that don’t happen to match his scientific world view on MMCC.

Since you seem to believe that you're an expert Geneticist, I invite you to cite Watson's peer-reviewed findings in this area.  I doubt there are any, since he hasn't done any active bench research in decades.  He was instrumental in moving the human genome project forward, and his was the first genome sequenced.

The big difference between you all and me is that unlike you, I've met the man.  I also know a lot of the folks who worked around him at Cold Spring Harbor, they told fun stories.

What none of you grasp is that I have only said he hasn't the data to back up his contentions.  Had he I would object strongly to the Nobel committee taking away his award. Data is neither liberal nor conservative, and it is always, always correct.
Can you share with us the peer review findings of your experiment in your classroom that confirmed your findings about first born children?  I’d love to read that.

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