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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 436 437 [438] 439 440 ... 714
Pilot Zone / Re: Ooops. Oh well, lets just keep flying.
« on: October 18, 2018, 08:47:40 AM »
I think that is a different type of Indian.

My sister bought a nice house in a nice subdivision just north of Atlanta about 25 years ago.  The subdivision has seen a subsequent shift to predominately Indian, and they were concerned about property values.  They recently retired and sold their house.  They were amazed when the realtor recommended a listing price of almost double what they expected.  They were further amazed when the next day there was a bidding war going on and they got about $35k more than they listed for.

Then they moved to Panama City, just across the bay from Tyndall AFB, about a month before Michael hit them.  What goes around comes around. Or "Karma" or some such BS.

Unbelievable. Feinstein thinks reopening investigations into Kavanaugh is a compelling campaign promise?
It is stunning. I simply can’t believe that the radical, far left, vindictive and often violent side of the democrat party (the side that all democrat politicians except for Joe Manchin seems to be playing to) represents more than a fringe element of the democrat party.

What IS frightening is the character of the people who keep electing DiFi, Pelosi, and most stunningly Maxine Waters. Proof that aliens have in fact invaded and impregnated numerous Californians.

Spin Zone / Re: First Man - Short Review
« on: October 17, 2018, 02:14:12 PM »
Never saw it but yes. Year 2000.
It’s an outstanding movie.  I highly recommend it, especially if you were a child of the 1960s. 

Spin Zone / Re: Why Are Democrats So Violent?
« on: October 17, 2018, 01:47:28 PM »
How about sending him over to the Saudi Embassy for a visit?
Ha. I was thinking that but chose not to write it. Just kidding NSA! 

Spin Zone / Re: First Man - Short Review
« on: October 17, 2018, 01:45:23 PM »
Drive is an Indie film by Danish filmmaker Nicolas Winding Refn, sort of done in the style of a 70s action movie. While he did cast Ryan Gosling (who at the time was a rising star) as the main character, I think he does well in the role. In the movie he doesn't even have a name. It also makes great use of lack of dialogue. It is also quite violent in parts.

Anyway, I enjoyed it.
Was Gosling in Remember the Titans? (Obviously that’s easy to Google but can’t do it right now.)

Spin Zone / Re: Why Are Democrats So Violent?
« on: October 17, 2018, 01:42:46 PM »
Some of these "Mobs", and activist groups are funded by George Soros.  They are anything but "grass roots" organizations, but purposeful radical, destabilization groups.  A who's who of Communist activism.  Read it and weep.
Soros should be arrested and tried for treason.

Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 17, 2018, 12:54:06 PM »
Isn't fun one of the items that violate their ROC?
I think it’s now called the Front Porch of Aviation, if your Front Porch is at Wellesley College.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Are Democrats So Violent?
« on: October 17, 2018, 11:54:44 AM »
Another example. Two Republican candidates assaulted in MN.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Are Democrats So Violent?
« on: October 17, 2018, 11:00:41 AM »
There is so much violence coming from democrats (communists) that you'd think that it is impossible for the democrat (communist) agenda to win in any venue.

When did, 'Love Trumps Hate,' morph into, 'If you DARE disagree with our agenda we will beat your ass into the ground?'

Why is the left so willing to attack, abuse, harass and destroy in the name of political purity? Are we living in Nazi Germany these days?

Why do normal democrats permit their party to devolve into a steaming cauldron of hate, racism, anti-semitism, flagrant discrimination, lawlessness, arsonists and thugs? And that is really only touching the surface.

George Lopez, a has been comedian who promised to move to Canada if Donald Trump was elected President, attacked a man in a bar. Cell phone footage has surfaced of him instigating the violence, for cheering Donald Trump and saying (wait for it) MAGA in a public place.

Non-violent, non-pansy democrats are literally afraid to speak up because of the viciousness of their own party.

ANTIFA takes over downtown Portland and attacks people for 'disobeying orders' from the thug-o-cracy.

Arson, destruction of property and assault has become the new agenda of the left and normal democrats (if any exist anymore) stand by and let it happen, just like normal Catholics stood by while their priests became the largest pedophile ring on earth.

What drives a political party to toss off decency in their haste to grab, and/or retain power?

Lizzy Warren, Hilary Clinton and Mental Maxine have no real corner on the mass insanity that really is the heart of the democrat (communist) party.

The question is, why do non-insane people in the party allow it, stand for it, and refuse to stop it?
I would add one more group to your list. The non-violent but pansy Democrats, inclusion most politicians, who WILLINGLY AND KNOWINGLY fail to condemn violence committed on their behalf by groups like Antifa, BLM, and worse. Listen to the protestations by politicians and the media
Against calling such groups “the M word”, MOBS, even though those same projectionists called the Tea Party mobs.

Filth, all of them.

Spin Zone / Re: Murder for hire by Saudi royal family
« on: October 17, 2018, 10:51:32 AM »
Trump is actually just being consistent, he ALWAYS pushes wanting to have info before making decisions/statements about 'facts'.

If it comes out the Crown Prince is behind this there will be hell to pay, somehow.

If the Saud family wants to go to economic war this is the wrong President to do that with.

It is just as possible that this was actually an interrogation gone wrong as deliberate murder, but we don't actually know anything yet.

Waiting to pass judgement is the right thing to do, IMO.

I agree completely. And if the Saudi’s want to play the oil game like back when OPEC actually mattered, I could see Trump exponentially increasing our drilling and fracking to drive down oil prices so the Saudis take it in the shorts just for threatening us.

Spin Zone / Re: Murder for hire by Saudi royal family
« on: October 17, 2018, 10:47:46 AM »
He was dismembered while still alive by a pathologist who could do an autopsy in 7 minutes. Lovely.

Spin Zone / Re: First Man - Short Review
« on: October 17, 2018, 06:10:57 AM »
Al to beat the USSR.  Once that was over, so was any initiative we had to "explore" space.  Now we can't leave Earth without hitching a ride with them.  So who won?  Sad.
You’re exactly right. Our inability to be able to launch our own damned astronauts into space is a national disgrace. I would love it if this became a priority of Trump.

I heard there was a record number of applicants for the most recent NASA astronaut class. Maybe that’s because hey want participation trophies and know they probably will never go up in space in a Soviet spam can.

Pilot Zone / Flying Club adding Cessna 180....holy cow
« on: October 16, 2018, 10:52:54 AM »
I used to share the pattern with PT-26's, PT-19's and some other Fairchilds as their was a Fairchild restoration shop on the field where I was once based.  They are very cool aircraft.  My uncle flew a PT-19 during WWII as a civilian flight instructor, and his only comment that I remember was that it was underpowered.

That has to be a really cool experience to fly that plane.
It is underpowered with a 200hp Ranger engine and 2,800# gross weight, but that was probably the point as a primary trainer. It cruises at about 105 mph.

We have a wooden cruise prop on it, so taking off on a short field full of 45 gal of gas, 3.5 gallons of oil, and a couple 21st century Wisconsin boys in warm weather makes for an interesting takeoff.  It’s even more interesting flying off a grass field. I sometimes need to leave some gas on the ground.

I love it though. The PT-26 has a canopy, as you know, which makes spring and fall flying pleasant. You can also fly with one or both canopies fully opened, which gives you the best of both worlds. Nothing like flying with your elbow on the rail like your driving a pickup truck.

This is me with a friend from our wing.  Picture was taken by my friend’s wife in the back of their deHavilland Chipmunk. He also owns a Harvard, but of course that’s impossible to fly formation with the PT as it’s too fast.

Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 16, 2018, 10:39:23 AM »

Pilot Zone / Re: Flying Club adding Cessna 180....holy cow
« on: October 16, 2018, 10:36:04 AM »
They fly like a Chevy truck. Of course, it's mostly a 182 with the wheel on the proper end. Wouldn't entice me at all if I regularly flew a Yak-attack. The club check out will be interesting. I have very little time in them - wasn't impressed.
That tailwheel experience will prepare gimp for a tailwheel Warbird some day. Join the CAF, Gimp.  There are several wings or squadrons in CA.

I really enjoy flying the Fairchild PT-26. It’s good preparation for me to move up to our SNJ next year.

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