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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 442 443 [444] 445 446 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:16:29 AM »
This is getting surreal now.  "Moderator attitude"?  "Better than us"?
I think we need to put together a moderator budget to purchase participation trophies for those who, through no fault of our own, weren’t chosen to be Supreme Leaders of the Galaxy (a/k/a “moderators”) yet still need to be validated as being important and valued members of this board.

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:07:09 AM »
With nothing better to do - and without something legitimate to whine about,m the children have chosen to throw a tantrum because Bryan with a ‘Y’ might not get to repetitively post his spam picture of Ottis, and that makes them feel threatened because...



Oh, yeah.

Just because!

Spin Zone / Re: Moderation
« on: September 26, 2018, 10:22:25 PM »
I move that the moderators designated for the sole purpose of removing porn, spam and bots do so according to their discretion.  If a post doesn’t neatly fall in one if those categories, I move that the moderators notify us so we can decide.

You have to trust someone sometime. This is that time.
Thank you, Becky.  So you mean we all act as adults.  What a novel concept! 

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 26, 2018, 10:13:28 PM »
Yeah, well - no. I'm not big on the 'you have to trust me I know what I'm doing'. I trusted to the owner of the purple board and I got screwed big time. This was to be unmoderated. I get that there's a need to keep us free of bots, and porn. I applaud and commend those who find and kill those types. Kudos for making my browsing more pleasurable, and less obtrusive. As for anything else - my only advice is keep your hands in your pockets unless or until there is some kind of huge outpouring of concern from us great unwashed masses.
Thanks for the advice.  We’ll memorialize it in bylaws and get it recorded in the county recorders office. 

Or, we can all be fucking adults and grow up and realize nothing has changed. 

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 26, 2018, 10:09:54 PM »
It's pretty simple, folks.

This site arose out of disgust for the shutting down of our other "home" -- the UNmoderated Spin Zone on PoA -- and the heavy-handed, one-sided, bullshit moderation of the remainder of the site. I've been "here" since the beginning, and "there" for years prior. So have others here. Do take a look at some of the first threads on this site. Oh look, here's one -

Emphasis mine.

Many of you constantly denigrate the moderators and moderation of the other site. And rightly so, I might add. So imagine our surprise, when three here are suddenly titled. No discussion, no announcement, no vote, no advanced indication of what would be moderated, or how, and by what metrics. It took another user saying "what the hell?" to even find out what happened.

It doesn't really matter if you "promise" to only moderate the spam and the porn. The appearance of it ain't good, and past promises are no guarantee of future performance, as PoA is our guide. There are some ways you could, at the very least, mitigate the appearance of it all, but I don't detect even a modicum of interest in doing so.

So that's where we're at.
You were told what the reason was that we were asked, and how we were selected: by post count. Stop being so fucking sensitive. 

Nothing has changed here. 

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 26, 2018, 09:57:27 PM »

BTW, I'm guilty of "moderation".  Yes, yes I did it!  Yep, I deleted several bot postings!

Perhaps I offended the bots.  Maybe I should be banned for dissing bots.
Since you’re the guilty one, you need to set up a folder system into which you will deposit potential bot or spam posts.  Then contact MIT and ask them to create an algorithm so that members of this board can vote on and weigh the strength of the bot (I.e. Russian, Chinese, or Norwegian, for example) and determine whether or not they are bothered by it. 

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 26, 2018, 09:41:42 PM »
Was the offending post so moderated out of existence one if these categories? And, if yes - is there any leeway in what is or is not in the definition of such category(porn is rather obvious)?
I don’t know as I didn’t see it. We didn’t talk about it at out moderator retreat in Las Vegas. As for leeway, are we supposed to take a poll or something?  I think we should trust our fellow members who happen to have been asked to moderate this thing to be adults and make the call.  Jesus, this place doesn’t pay enough.

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:50:29 PM »
While I appreciate your request, I am disinclined to acquiesce to it.

The moderator cabal may have to get over complaints about moderation on a forum that AROSE out of complaints about moderation. I'm not the only one against it, but I am the most vocal.
Let me get this straight. Your panties are in a bunch because Anthony deleted one single stupid spam-like post from Bryan whatever his name is? 

If there is a wider conspiracy being perpetrated by this “moderator cabal,” please advise us as to what exactly is causing your concern.  If it’s one post, then fuck it. Honest to God.

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:39:31 PM »
No offense, but your moderator entitlement is coming out in your posts, as I'm not sure why you have the authority to "nope" a suggestion. Many of us participating here came over when it was founded. I registered same day as you, in fact, and before one, and way before another, of the moderators.

I have no interest in being a moderator, but if we're going to implement moderation, I can't think of a good reason to anoint a few, on a forum that was founded on UNmoderation, in lieu of a policy that would allow the group to decide what should and should not be suppressed (not deleted).
“Moderator entitlement?”  You’ve got to be fucking shitting me.

I said “Nope” because you want something done with folders, votes, and what not. I’m not willing to put any time into doing anything that requires any effort for this board, thus “nope.” 

If you want this job, have at it. But don’t ask me to do something that you want done, and then say I’m “entitled” when I decline to do work for your suggestion.

The only ask of me by our founder was to delete porn, spam or bot posts. Thus endeth my “moderator entitlement.” 

Spin Zone / In case of emergency
« on: September 26, 2018, 02:56:25 PM »
In case PilotSpin becomes a victim of the resistance because of our policy of absolute free speech, and gets shut down, here’s a plan. Someone go to Pilots of America and start a thread where we can unobtrusively regather and start another site, and provide direction to it.

Moderators, three members have expressed their desire for no moderation at all, or moderation only by consent of the moderated. Please heed.

And I will remind everyone that fighting amongst oneselves, especially over trivial matters, is a win for the enemy.

In this case the enemy is the barely annoying Shamalamadingdong. 
I just saw this thread. I guess I’m really on top of things.

See my response in the “divorce” thread as to why a few of us are moderators.

Spin Zone / Re: divorces
« on: September 26, 2018, 02:50:43 PM »
Thought this was an unmoderated forum?  ::)

A better idea than anointing a few with powers, which is contrary to the spirit in which this forum was created, might be to allow all members to vote a post into a hidden or "folded" status after a certain number of down votes. Said post could be unfolded by any person wishing to read what was in it. Or a user who wasn't a total snowflake pansy-ass who needed to be shielded from emotional harm could turn off all post hiding.
Nope. Not interested in protecting snowflakes.

The only reason a few of us were made moderators (and that was based on post count only - step up your game and you can be a supreme commander of the galaxy too) was to more quickly intercept and delete porn or spam or bot traffic that pops up from time to time. I haven’t seen porn posts since the first year PS was around, so I’m sure our founder took care of that somehow. But we still get some spam or bot traffic on occasion.

My smartphone requires either my thumbprint or a password long enough for me to not always remember it.  If someone else gets it they're ogling to have a tough time breaking in, recall that the FBI wants phone makers to include a back door so they can get in?

Personally, I think it a damn good idea.  We have the lowest levels of voter participation of just about any democracy.  Anything to get people voting gets my nod.  I've always thought election day should be a national holiday.  What could be more American and central to our way of life?
Negative. Getting people to vote in the absence of knowledge of the issues and candidates is NOT a good thing. Just because we have a more apathetic and ignorant populace than other countries doesn’t mean we need to make it easier for the lethargic sloths to vote.

The effort to vote in the US is mind-numbingly easy. You register and present your bona fides, and then you absentee or early vote, or get to the polls on Election Day. There is literally no excuse for not voting in this country, so if people are too lazy to get off their asses and undertake the privileges of citizenship, then I don’t want them voting.  The “right to vote” should also come with the expectation of making yourself knowledgeable, don’t you think?

Spin Zone / Re: #I give up
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:51:43 PM »
Invflatspin, a fantastic story, wonderfully told. I have hope now, too, but didn’t before. I hadn’t thought until Rush mentioned it about the military going left and kicking in as a socialism/Dem enforcement arm. Scary!

On election night when Trump won Florida, and the NYT algorithm showed him with a 99% chance of winning, I felt like I could finally breathe again. The world seemed bigger, more full of great possibility. The relief was YUGE!

Little Joe is married to a liberal, so that makes it all more discouraging for him. But even liberals are showing disgust at what their party has become. History show that people and countries don’t change until they become disgusted with themselves. Dems are.
Perhaps, just perhaps, this disgust will prevent us from going the way of the Roman Empire.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 24, 2018, 01:11:44 PM »
WH just released a letter from Kavanaugh, I was, sadly, expecting he would withdraw given the awful treatment he and his family have been getting - nope - he's a fighter, will not be intimidated, is not withdrawing and is sticking it out.

I now predict he will be confirmed on Thursday and I feel better.

Confirmed by the full senate, or moved out of the Judiciary Committee?  My hope is that they move immediately to the full senate, and ignore the Judiciary Committee. It has been turned into a circus side show and is not a required part of the “advice and consent” clause.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 24, 2018, 12:59:48 PM »
OK, stick a fork in him, he's done.

Unfair, but I warned y'all about baggage.
Baggage?  It’s no more truthful than the original claim. 

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