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Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: Today at 06:15:27 AM »
In the tiny, little minds of leftists, anything that doesn’t worship whatever bullshit their masters tell them they are all for, today, is racist.
The "You're a racist!" thing has been so overused that people are now saying "Yeah, so what?"  No longer is it a weapon that causes instant capitulation.  A word that was once useful in describing unacceptable behavior is now meaningless.

Spin Zone / Re: Biden trying to take over states’ National Guards
« on: May 06, 2024, 01:58:05 PM »
Off topic... the Space Force has to be reorganized.  It should have proper naval ranks.  Otherwise all science fiction has to be rewritten.  And a new name.  Why wasn't anyone with a brain consulted before this started? 

Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« on: May 05, 2024, 09:30:08 AM »
This administration reminds me of a freak show at the circus.
The circus analogy is excellent.  I remember going to a three-ring circus when I was very young.  They used one ring as a distraction as they dismantled the other rings for the next act.  Lions in cages in ring 1, then clowns in ring 2 as they dismantled ring 1, then acrobats in ring 3 as they set up ring 1 for something else.  Always distraction from the real dismantling and setting up something different.  Now I wonder what all these campus riots are trying to distract us from?  or what are they setting up that we won't see?  And the price for admission to this circus is all the money you have.

Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« on: May 05, 2024, 05:56:39 AM »
Pretty much everything the regime does is staged.  This is yet another indication of the communist behind the scenes. 

If they manage to steal the upcoming election, the next phase will be huge billboards of the president everywhere, with some message.   Then, internet will be heavily censored and monitored.  You will only see and hear state approved media.

We are almost there.  One more election seals the deal.
I'm not so sure.  Looking at the UK, they have had a HUGE influx of Muslim immigrants.  Resulting in mayors and other elected officials who advocate Sharia Law.  A recently elected person said that Sharia Law will be the law of the land in 10 to 20 years.  With unrestricted immigration there is nothing keeping that from happening here.  The democrats will have their day by stealing elections.  But their policies will open up their eventual demise to Muslim law.  And we see the foreshadowing of this in the "elite" college campuses as the sheep bow to the latest thing.

Spin Zone / Re: This Land is Mine
« on: May 03, 2024, 06:57:35 AM »
When I get told "OK Boomer" I simply reply "OK renter".

Rusty & Student Pilots / Re: Accelerated Instrument vs. regular
« on: April 30, 2024, 09:35:27 AM »
Here we are at the end of April.  Flying as often as the weather permits.  Approaches, procedure turns, holds, frequency changes, and getting used to ATC directions.  Amazing how a CFII can make 1.5 hours seem like 6.  Getting smoother as I get the routine down. It's actually starting to be a lot of fun!

Best part was the end of a VOR approach... Foggles off, get aligned, landing configuration, slow down.  10 knot crosswind.  A King Air waiting for takeoff watching my every move.  Landed a three point squeaker.  Instructor said, "THAT'S how you tailwheel!".   Felt really good.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: April 30, 2024, 08:16:05 AM »
Her husband will probably stop asking to do it "doggy style".

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 29, 2024, 05:51:55 AM »
It all became clear when the latest billions of dollars was to "slow the Russian advance".  Like two weeks to slow the spread of covid.  It won't win the war.  It will allow it to go on and on and on.

Spin Zone / Re: Keep animals off your table
« on: April 24, 2024, 05:59:09 AM »
Nope.  Floss first, rinse with mouthwash to remove the ick, then brush.  This is the only proper way to do it.  So there! :)

I think the dental assistant flosses last to get rid of all the polishing compound that might get stuck between the teeth.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 20, 2024, 08:36:21 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Nixon’s parting words
« on: April 20, 2024, 07:21:44 AM »
Nixon was one of our greatest presidents.  And in that clip, he's not wrong.

Spin Zone / Re: Man sets himself on fire outside Trump trial
« on: April 20, 2024, 07:20:22 AM »
If only all the "mostly peaceful" protesters would do the same instead of destroying private property and inconveniencing the general public.  Come on!  Show some dedication to your cause!

Spin Zone / Re: Your Government Hates You
« on: April 18, 2024, 08:26:10 AM »
Exactly!  RDS would be good in a "normal" time.  We need a fighter.  We need a real wartime president.  And the enemy is within.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Government Hates You
« on: April 18, 2024, 04:36:04 AM »
It's a disgrace.  Where's the media outrage and public outrage?
The media suppresses any reporting of outrage.  And public outrage is physically discouraged.  It's out there... all bottled up and ready to explode.

Spin Zone / Re: Looks like Iran is attacking Israel
« on: April 16, 2024, 10:16:56 AM »
Number 1 is also a growing concern.  Why are protesters allowed to block roads?  Like roads into ORD or JFK?  Or across bridges?  Or elsewhere?  The police stand by and do nothing.  Except maybe arrest motorists who have had enough and try to remove the protesters.  Sure, go ahead and protest.  That's your right.  But don't mess with people trying to get on with their lives.  And costing those people money (missing their flights) or their livelihood (being late for or missing work entirely).  I say get a line of front-loaders and peacefully move the protesters out of the way.

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