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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 13, 2021, 10:57:30 AM »
When they did the study to see if hydroxychloroquine worked, they only gave it to people already hospitalized, then published that it doesn’t work. That’s too late, you have to give it early.
Don’t forget, this anti-hydroxychloroquine phenomenon only came about because Donald Trump said he was taking it, and actually talked about it in a press conference.

That drug had to be destroyed no matter how many people it may have saved, because orange man bad.

Spin Zone / Re: Masks on little kids
« on: August 13, 2021, 06:15:44 AM »
I'm old enough to remember this
Exactly. To my knowledge no advanced scientific research has occurred within the last year that supports that masks do a single thing. The surgeon general and even fuckin’ Fauci said as much 16 months ago.

Yet the mask Nazis think that they have science in their side. They don’t.

Spin Zone / Re: Marriage is racist!
« on: August 12, 2021, 12:21:02 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Just Wholesome Fun. Nothing to see here.
« on: August 12, 2021, 09:36:13 AM »
Vivid illustration of how dirty and corrupt our political class is: He says “I make like a gazillion dollars”… it’s all political bribes! China, Ukraine, he’s not “making” money like the rest of us do.

Joe Biden excuses his son as having a drug problem, as if they were an ordinary family like us with a problem kid, while his son was being used to funnel obscene amounts of money to both of them.

The Bidens allowed themselves to be blackmailed, bribed and ultimately manipulated to get Joe into the White House as a Trojan horse for the communist wing of the Democrat Party; there is not a speck of integrity in either of them. As filthy and corrupt as anyone I’ve ever seen yet the Dems and the media are perfectly fine with it. How anyone can be okay with this is beyond me yet there are people on this very board who voted for this scum’s scummy dad.
I can’t even bring myself to watch the video of that methmouth, it sickens me so much.  We have sunk so far.

But hey, Trump said “pussy” 15 years ago, so at least we don’t have that.

It's funny, western Europeans don't seem to grasp the concept of freedom as understood in the United States. This is not true of all foreigners. I am FaceBook friends with a Nigerian woman who immigrated to the U.S. She "gets it". My hairdresser from Cuba gets it. My acquaintance from China gets it, I guess because she is not a plant from the CCP. There's a YouTuber refugee from NK that seems to get it.

But I can't think of anyone I know from France, Germany, or the UK that isn't fine with rule by the government as opposed to by the people.
What is frightening is the total acquiescence to government rule by virtually ALL of the parliamentary constitutional monarchy countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the entire U ties Kingdom. What the fuck?  Australia is going back to its roots as a prison, keeping its citizens from leaving. All acquiescing to severe virus shutdowns, gun confiscations, and even giving up free speech rights. Madness.

Every totalitarian regime curtails its citizens’ rights “for the common good.”  In all of human history such subjugation has yet to turn out well for those subjects.

Spin Zone / Re: Marriage is racist!
« on: August 11, 2021, 03:14:22 PM »
Up until just a few years ago, YES, they were incapable of getting elected.LBJ was white and he had a lot to do with it, as did almost every white "liberal" that passed laws and insisted that blacks couldn't take care of themselves.
Oh please. The first black elected to Congress was a Republican from Mississippi in 1869. The black congressional caucus was founded by 13 black congressmen in 1971 - 50 YEARS AGO. 

I don’t care what white liberals did in the 1960s. I care that a black woman, TODAY, said that having a father in the house is white privilege.  Values aren’t privilege.  Just like you can’t fix stupid, I as a white man can’t fix black culture.

Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 11, 2021, 02:29:56 PM »
Again, anyone who believes the fedgov or the DCP actually gives a shit about covid just look at the southern border.  Tells you all you need to know.

 20%+ coming in are covid, and the US fedgov is busing and flying them all over the country.  People sick with covid are being placed on airliners with healthy people.   People sick with covid are being dumped into unsuspecting communities.

 Xiden wants travelers flying into the US to have vaccine papers, but unknown individuals can walk across our southern border with no identification and no proof of vaccine.   How fuckin' moronic.
I know this is a wild conspiracy theory, and I haven’t talked to Alex Jones about it yet, but wouldn’t it be unbelievable if Biden purposefully shipped illegal immigrants, including those with Covid, to primarily red states, so their governors get the blame for a rise in Covid cases? 

Phew. I’m sure glad I’m not a conspiracy theorist. That’s CRAZY TALK.

Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 10, 2021, 12:06:07 PM »
Just writing or talking about it can kill you.

 Been nice to know ya!
Just to get this down on the record, I have no knowledge whatsoever of the personal affairs of Bill or Hillary Clinton.

Spin Zone / Re: New Covid Surge
« on: August 09, 2021, 10:29:31 AM »
I don't know that it was ever actually stated, but it appeared the initial goal was to get Trump out of office.

After that was successful, it transitioned into passing every item on the liberal wish list before the frogs realized how hot the water is getting.
Very well stated.

I’d also add that it was a trial run at the conduct of a totalitarian state. And the experiment went well.

Spin Zone / Re: Infrastructure Scam
« on: August 09, 2021, 08:35:07 AM »
I realize that since it is a liberal idea, we are supposed to be against it, but I sort of like the idea.

If Trump has proposed it, liberals would be up on arms saying it is racist and unduly penalizes the poor, who can least afford it.

Gas taxes are a problem now that Electric cars are taking off, and because ICE based cars are getting  better mileage.  So a per/mile user fee seems the best strategy to me to pay for roads and infrastructure.

My only problem with it is that any time you create a source of funds to the government, they spend multiples of that amount and then want more.
You’ve got to be kidding me. Having the government track every mile you drive, and where you drive, shouldn’t be a concern only for conservatives. My God, since when did liberty become a solely conservative cause? 

Here are ways to raise road money:

1) Register an electric car with your state?  Feds send you a bill.

2) Create a surcharge for electric utilities that are providing your “free” electricity.

3) Put in a home charging station for your EV?  You get charged a tax on that.

Etc. etc.

You can’t possibly believe this per mile scheme is designed to raise money. It’s designed to penalize rural and suburban drivers, and drive them into the urban centers so they don’t have to pay extra costs for their commute. Ultimately, it’s about control. That’s it.

Spin Zone / Re: Living in the new Tyranny
« on: August 06, 2021, 10:36:12 AM »
It’s not true Trump can do no wrong to me. He can do plenty wrong, I disagree with him on the drug war for example. Also, I wasn’t in favor of an eviction moratorium from the start, don’t recall whether I said so on this forum, but if I didn’t it wasn’t because I thought he could do no wrong.

I defend his support of it, if any, in this thread, only in the sense that all his decisions were made under emergency circumstances facing a lot of unknowns, by comparison with Biden today. That doesn’t mean I ever thought lockdowns were a good idea, certainly not just because Trump was going along with them. He was in an impossible situation and would have been blamed for all covid deaths if he hadn’t, which he is anyway, as it turns out.

Hindsight it was all a disaster and he might not have been able to stop it even if he had stood against it! It was the Democrat governors at state levels doing it anyway, his mistake was trusting Fauci and giving him a platform. Trump very quickly started reversing course and saying we need to reopen the economy.

There is no comparison with him and the current administration’s scorched earth approach this far down the road. Trump was trying to minimize covid deaths while keeping in mind the country still needs to function; Biden et al are trying to destroy the country, its middle class and its economy.  Night and day.
I agree with most of this. A couple points:

1). Trump only “went along” with lockdowns only because he knew FedGov had no authority to overrule the states under the 10th Amendment. It was a brilliant move not to even consider any federal authority here; he let the states decide.

2). The uncertainty in March 2020 was so significant that he gets a pass on most things in my book, AND he gets a big atta boy for working to reverse course once the lethality and transmissibility were more well known.

3). He continued to make mistakes surrounding himself with swamp creatures. Fauci went to the NIH straight out of his medical residency in 1968. He has never been a practicing physician, but he has the swamp down pat.

Spin Zone / Re: Living in the new Tyranny
« on: August 06, 2021, 09:45:11 AM »
Yeah, but you're right.  The only reason nobody here was complaining about this when Trump was president was because Trump was president.  He could no wrong to them.  Or maybe they just didn't know.
Grow the fuck up.

Congress passed, and Trump signed, the CARES Act, which had a 120 day foreclosure moratorium that began on 3/27/20. It expired 7/25/20.

Trump’s 8/2/20 EO didn’t extend this moratorium; it directed HUD to identify funds to provide aid to struggling renters, and to “promote the ability of renters and homeowners to avoid eviction or foreclosure.”

This is vastly different from Biden directing the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL to halt foreclosures.

Spin Zone / Re: Coumo
« on: August 05, 2021, 11:34:19 AM »
It becomes clearer now … Pelosi and the squad need to get laid. Men, do your patriotic duty!!!

There is only one Truth, and it isn’t of this world.

When any government or its wholly-owned media accomplices tell you what the truth is, it’s because they have evil intent.  It is our duty to reject them.

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