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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: Democrats WANT a Depression to unseat Trump
« on: April 23, 2020, 06:57:54 AM »
Dude, we don't need a depression to unseat Trump. All that's needed this time around is to run a Trump vs. Trump campaign.

Show Trump side by side saying one thing on one date vs. another thing on another date, constantly contradicting himself. Ad after ad after ad.

We can run a barely alive democrat and still do this. Which frankly, we seem to be doing...

Yet the economy was doing great, with historically low unemployment, great stock market, great housing market, consumer confidence at all time highs, and very LOW Energy Prices and low inflation to enable people to have more disposable income.  REAL WAGES were rising for the first time in thirty years due to the pressure on companies to find labor. 

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS bans immigration
« on: April 22, 2020, 04:52:46 PM »
So Rush, combing back to your statement:

It took 6 minutes and 2 replies (of which 1 of them was mine) before we got to:

Proud of your trolling?

This is a very typical and almost universal response from his base, which is why I trolled exactly for it.

So again, why are you proud of this???

Next time you say: "His base has NO PROBLEM WITH LEGAL IMMIGRANTS", keep this in mind.

PS: Thanks for taking the bait Lucifer, I didn't mean anything personal by my response. If you didn't, someone else would have.

EVERY developed nation has STRICT IMMIGRATION laws and guidelines.  ALL ARE MERIT BASED.  Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, France, most of the rest of Europe, Japan etc, etc etc.   Why must the U.S. except mostly ILLEGAL, but sometime legal LEECHES on society and the taxpayer?  Why must we be different from everyone else that has SANE Immigration Policy?

Why are you promoting policy that is DESTRUCTIVE to America and also provides HARDSHIP for its LEGAL CITIZENS?  Because it makes YOU FEEL GOOD?   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: 2020 Census
« on: April 22, 2020, 11:11:31 AM »
My DNA indicated I am 1/1023rd Indian (American Indian not Quickie Mart Indian).  So I am 1/1000th more Indian than Elizabeth Warren.   Please now refer to me as Chief Fulla Bull. 

Chief Wahoo

Spin Zone / Re: who has the courage of conviction...
« on: April 21, 2020, 07:05:30 AM »
I was at Walmart yesterday and an employee was helping me by getting a product from the back. He was wearing a mask that covered his mouth but not his nose, and as we talked he finally pulled the thing down completely and said, I can’t stand this thing, it makes me feel like I’m suffocating. I said “me too!  I can’t stand having something covering my mouth and nose”. I strongly suspected I wasn’t alone. But he said he had to wear it, all employees were being made to, and he looked around surreptitiously and pulled it back up when he saw a supervisor.  I sure hope that sweet guy doesn’t lose his job because he’s having trouble complying with this insanity.

Our Governor has ruled that we MUST all wear masks in stores now.  Employees AND customers.  So, I do, because they can refuse to sell to you if you don't.  I only put it on when walking in to the store, then take it off again when I leave.  It is a construction, dust mask that does absolutely nothing for germs.  Many are wearing cloth bandannas and scarves like Old West cattle rustlers and bank robbers used to wear. 

I think I am going to buy a cowboy hat, and wear my six gun openly with a bandanna over my face, and pretend it is Halloween when I go to the grocery store. 

But you can turn it over to engineers.  We're very, very practical.

Tim (Only half kidding)

I have several engineers that work for me and have worked with and for me over the years and I have to reign in their insanity every once in a while.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Time to Reopen the Country
« on: April 20, 2020, 09:42:11 AM »

This is just more evidence that highlights the fact that we need to separate Metro Area "America" from the rest of real AMERICA.  The policies of major Cities and their Suburbs are often not only unnecessary elsewhere, but are at odds with the interests of people in lesser populated areas.  In effect these regions need separate laws and representation that just pertains to THEM, not city dweebs and vica versa. 

Spin Zone / Re: Going to Phase 1 and beyond
« on: April 19, 2020, 06:34:26 PM »
The death rate is going to end up not much more than regular flu if that, but the damage is done. The government has learned that it can bind and hobble us, while we submissively oblige, as our jobs are taken, our life savings decimated, and our supply chains disrupted, as we cower in fear over a disease with a 99.5% survival rate. Fucking unbelievable.

They will use this from now on.

What's next?

Spin Zone / Re: Going to Phase 1 and beyond
« on: April 19, 2020, 03:08:57 PM »
There’s a lot about this whole thing that’s stupid and illogical.

The LEFT (Media, Democrats and yes the Medical Community) has created a whole new standard for risk tolerance.

Spin Zone / Re: The natives are getting restless
« on: April 16, 2020, 06:20:58 AM »
If a majority of people and businesses do it, what are they going to do? They can’t jail everyone. Declare martial law and start shooting citizens?

That's my thought.  If ENOUGH businesses do it, then Government may not be able to do much.  At some point we have to take our futures into our own hands. 

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Lab Bat
« on: April 16, 2020, 06:09:54 AM »
To me the WHO is just another United Nations.  Anti American, Progressive, and Globalist.  We need to get out of both or at least reduce our funding. 

Spin Zone / Re: The natives are getting restless
« on: April 16, 2020, 05:15:13 AM »
Agree, traffic is now near normal, lots of people out and about. If they don't open the country by May 1, people are going to be very antsy. I really think that is a key date, most can be patient until end of month, but if this spills over into next month, all bets are off.

If we are not fully open on May 1st, I hope businesses start violating what ever orders and edicts their GOVERNORS have proclaimed in open defiance. 

Spin Zone / Re: what are you going to do with your stimulus "check"?
« on: April 15, 2020, 01:56:07 PM »
100LL.  It's great with a splash of Lime. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Planes you seldom see anymore
« on: April 15, 2020, 08:51:23 AM »
Anybody have time in a PA-20 Piper Pacer?

Bob raises a good point.  Testing resources are spread thin, and the virus does radically different things in different people.  Saddest thing is we can't tell who's immune.  Teach those folks some basic medicine and have them take care of COVID patients.  They can't get it anymore.

Lots of uncertainty, though what little we do know is scary.  Stay safe guys, any of us could get kacked by this one.

You damn liberal, progressive!!!  Why don't you.........

Oh wait.  Good info.  Thanks.     ;D

I have personal experience with this. I was defamed in a newspaper by an elected city official because I had a lawsuit against the city.  We tried to go after the city official and the paper, but couldn’t because of the public nature of my lawsuit, I was considered a “public figure”.  Threading the needle in these suits is extremely difficult, hence why the media has such disregard.

I have relatives with vowels on the end of their names for that. 

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